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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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  • Server Admin

1: Your own ingame name                      Lord Vader
2: Your own steam-ID                            STEAM_0:1:68021267
3: Name of the player(s) involved         Volraider
4: Steam-ID of the player(s) involved   STEAM_0:1:6323
5: What server did it happen on            Zombie Escape
6: What map                                            Been an issue for a month or 2, so multiple.
7: Time and date                                    Since August 2nd
8: Explain the situation                          This guy has been toxic to others starting near the beginning of August, but I haven't really noticed him until he blurted some negative comment against me. A week later, he uses his own name to harass me, bypassing the /sm function. And it seems I'm not alone, as he also targeted other people like MARCOPLAY, as shown below:

9: Proof                                                   https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960278375/namehistory

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Hello Lord Vader
When this happens again please share with us the time / maps exactly so we can check that (do not hesitate to come to admins directly)
I watched predator demo and I did not see anything bad from this guy towards you or anyone. But we will closely look at him in the future.
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