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Locked Rocklee abuse


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1: Your own ingame name ShadowCreepy
2: Your own steam-ID No need
3: Name of the admin(s) involved Rockle (My hero Academia)
4: What server did it happen on: Zombie escape
5: What map ze_tyranny_v5fix
6: Time and date 9.12.2019 17:25 in my time
7: Explain the situation I was leading the map, talking etc and he come here "lol why is he not muted" and then he mute me for 30 min... but my microphone is working normally, some people can even agree with me.
8: Proof check logs

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I have to agree that your mic acts like crap sometimes and your voice gets laggy.It probably has nothing to do with our settings as we can hear other people just fine.

And there are reasons people didnt complain 1st : They absolutely dont care 2nd: They focus on playing,thats why they come here anyway 3rd : They have you muted,used sm etc, 4th : They have their volumes set down and 5th : They have no audio,they dont own speakers or headphones or any audio devices.

You have been muted for sh*t mic,we have a rule against those.THe mute has nothing to do with you personaly or whatever group`s recruit you are.

Staff will never act only on emotions and will never act upon personal grudges.IF it happens we discuss it.

Either way I never saw RockLee punish anyone unfairly,he always has a reason.

Fix your mic,buy a new one ,check your settings.It could be your system getting stressed too much,if it gets overloaded audio usually stops getting recorded,sent properly.Thats why audio lags etc.


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  • Server Admin

Well his mic not that perfect but to be fair his mic is not that bad I still can hear him while he is leading 

So he is doing volunteer leading and I never thought to mute him because no need actually plus no one complained or even asked for mute since the most of players feeling comfortable with that I see thst punishment was kinda too much with 30 minutes could be less,

sometimes his leading is bad with that mic like kinda laggy but that could be fine, if someone else with better mic was leading I would prefer for him not to use his mic.

By the way leads need to reply on this topic @LmntriX @Killik @Lardy

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Hello Shadow, as i remember ur mic working well, and, even if ur mic is not fixed, the duration of the mute is 5mins, it can be more if the player abusing with it but i never heard u abusing with ur mic, we'll talk about it with Rocklee. thx for u report. this topic closed.

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