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Wave of trials


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4 hours ago, aykr said:

We don't really care if you speak 24/7 on the mic chat. The real problem is that they are abusing 24/7. It really seems like Pivovaric came back with another name.

A ver escúchame una cosa llorón, vos mejor no hables que acabo de ver la demo y te la pasas gritando en el micrófono gritando a los admins e insultandoles,es así de simple si no te gustan lo admins del server, te vas, porque ellos no tienen porque tenerte que escuchar gritando y haciendo tus porquerías. Y sus un careta porque no podes tratar así la gente que habla tu mismo lenguaje y tratando de hacerte el yanke hablando inglés. Anda a jugar al csgo mejor así no lloras tanto. Y lo del abuse ya lo acabo de responder acá abajo. 

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Hey guys, let's not turn this into a battle compo where everyone is fighting. keep calm.  I think Klixus had an opinion and should be respected, that I don't agree somewhat but I respect his opinion. 

They should say which test administrators are abusing.

I am a test admin and I am willing to listen to complaints you have about me. 

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I have to say , I find it funny that the thread wasn’t made because klixus is “racist” against latinos and yet it has somehow turned out to be an issue of race. Seriously. Don’t pull out the racism card for no good reason. Look at the straight evidence. It’s just a coincidence that it’s mostly the latin trials/admins that klixus is referring to. 

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@Thomas Tienes razon el se la pasa gritandole tanto a los latinos como a los ingles y ruso aparte de que no solo a los admin si no a todos en el juego, y lo que es peor cuando usa el mic me da lag y se salen de control los ms

Y hablo de profesionalismo completo si es cierto que los latinos hacen de buenos administradores de vez en cuando, pero hay veces que no, porque veo a muchas personas haciendo cosas inapropiadas y ellos en el limbo y hablo de todos en general no solo de los admin latinos, tambien hablo de los ingles, rusos nuevos en general o almenos la mayoria 


@Thomas You are right he spends it screaming at both Latinos and English and Russian apart from not only admin but also everyone in the game, and what is worse when he uses the microphone gives me lag and get out of control the ms


And I speak of complete professionalism if it is true that Latinos are good administrators from time to time, but there are times that not, because I see many people doing inappropriate things and they in limbo and I speak of everyone in general, not only of Latino Administrators , I also speak English, new Russians in general or at least the majority


War is only killed with peace/ .-rA Samwise

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hello everyone has happened a lot.

I have a lot to say about this

1- i also see an oversaturation of administrators

2-having fun is the main thing (css ZE) is not a competitive mode.

2-focusing on a "fun time" is not exclusive to Latinos

3-there is !sm

4-In 1 year I have been an administrator and the 1500 hours I spent on the server, I only have something clear and I have seen that he speaks both English and Spanish they are not supported and I see this as another attack where the "English" try to f*ck the "Latinos."  In all this time I try to never be quarreled with someone and I think it is better that we all try to do the same

5- (latinos en general) yo se que es cagado que pasen cosas asi, pero no seamos tan chillones si llegan a ser administradores encargense de ser imparciales y hacer todo conforme ustedes piensen que sea justo es facil que se les suba el poder (es algo que e visto por mucho tiempo) y si no saben que hacer no tengan miendo en preguntar a los lideres de administracion  recuerden que ustedes al ser administradores tienen responsabilidades

yo luego de regresar e tratado de acostumbrarme a todos los cambios que an pasado en tan poco tiempo

antetodo no somos latinos(tacos), rusos(vodka), gringos(tiroteos escolares ),arabes(allahu akbar), españoles(denuncias falsas) somos nide

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Holy f*ck this is derailing so much. I have not seen one reply related to klixus's topic and to the purpose with this thread. 

The fact that you guys entirely dismiss his point about a wave of incompetent admins who don't comply to their tasks and instead turn this into a racism issue is absurd. I suggest you all re-read his topic and replies. 

Also go and re enlighten yourself on the meaning of racism as you seem to have no clue on what it means. 


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