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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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  • Server Admin

If you can't provide these points, the topic will be closed.
We respect your time researching what happened, so please, respect our time and provide all these 9 points.

  1. ➥ Your own ingame name;
  2. ➥ Your own Steam-ID;
  3. ➥ Name of the player(s) involved;
  4. ➥ Steam-ID of the player(s) involved;
  5. ➥ What server did it happen;
  6. ➥ What map did it happen;
  7. ➥ Time and date;
  8. ➥ Explain the situation;
  9. ➥ Proof;


  1. ➥ Akadir
  2. ➥ STEAM_0:0:68451937
  3. ➥ STRiiKER
  4. ➥ STEAM_0:0:193337151
  5. ➥ Zombie Escape
  6. ➥ ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v8_2
  7. ➥ 3pm 25/06/2022
  8. ➥ STRiiKER used Earth Item and killed the entire team.
  9. ➥ *Insert demo link*


Feel free to explain the situation more thoroughly than what's posted in the example text.
Proof is very important, so please provide as much of it as you can before you create a topic here. 

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