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Give me 1 reason why


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Give me 1 reason why a NA player should continue supporting the server (unless that player has a potato PC of course..)

Not even going to talk about the lack of willingness among regulars to promote map diversity, the ridiculous cool-down settings that result into the same maps being played over and over, most of which don't even need a leader, the fact that there are 2 pirate versions in the nomlist that don't even share a cool-down, while certain maps are locked due to having lasers? (as if the surf maps don't have those) or concerns around long cd-s (as if the EU folks play these), population melting like butter, admins not present when unpopular maps are played, eliminating the tiniest chance of extends, etc, etc

Thats fine, but why do you keep adding restrictions on the map pool. Harry potter started seeing higher playthrough, now it's no longer on the nomlist. Surprise, surprise, the map is no longer played. Dreamin might not be the friendliest map, but it's better than surf and adds to map diversity. Now, can't even nominate that since the player requirement has increased?

Oh and congrats on the new server manager, the guy who started such restrictions at the first place, promoting boat-based, knife-based maps instead. f*cking fantastic. Guess the only good thing left for NA folks are the Asian event, the only instance where the lack of any player-based voting system has surprisingly worked well so far

Please convince me otherwise

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2 hours ago, paranoid said:

because gfl is dead?

#1 server on GO (for players not bound to source).

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

if you just restrict those maps those people will f*ck off and your server will have 20 players playing

If the server has reached a state where players are only interested into a map pool of 20 maps and that those players would leave if a new map is voted, then how is that different than having a pure FF player base interested only in the pool of restricted maps. I will stop here.

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

They're locked because they kill the server population


Check your snapshot. This is the state of the server with those locked maps not being played. 

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

Why would they want to play an unpopular map

Aren't admins supposed to spend certain amount of time on the server anyway, teach players and so. You are telling me that in all that time spent they would have no interest in trying new maps. Of course I guess there is the option of waiting until a specific "skill"-based map is voted and then demonstrate their skills.

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

Why do they need to extend, you have like an hour of extends by default.

When there is a leader, rounds are won and extend loses the vote to an overplayed map, simply because folks are not used to completing new maps, then there is no point of even trying in the first place. Admin vote extend counter-acts that and is common pattern on other servers. Whether people really want to continue the map, the new vote would tell that, with the bias of overplayed map listed now removed. 

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

Because admins would extend the map for up to 3 hours and it would kill the server every f*cking time because most people won't play a map for 3 hours and once you're done playing you f*cking quit regardless of next map.

Let me correct you there: "Because players would extend". Admins can nominate those maps, other players cannot. I'll stop here

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

Since when exactly? There's no player requirement for any map when I last looked.

50 players requirement, pretty sure that was not the case a few days ago

2 hours ago, paranoid said:

You mean where people are bribed to play map with the incentive of free vip? when instead they would vote for something completely different?

Yeah 3 days of VIP for winning a map, definitely the sole reason to spend 4 hours on an event

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Either way, there is so much that can change. My hope here is any of the following:

1) Remove any new restrictions, specifically lower player requirements during NA hours on more maps and add back HP to the nomlist (even if the cool-down needs to be extended). The argument that the map will kill the server is inaccurate, if there is no leader the map will simply get changed within 1-2 rounds.

2) Revise the cool-downs around overplayed maps, maybe try this on a Friday, or any other idea to promote at least some level of map diversity.

3) Unlock maybe 1 FF during prime time NA hours (could be a rotation). If there are remaining GFL css players, I'd bet they would not be interested into playing surf maps or atix

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You mention that NA is only 1% of the player base, then it's the perfect candidate to try experiment with settings. Relax the restrictions, let people freely decide what maps to play. If there is concern around server-killer maps, make them player-available only 1 day of the week. Add an option in the nomlist to vote for a "random map", in case people want to try something new. There are so many options that could bring positive impact.


1 hour ago, paranoid said:

Diversity in this case means "maps I like" because none of the underplayed maps are actually restricted, MCPX has no restrictions on it, feel free to nominate it whenever.

I don't mind MCPX, it's a quick fun parkour-maze-like map with 2 holds. Believe it or not, this was a popular map in the days when Nide got rebooted and had to gain population, after the .ru era. There was a lot of interest then into trying new maps. Of course you probably wouldn't know about this because you are quick to put the classification "unpopular which probably means sh*t" so you'd likely never join maps outside of your list.

MCPX will no longer get voted nowadays because new folks don't know it. In that case I am wondering how can you even judge whether players would like the map, when it's never played

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This is with regards to the latest map restrictions. Specifically, removal of the Harry Potter map and the increased player requirements around Dreamin, two favorites of mine that people were actually willing to vote, now are no longer an option during NA hours.

This might not seem a lot, but consider this. NA hours already suffer from lack of map diversity, since newer players either haven't had exposure to wider variety of maps, or are not used to attempting such. Or sure, they may just not like to explore new stuff. In either case, the choices of team-oriented map that folks are willing to vote are already very limited. Attempting to promote and lead a new map is extremely cumbersome process, it could take hours for the map to get voted (if), and even when rounds are won it's likely that the map doesn't get extended. I would love if there was a solution around that, diversifying the map pool, have folks play challenging team-oriented maps to completion, but that expectation might be unrealistic due to many factors. 

So the ask here in short is to lift the most recent restrictions and not limit the pool of well-established challenging maps that folks are still willing to vote. Secondly, it would be awesome if we could try a model where, say a locked map is available for nomination once a week, or we get to attempt something new (say a random map option is available, something more attractive than a specific map name in the nomlist)

This should summary the topic. The rest was an angry post at start, followed by a lovely discussion with this paranoid fanboy

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Well, I get the point you're making that from the recent restrictions there are both advantages and disadvantages too. The advantage is that it stops people from wasting maps and specially stops the regularly played ff maps etc and the disadvantage is that many people also joins to the server when they see a good and tryhard map (ONLY WHEN THERE IS A LEADER IN THE SERVER). So I think the solution is simple here and that is we should maybe add a leader access just like unloze where those maps and the other tryhard maps that the fellow person has mentioned would appear in the nomlist only if the person who wants to play certain maps have leader access.

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  • Management
4 hours ago, Mousetrap_ said:

This is with regards to the latest map restrictions. Specifically, removal of the Harry Potter map and the increased player requirements around Dreamin, two favorites of mine that people were actually willing to vote, now are no longer an option during NA hours.

This might not seem a lot, but consider this. NA hours already suffer from lack of map diversity, since newer players either haven't had exposure to wider variety of maps, or are not used to attempting such. Or sure, they may just not like to explore new stuff. In either case, the choices of team-oriented map that folks are willing to vote are already very limited. Attempting to promote and lead a new map is extremely cumbersome process, it could take hours for the map to get voted (if), and even when rounds are won it's likely that the map doesn't get extended. I would love if there was a solution around that, diversifying the map pool, have folks play challenging team-oriented maps to completion, but that expectation might be unrealistic due to many factors. 

So the ask here in short is to lift the most recent restrictions and not limit the pool of well-established challenging maps that folks are still willing to vote. Secondly, it would be awesome if we could try a model where, say a locked map is available for nomination once a week, or we get to attempt something new (say a random map option is available, something more attractive than a specific map name in the nomlist)

This should summary the topic. The rest was an angry post at start, followed by a lovely discussion with this paranoid fanboy

Harry potter removed? and about player issue should be fixed now so server will be full a again. I will see what i can do to help you Mousetrap ?


3 hours ago, AHS said:

Well, I get the point you're making that from the recent restrictions there are both advantages and disadvantages too. The advantage is that it stops people from wasting maps and specially stops the regularly played ff maps etc and the disadvantage is that many people also joins to the server when they see a good and tryhard map (ONLY WHEN THERE IS A LEADER IN THE SERVER). So I think the solution is simple here and that is we should maybe add a leader access just like unloze where those maps and the other tryhard maps that the fellow person has mentioned would appear in the nomlist only if the person who wants to play certain maps have leader access.

not a bad system @Killik or @cmer maybe we can try out to do something similar when a leader is online they have access to  adminnomlist. We just need to clean it up 

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  • Server Admin

Hello Mousetrap,

I was off from my managing role for a while and now that i'm in vacations, i will be able to check again the minimum number of players for nominating maps, cooldowns, maps in adminlist, etc.

I agree with some things you said, those things i said above need to be reviewed, since they didn't change much since we reseted every restriction we've added to maps when the server had low population like 1.5 years ago. Still, i have many things to say about your post:

First, all the managers of NiDE were always focused in adding diversity to the server, whether me, Klixus, Anwar, etc. But apparently, our goal of putting the server to play different maps was never properly seen by the players with good eyes. Whether we like it or not, the majority of players are afraid to play new things and we normally only get the chance of fully tryhard a map we don't know or don't play usually in the events or mini-events we make. We tried to increase a lot the cooldowns of overplayed maps to leave a small chance for unknown maps to be played in the past, didn't work. We tried the idea of adding one day in the week where people couldn't nominate maps at all during that day, didn't work as planned. 

Changelog of discord of ZE:





Now, what bothers me in this post is that the majority of what you're saying is contradictory and, to be fair and with all the respect, some things you say are completely shit and false.

So, you're saying that "why do you keep adding restrictions on the map pool.". The restrictions had never been so few comparing to previous years. Like i said in the start, when the population was very low like 1.5 years ago (due precisely to tests related to map diversity, in order to increase it), we've reseted every restriction we had for every map. You could play mako and then westersand and then mako again, for example. There were no cooldowns in maps, you could nominate everything you wanted, no matter the number of players, if it was laser or non-laser map, playing all the nemesis maps in a row, everything. Then slowly we started to apply a minimum set of restrictions, like preventing to play 2 nemesis maps in a row, adding a minimum cooldown to some maps, etc. And recently, like last week, "we" started to move some maps to admin list since they were being overplayed. I said "we", because i don't properly agree on this, i think that just an increase in the cooldown would be enough, but leaving the map in the public list. As i said, i will check soon the cooldowns and etc.

Ok, that point is covered. Now another paradox. You talk about adding diversity to the server, right... So, no matter if you're right or wrong, i.e, if the maps should be or not in the admin list, why you're complaining specially about ze_harry potter and ze_dreamin? If you're really a fan of diversity like i think you are, you shouldn't be crying for 2 maps to be gone, since there would be other 200 maps to play in the server. Are you really supporting the diversity of the maps that are being played on this server or just supporting just these 2 specific maps that you like? Aditionally, i can understand ze_harry_potter, since it's rarely played, but ze_dreamin? It's an overplayed map, it was played literally everyday. And harry_potter is debatable, it makes sense to be in admin list, since it has 12 stages (!), it requires to have a good team that knows how to use items, but we could also have the approach of putting the map in public list with a high cooldown (like being played once a week) and like 40~50 players requirement to be nominated. The examples you've said are not properly the best examples of diversity though. If you said ze_antartika, ze_totemo_roka, ze_trials, ze_sunkentemple, ze_taboo_carnation, etc, it would make better sense. But looking at this, it's just seems to me a totally biased post where one guy loved 2 maps and they were put in adminlist, so he decided to make a post complaining about those 2 things and decided to add a bit more spice and complain about other stuff that were across the throat (and surprisingly, this "other stuff" is the stuff that actually makes sense).

Now let's talk about the shitiest part of this post: 

16 hours ago, Mousetrap_ said:

Oh and congrats on the new server manager, the guy who started such restrictions at the first place, promoting boat-based, knife-based maps instead. f*cking fantastic.

I don't even know where to start.

I will just spit random facts around here, but what you're saying is so wrong...

First, everytime there's a map we don't play often in the nomlist, when the vote comes i ask people to vote for it. I will only not motivate people to play an unusual hard map when i see the team is not ready for it. Of course this is judgmental, but i've been leading maps for so many years that i know when people are capable of beating a map or not. Besides that, you will never see me nominating a nemesis/knife map unless the population on the server is low. 

Secondly, i added knife mode in some maps, because, otherwise, they would be boring as hell, like atix panic and atix helicopter. These are camping/barricade maps, where you just stay in one spot and defend for 1 year, which is not exactly close to ZE. So i've added the possibility for people to actually enjoy the map in another way, by knifing zombies. And on the top of that, it makes the map naturally balanced, since some people will try to knife zombies and fail and become zombies, turning the ratio humans/zombies more fair and making the map harder. Imagine ze_atix_helicopter with 30 guys camping in the roof shooting 5 zms. Even with 5 humans on the helicopter you can win it. And in some maps, like ze_apocalypse, knife can also be necessary to win, since people often don't know where to go and the few people that have gone the good way can have the last resource of knifing to eventually survive. So instead of removing these maps, we've just added an additional mode, where both newbies that only know how to stay in one spot and shoot and pros that think camping is boring as fuck and want something more dynamic are happy. And the truth is that atix_panic and atix_helicopter are server boosters.

I also turned some "normal" maps in nemesis mode, like ze_blackmesa, ze_rocket and ze_volcano, since these are completely unbalanced maps for normal zombies. Even with half the team zombie in these maps, humans would still win easily. And the solution of putting crowdspawn just make the rounds being based in luck. If the zombie spawns in the back, there is 40 guys vs 1 normal zombie, great. So that wouldn't work either. So we've decided to add nemesis mode on those, which makes the rounds more regular, and also adds some diversity around the famous nemesis mode maps, like boatescape, rooftop and train.

But based on what i've said on these 2 paragraphs above, you can't say that i only care about nemesis/knife maps, this was just the natural (and simplest) solution to make these maps playable and enjoyable, i guess. But if you have other ideas for these maps, i'm listening.

To finish, since this is already becoming a long ass text, i will just conclude on this. I believe this topic is about diversity of maps. If so, i must be the guy that seeked more for diversity in the entire ZE universe. I was always in favor of adding/playing new maps in the server. And if you think that i'm biased with my boat maps, you're so wrong.




When me and Anwar were in charge of these kind of things:



I reviewed both for NiDE and Unloze all the maps in adminlist and added the ones that made sense to the public list.

NiDE (Only this print, but there way more than this, because they were added slowly to public list):



Back in 2018, for Unloze, where i've tested by my own more than 100 maps that were in admin list. If there's a guy crazier than me for this purpose of diversity, please tell me. Check link.



Now related to your maps, ze_dreamin and ze_harry_potter, check the link above please. You can see that ze_dreamin was in that list in Unloze. The map was only played from time to time and was abandoned in the admin list. Maybe exagerating a bit, but i gave life to that map. And now it's an overplayed map.

About harry potter, at NiDE, the map was only played at events. Who moved the map to public list so a normal player could nominate it? Yea.



But it's fine. You don't know the admin job and don't know the most of the things we do in "shadows". And we're just doing this voluntary, to help the server. But i can't admit a guy saying that, after this tons of work, i am or i was a manager that only cared about playing knifing maps.


16 hours ago, Mousetrap_ said:

Please convince me otherwise


I hope i have convinced you at least that i'm not obcessed with knifing maps, but i would rather prefer to play an underrated map instead.


Thanks for reading,



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4 hours ago, Batata said:

There were no cooldowns in maps, you could nominate everything you wanted, no matter the number of players, if it was laser or non-laser map, playing all the nemesis maps in a row, everything.

Yeah, I don't consider this extreme as healthy either. In fact, I am a proponent of having larger map cool-downs, and avoid the same group of maps being played one after another. I can't say that extended CD works for the popular casual maps, but it would be great to try something greater than 1 CD for certain categories.

In either case, the restrictions I am concerned about is locking maps or increasing player requirement on difficult maps, to a point where it's not even possible to nominate them, just because population tends to be low during specific hours of the day, NA specifically. I don't want maps to be available on daily basis, but would love them to remain on option under some cadence, without having to wait until late post-midnight hours when more folks join for extended period. If it's overplayed map, sure extend the CD. Add a group CD in addition to that, to the difficult maps with high player restrictions today, maybe 1 map can be played a day. Maybe even separate the NA from the rest to avoid CD conflict, if there are concerns around map being waster under high CD. There should be an alternative than putting a hard cap, that's what I am concerned with. The rest is hard to manage.

4 hours ago, Batata said:

i think that just an increase in the cooldown would be enough, but leaving the map in the public list

Yes, please

4 hours ago, Batata said:

But i can't admit a guy saying that, after this tons of work, i am or i was a manager that only cared about playing knifing maps.

Nothing personal, sounds that I am wrong here. I used to join the server around 10pm UTC daily. What followed was the same set of maps every time, atix, boat, sorrento, nemesis, knife fun for extended periods of time, no gaps in between, with you on the comm channel. I didn't see you otherwise, in NA hours, likely time-zone difference. This at a time of restrictions on difficult maps, with the modifiers being so popular it was impossible to vote anything else during those hours, yet not facing the same scrutiny around the overplayed aspect. This is where my perception is coming from.

4 hours ago, Batata said:

Are you really supporting the diversity of the maps that are being played on this server or just supporting just these 2 specific maps that you like? Aditionally, i can understand ze_harry_potter, since it's rarely played, but ze_dreamin? It's an overplayed map, it was played literally everyday. And harry_potter is debatable, it makes sense to be in admin list, since it has 12 stages (!), it requires to have a good team that knows how to use items, but we could also have the approach of putting the map in public list with a high cooldown (like being played once a week) and like 40~50 players requirement to be nominated

I have played Dreamin once in the past 2 months, the 1st time the map got voted hours after I joined the server, which is fine. But then I wanted to give another shot, and the player restriction was now increased, making it locked during NA hours, where population in the past few days wouldn't sustain over 50 for larger period of time. I get that that map is debatable, but from my perspective it's not played as often when I am online, and now it's even less likely to be played. I brought it up because it was the latest to be impacted.

Yes, harry potter is map that I would pursue on a weekly basis, but again extended CD would be way better than locking it from nomination all-together.

4 hours ago, Batata said:

About harry potter, at NiDE, the map was only played at events. Who moved the map to public list so a normal player could nominate it? Yea.

Yeah I was grateful for that, for having the map available for nomination, in contrast to other severs. I am not surprised that the map would get "abandoned in the admin list", anything non-FF would stay that way.

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Its always bad idea to make big changes in short time. Do it step by step. Check consequences after every little change to understand is it good or not, so should u keep it or not. This is best way obviously. Yes, it will take a lot of time, u shoud make a plan with different ways of development. Like in financial work, u know. But in result we can get best settings.

Also settings which we had before last changes was mb the best of all the time. Noone was complaing about it. Yes, little changes always needed. But do it moderately.

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7 hours ago, Batata said:

As i said, i will check soon the cooldowns and etc.

So I took a look at the current map pool. Anything that has a 40+ player requirement would be difficult to vote during NA for multiple reasons. 1st, player count tends to hover around 40 so maps would fall-out from the nomlist occasionally. 2nd, the nomination still has to compete with one among atix, surf, nemesis, boat, sorrento (at least one of these always been off-CD)

Some of the maps limited under that cap are: bathroom, bowser, crazy_escape, destruction_of_exorath, dreamin, l0v0l, paper_escape, predator, sandstorm, skyrim, tyranny

Most of those are not even difficult, nor overplayed. I also noticed this:

shroomforest3 now requires 50 players. Why? That map was beaten 3 times in the past few months during NA hours, we have people that know the map and lead it


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Forcing underplayed map is not working on nide i think we tried back then with Saturday Special maps that would restrict overplayed map only on Saturday. People wants to play their favorite map so it is pretty hard to apply that unless its a csgo server, i have seen some server do it and server would be still filled. I do agree about unlocking ff maps nomination in the morning so us NA or ASIA people can play it, i remember when the nomination is bugged and we played cosmo and wester in the morning, sv was in okay state with 40+ players (you can maybe make 1 ff map available per day so EU people can still play some ff maps at night.

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3 hours ago, paranoid said:

have their caps lowered by about 5, they're not that hard maps.

I am thinking the following:

Maps with 45 requirement -> 40. These are the ones you mentioned

Maps with 40 requirement -> 30. These are bathroom, crazy_escpe (solid maps that are easy and perfectly beatable with lower player count. These are also used as early hours player boosters on GO servers for that same reason)

shroom3 should be kept as it used to (or at least lower to 35)

3 hours ago, paranoid said:

I can nominate bathroom and crazy escape right now.

Yeah at the peak oh an 8 hour period, with the maps being unavailable for nomination for 80% of the remaining time

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  • Server Admin


I've made some changes regarding the number of players for nominating for a lot of maps. I still need to check the cooldowns and we'll be almost good. I wanted also to have 2 systems of cooldowns for the server, where one existed until X time, then after that time the other one applied until Y time, making all the maps available during that period, but i'm not really a tech admin, so this will need to be worked on later. But i believe that would be the best option to make all the countries happy.

For now, regarding the minimum number of players for nominating maps, the global idea was to reduce some player requirements that in my opinion were too high and to give a chance for them to be played at late hours by asian/american players. Secondly, i also added a minimum number of players to certain maps that didn't have any restriction yet, in order to avoid playing stage/long/hard maps with very few people in the server. Here's the detail below. Any suggestions regarding those values, don't hesitate. Exemplifying, for 666_crazy_escape you would need before 35 players to nominate the map and now you don't need any player (0) to nominate it.


"ze_666_crazy_escape_b3s" 35 to 0.
"ze_8bit_v5b" 0 to 30
"ze_ancient_wrath_v2_test27" 0 to 30
"ze_alien_vs_predator_v5" 0 to 30
"ze_ashen_keep_v0_3" 0 to 30
"ze_asiangirl_beta7s" 35 to 0
"ze_avalanche_reboot_beta7" 0 to 30
"ze_Avenir_Storage_v1" 45 to 0
"ze_bandit_v1final_fix1" 40 to 0
"ze_bathroom_v2_5s" 40 to 25
"ze_biohazard3_nemesis_b5_2s" 0 to 30
"ze_bioshock_v7_1" 0 to 30
"ze_bowser_in_the_fire_sea_v1_remastered" 50 to 25
"ze_cancer_gopnik_escape_v8s" 50 to 25
"ze_castlevania_64_v1_3_b2" 0 to 35
"ze_castlevania_v1_3" 0 to 35
"ze_chroma_v0_4" 50 to 30
"ze_crazy_escape_css2" 40 to 25
"ze_deadcore_s7" and "ze_deadcore_s6" 50 to 35
"ze_Doorhug_and_solo_v5_2" 50 to 35
"ze_doom3_v1" 55 to 40
"ze_dreamin_v2_3s" 45 to 25
"ze_dreamin_v3_1_css" 45 to 25
"ze_eden_a3s" 0 to 40
"ze_ep2_plant_b1s" 0 to 25
"ze_epic_end_v4_3" 35 to 0
"ze_eternal_journey_v1_3" 0 to 35
"ze_evernight_a3_4_css2" 0 to 35
"ze_fapescape_v1_2" 0 to 30
"ze_FFVII_Cosmo_Canyon_v1_1" 45 to 30
"ze_FFVII_Cosmo_Canyon_v5fix" 45 to 30
"ze_ffxii_easternsand_v1" 45 to 25
"ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3" 35 to 30
"ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_V6_B08" 50 to 40
"ze_FFXII_Feywood_b3_1" 45 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Paramina_Rift_v1_4" 45 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Ridorana_Cataract_t5_3" 45 to 35
"ze_FFVII_Temple_Ancient_v3_3" 45 to 30
"ze_ffxiv_pharos_sirius_css" 45 to 40
"ze_FFXIV_Wanderers_Palace_v5_2f" 45 to 40
"ze_FFXII_Westersand_v7_2" 45 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Westersand_v8zeta1" 45 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Moko_Temple_v1_1" 45 to 25
"ze_FFXII_Mt_Bur_Omisace_v5_4" 45 to 40
"ze_ffxxiii_westrcanoyn_f12xd" 45 to 25
"ze_frozentemple_b8_2" 0 to 25
"ze_Genso_Of_Last_b2" 50 to 30
"ze_GoT_The_North_b4" 0 to 25
"ze_grau_s2" 50 to 35
"ze_gris_fyk" 50 to 35
"ze_halloween_house_b4s" 0 to 30
"ze_harry_potter_v2_1" 50 to 35
"ze_hellz_rescuebase_v5_b1" 0 to 30
"ze_horizon_sky_escape_b1s" 0 to 30
"ze_hsc_a4_5" 0 to 30
"ze_illya_b4" 0 to 30
"ze_Infected_Sewers_v6_5" 0 to 35
"ze_jjba_v5fs" 45 to 35
"ze_johnny_nukem_b8_3" 50 to 35
"ze_jungle_escape_v1_2" 0 to 35
"ze_kebab_immigrant_v3" 45 to 30
"ze_kitchen_v2s" 45 to 35
"ze_kraznov_poopata" 0 to 25
"ze_laboratory_escape_v2_3b" 45 to 30
"ze_last_man_standing_v5_1" 45 to 35
"ze_light_retribution_v1s" 45 to 35
"ze_lila_panic_escape_v3_1" 0 to 25
"ze_LOTR_Isengard_v2_3" 0 to 35
"ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3" 55 to 35
"ze_l0v0l_v1_4" 50 to 30
"ze_luck_matters_v1ds" 0 to 30
"ze_madara_temple_v1fix" 0 to 35
"ze_luciddreams_v3_6_f" 45 to 35
"ze_megaman_a6" 45 to 35
"ze_memehell_test3" 45 to 35
"ze_MindTree_v1_6s" 0 to 35
"ze_minimal_v4_1" 45 to 35
"ze_misaka_css3" 50 to 30
"ze_moltentemple_a5" 0 to 30
"ze_mountain_escape_bbo_v1" 50 to 35
"ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy" 0 to 25
"ze_mist_v1_3" 45 to 35
"ze_naruto_v2_6e" 45 to 0
"ze_necromanteion_v3_1s_fix" 45 to 35
"ze_omochi_b8s" 45 to 30
"ze_onahole_v3_3_3_3s" 0 to 25
"ze_otakuroom_v5_6fs" 0 to 25
"ze_offliner_v2b" 50 to 35
"ze_panic_escape_v3_2_e5_s" 35 to 0
"ze_paper_escaper_v7_1" 40 to 30
"ze_paradox_final_v8" 45 to 35
"ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v3_6" and "ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v5_4s2" 45 to 35
"ze_pizzatime_v4s" 60 to 30
"ze_pkmn_adventure_v8_6s_fix2" 0 to 30
"ze_PKMN_Adventure_v9s_fix" 0 to 30
"ze_ponchermonkey_shooter_v3_5" 45 to 40
"ze_predator_ultimate_v3" 45 to 35
"ze_project_alcaria_v1_5s" 0 to 25
"ze_rizomata_s1_3" 0 to 40
"ze_roof_adventure_v5s" 40 to 0
"ze_rush_b_s1" 50 to 40
"ze_S_A_M_a40_css2" 50 to 40
"ze_sandstorm_css_v1_5x3" 45 to 35
"ze_Serpentis_Temple_v1_1" 0 to 35
"ze_Serpentis_Temple_v2a" 45 to 35
"ze_shaurma_v3_b07" 45 to 25
"ze_shroomforest_v4_5" 0 to 25
"ze_shroomforest2_v1" 0 to 25
"ze_shroomforest3_b6_2" 50 to 35
"ze_sky_athletic_adv_v9_12s" 0 to 30
"ze_slender_escape_b4" 0 to 25
"ze_stilshrine_of_miriam_v5_1_3" 50 to 35
"ze_stalker_ultimate_v2_3" 45 to 35
"ze_stalkermonolit_v6" 55 to 35
"ze_sunkentemple_v3_1s" 0 to 25
"ze_surf_dark_fantasy_v1" 40 to 25
"ze_surf_froyo_css3" 50 to 35
"ze_surf_outside_s3" 50 to 30
"ze_surf_sahok_t5_9" 35 to 0
"ze_surf_saltfish_css2" 35 to 0
"ze_surf_shonyudo_v1_1s" 35 to 25
"ze_surf_virtus_s_ep_f4" 35 to 25
"ze_surf_vortex_v1_9s" 30 to 0
"ze_starwars_v2fix" 40 to 0
"ze_super_mario_64_v2_b9" 0 to 25
"ze_taboo_carnation_v2" 0 to 25
"ze_temple_raider_b4" 0 to 30
"ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix" 45 to 35
"ze_the_last_chapter_v1_5_css" 0 to 25
"ze_tilex_ultimate_v2_14s" 45 to 35
"ze_tloz_celestia_a4" 0 to 25
"ze_toaster_v1_2" 0 to 25
"ze_totemo_roka_b5s" 0 to 25
"ze_trials_v1fs" 0 to 25
"ze_tyranny_v5fix" 45 to 35
"ze_tyranny2_v1fix" 0 to 35
"ze_undersea_temple_s2" 0 to 25
"ze_undertale_g_v1_2s2" 0 to 35
"ze_uchiha_legacy_v1_3f" 45 to 35
"ze_v0u0v_b2" 45 to 35
"ze_valkvang_s1" 0 to 35

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  • Server Admin

Moved the following maps from admin to public nomination list. I still need to review the cooldowns for these and for the maps we already had in the public list and then we will be gucci for now, i guess. Also, some maps might have bugs/glitches, since they were in admin list, but i can't remember what exactly, so i'll let the players discover and tell us one day ?


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  • Server Admin

Alright, almost finishing what i can technically do. I will still need to check shared cooldowns between versions of the same map. But for now, i've increased/decreased the cooldowns of the following maps:

"ze_boatescape_batata_ultimate_v1_2" 60 to 70
"ze_Doorhug_and_solo_v5_2" 70 to 100
"ze_fapescape_v1_2" 25 to 45
"ze_FFVII_Cosmo_Canyon_v1_1" 70 to 85
"ze_FFVII_Cosmo_Canyon_v5fix" 70 to 85
"ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3" 70 to 85
"ze_ffxii_easternsand_v1" 70 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Paramina_Rift_v1_4" 70 to 60
"ze_FFXII_Feywood_b3_1" 70 to 60
"ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_V6_B08" 70 to 60
"ze_FFVII_Temple_Ancient_v3_3" 70 to 60
"ze_ffxiv_pharos_sirius_css" 70 to 60
"ze_FFXIV_Wanderers_Palace_v5_2f" 70 to 60
"ze_FFXII_Westersand_v7_2" 70 to 85
"ze_FFXII_Westersand_v8zeta1" 70 to 85
"ze_FFXII_Moko_Temple_v1_1" 70 to 30
"ze_FFXII_Mt_Bur_Omisace_v5_4" 70 to 60
"ze_ffxxiii_westrcanoyn_f12xd" 70 to 30
"ze_football_b2" - 130
"ze_harry_potter_v2_1" - 200
"ze_knife_fun_fix" 50 to 85
"ze_lila_panic_escape_v3_1" 25 to 45
"ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3" - 200
"ze_LOTR_Isengard_v2_3" 30 to 60
"ze_madara_temple_v1fix" 35 to 70
"ze_luciddreams_v3_6_f" 40 to 70
"ze_mountain_escape_bbo_v1" 60 to 70
"ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy" 20 to 45
"ze_nemesis_nide_final_laser" 50 to 70
"ze_not_nemesis_nide_final_lasers_2" 30 to 150
"ze_onahole_v3_3_3_3s" 35 to 45
"ze_paradox_final_v8" 50 to 85
"ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v3_6" 35 to 50
"ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v5_4s2" 35 to 50
"ze_predator_ultimate_v3" 30 to 45
"ze_roof_adventure_v5s" 25 to 60
"ze_Serpentis_Temple_v1_1" 35 to 70
"ze_Serpentis_Temple_v2a" 35 to 70
"ze_shroomforest_v4_5" 35 to 50
"ze_shroomforest2_v1" 35 to 50
"ze_slender_escape_b4" 40 to 70
"ze_stalker_ultimate_v2_3" 50 to 70
"ze_surf_froyo_css3" 45 to 80
"ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix" 60 to 85
"ze_tyranny_v5fix" 50 to 60
"ze_tyranny2_v1fix" 70 to 60
"ze_uchiha_legacy_v1_3f" 60 to 80

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, paranoid said:

@Batata idk what u did but the requirements are insanely high now, 40 players for pirates v3?????????

meanwhile i can nominate mt omisace with 20 players??????

because no one knows that map and why would you even play mt bur without a leader lol

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