NiDE CS:S Zombie Escape VIP has the follow privileges:
SpoilerGeneral Privileges:
- Access to Custom Skins only available to VIPs - allows to change your default skin to some cool one
- Glow Skin Colors - allows to change your skin color
- Rainbow Skin Color - allows to make your skin color as rainbow
- Colored Chat - allows to customize colored chat settings on server
- Tracers - allows to use bullets tracers when shooting
- VIP Menu - available by typing !vip in chat on server
- Connect Announce - Type !joinmsg in chat for a custom connect message when you join the server
- NiDE TV - Access to NiDE TV soundboard
By using custom human skins, you will have:
- Increased health
- Increased jumpheight
By using custom zombie skins, you will have:
- Increased health
- Decreased burn time from grenades
- Decreased knockback
- Increased jumpheight
NiDE CS:S Zombie Escape Admin has the follow privileges:
Spoiler- Access to Custom Skins only available to Admins - allows to change your default skin to some cool one
- Glow Skin Colors - allows to change your skin color
- Limited Colored Chat - gives you colored admins chat (but without ability to change)
- NiDE TV - Access to NiDE TV soundboard
Custom Skins:
Predator [VIP]
Hell Knight [VIP]
Husk [VIP]
Hatsune Miku [VIP]
Cloud FF [VIP]
Jack of Blades [VIP]
Vector [VIP]
Marie Rose [VIP]
Lightning [VIP]
Smoke [VIP]
Nano Suit [VIP]
Assault Trooper [Admin]
Tesla Power Armor [Admin]
Glow Skin Colors: