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Locked Banned For Knife Hack By Batata


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Name : nemesis

Steam Id : STEAM_0:0:600434486

Banned by : Batata

Reason : Knife Hack

Explanation : I was playing ze_atix_helicopter_i3d_c1 and i killed this player called : Batatatatatatata!!! multiple times and he kept saying in microphone i'm suspicious & cheating and few minutes later i get permanent ban
you do not have any proof of me using knife hack, literally none

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  • Server Admin

We have noticed following your ban that a command that allows long knives was enabled in the server. It was restricted for a long time, but was accidentally disabled after all the changes we've made in the server.

Since i don't know if the cause of your long knives was this exact command or you are using cheats, i will proceed with the unban.

I'll keep an eye on you though, because for a player from US with high ping, you sound really suspicious by having some knife streaks in a row.

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