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    Play on our servers and have a lot of fun.

    There are currently 168/230 players on 3 of our servers!

    The most players online was on August 21st, 2022 6:06 PM with 248/294 players on our servers!

  • CS:S ZE Event #406 - WELCOME TO GULAG

    CS:S Zombie Escape Event #406
    01/02/2025 - 1AM GMT+1 (Server Time)

    6 Days of VIP to winners!

    1232467996790751252.gif Discord: Event Timestamp
    1232467996790751252.gif IP: css.nide.gg:27015
    1232467996790751252.gif Steam: NiDE Steam Group

    🗺️ Maps to be played:

    ze_tkara_v1 [Download Here]

    ze_christmas_infection_v2_3 [Download Here]

    ze_snowflower_laboratory_v1 [Download Here]

    ze_siberia_1990_v1_2c [Download Here]

    ze_cyberia_css1 [Download Here]

    ⏰ Event Times:
    🇫🇷 France 

    01/02/2025 @ 1AM GMT+1:00
    🇺🇸 USA
    (New York)

    31/01/2025 @ 7PM GMT-5:00
    🇮🇳 India

    01/02/2025 @ 5:30PM GMT+5:30
    🇦🇺 Australia

    01/02/2025 @ 11AM GMT+11:00
    🇷🇺 Russia

    01/02/2025 @ 3AM GMT+3:00

    If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link.

    📜 Special Rules:
    Rules will be strictly enforced during the event!
    Voice and Chat spam will not be tolerated and may result in penalties without warning.

    Any type of trolling will have severe consequences!


    🎁 Rewards:
    Anyone willing to lead will get some extra VIP days as a reward.
    Winning the map 
    ze_tkara_v1 will grant you 1 days of vip.
    Winning the map
    ze_christmas_infection_v2_3 will grant you  1 days of vip.
    Winning the map
    ze_snowflower_laboratory_v1 will grant you  2 days of vip.
    Winning the map
    ze_siberia_1990_v1_2c will grant you  1 days of vip.
                                                                                                               Winning the map
    ze_cyberia_css1 will grant you 1 days of vip.                                                                                                               

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