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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked admin "deepn" abusing with kicks and multiple extend votes.


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1: Your own ingame name: Allah
2: Your own steam-ID: 76561198065705742
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: deepn
4: What server did it happen on: NIDE Zombie Escape
5: What map: not_nemesis_nide_lazer, crazy_escape_css2
6: Time and date: time of this post (atix panic map), 22:10 UTC 06/05/2021 (for not nemesis nide lazer map), 2021-05-04 22:58:55 (for crazy escape css2 map)
7: Explain the situation: keeps kicking me. in atix he kicked me i think around 5 times. in nide lazer also. keeps creating stupid votes if to kick me or not. as for crazy escape css2 people voted to change map. even though extend vote lost he started extend vote anyways. after his extend vote also lost, he made another one until it worked.
8: Proof: logs


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alright i really cant play, every time i log in he auto kicks me.

also, same time if we talk on donated admin. what the requirements? just 4$?

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21 minutes ago, Deepn said:


4$ burned. You could stayed admin, why be a idiot? Just because I say “ez Minecraft” after you lose vote?

but you idiot before too. You slay too fast while still chance, you do extend votes even if map not extended and even after they already fail. now you start kicks.

you no clown, you all circus

Edited by allah
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