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CS:S Zombie Escape Event #213
Nominations thread

Welcome to the official NiDE event nominations thread!
For event
#213, you will have the chance to suggest the kind of event that you want for Sunday.

But please keep in mind that:

  • The event needs to be somehow creative and challenging, globally. If you are going to suggest maps that we play often in the server, please add special kickers to them (ex: low gravity, no items, speed, etc.)
  • You can suggest one map or a bunch of maps. In this last case, try to not exceed a 5 hours duration of the maps we are going to play.
  • When choosing the maps - try to choose maps that have not been played for a long time. Avoid choosing maps that have been played less than 6 months ago.
  • The event nominations will make it to the next phase (the poll) based on the number of Likes they have received.
  • Based on what is stated above, only the Top 5 of the suggestions with more Likes will be selected for the poll. If there isn't a Top 5, the event managers will choose the more appropriate nominations for the poll.
  • Also, event managers can modify/remove a nomination if they consider that it doesn't fit the concept of an event.

You can nominate a map(s) until Wednesday, 15/02/2023, 10PM GMT+1.

Maps that are not available for nominating, because they were played on recent events:

  • ze_santassination_css2
  • ze_best_korea_css2
  • ze_rush_b_s1
  • ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix
  • ze_starwars_v2fix
  • ze_mgden_y3_s2
  • ze_hsc_a4_5
  • ze_AcuticNotes_v1_2
  • ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3
  • ze_Parking_v3_1
  • ze_sg1_missions_v2_1
  • ze_LOTR_Helms_Deep_v5
  • ze_hypernova_v2fix
  • ze_ocean_base_escape_v4
  • ze_rooftop_runaway1_v4
  • ze_icecap_escape_v5
  • ze_harry_potter_v2_1
  • ze_mist_v1_3
  • ze_rocket_escape_r1
  • ze_Pidaras_v1_4fix3
  • ze_pidaras_city_a4
  • ze_crashbandicoot_v1fix
  • ze_randomizer_c1s4
  • ze_shroomforest_v4_5
  • ze_shroomforest2_v1
  • ze_shroomforest3_b6_2
  • ze_ratescape_v5_4css2
  • ze_moltentemple_a5
  • ze_ffxiv_pharos_sirius_css

Maps that are now available for nomination:

  • ze_echo_boatescape_extended
  • ze_boatescape6_remix_fix2
  • ze_boatescape_batata_ultimate_v1_2
  • ze_venice_escape_b2
  • ze_grandboat_escape_n_v4_3
  • ze_artika_base_v1_2s

Here is a list of the maps we currently have in the server to inspire your nomination. You can suggest maps that we don't have though, as long as they are playable.

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  • Server Admin

"New Maps! Who's Dis?"

  • ze_scourge_v1
  • ze_participant_v2
  • ze_verdant_v1
  • ze_dawnhold_v1
  • ze_reservoir_1a

- On ze_scourge_v1 play with MP5, Pistols and no Rebuys;
- On ze_dawnhold_v1 play with Nemesis Mode;
- On ze_reservoir_1a play with Pistols only, no Rebuys;

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  • Event Manager

NiDE's "Classic" Maps
The maps considered classic by some, cringe or overplayed by others.

  • ze_atix_panic_b3t

  • ze_predator_ultimate_v3

  • ze_offliner_v2b

  • ze_minecraft_adventure_v1_2c

  • ZE_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_V6_B08


  • On all maps, Zombie knockback will be reduced to 33%
  • On ze_atix_panic_b3t, VIP mode will be enabled (VIP picked 5 seconds after mother zombie infection) and zombies will not spawn in-between CTs.
  • On ZE_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_V6_B08, we will only play on the Extreme stages and Ultima will be disabled.
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    • New request to get my leader back please steamID:    STEAM_0:1:67062446 steamID3:    [U:1:134124893] steamID64 (Dec):    76561198094390621 steamID64 (Hex):    110000107fe955d
    • I'd like to mention that I nominated Ancient Wrath v3 beforehand which unfortunately killed the server since no one else could lead it.
    • 1: My ingame name: zepek187 2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19025260 3: Name of the admin involved: Vndrew 4: What server did it happen on: Zombie Escape 5: Map: ze_djinn_v1 6: Time and date: 08/02/2025 01:50 AM CET 7: Explanation of the situation: I asked admins with some other players if we could get a slay since the round was pretty much over after they lost most of the items + the kickers that made it hopeless then Vndrew came out of nowhere just to gag me for 15 min and later mute me for an hour. Both for the reason "stop crying" 8: Proof:  Gag: https://medal.tv/games/counter-strike-source/clips/jEoOkbxLBbIyRpCeh?invite=cr-MSxtUkssMTc4MTgwOTE2LA Mute: https://medal.tv/games/counter-strike-source/clips/jEoWuzW97mgyyR28N?invite=cr-MSx5RDUsMTc4MTgwOTE2LA This one happened a few days ago but I'd like to add how this guy's been toxic towards me lately for no reason. I'm not even friends with him and I barely talk to him on the server except for the admin stuff. As you can see in that clip, he instantly changed back to Normal Mode after Wanderer typed !stage god without knowing that the stage had been strippered out on NiDE which broke the map. I don't really blame him, I just think he lacks experience. I also believe that he's doing all that to reduce my chance of getting into the admin team. https://medal.tv/games/counter-strike-source/clips/jEp4h81qzZgv0pWKv?invite=cr-MSxQcDcsMTc4MTgwOTE2LA
    • CS:S Zombie Revival Event #150 08/02/2025 - 7PM GMT+1 (Server Time) "Zombies Junkyard" "10 Days of VIP to winners!"  Maps to be played zm_mad_city [Download Here] zm_jn_lil_junkyart_v1 [Download Here] ⏰ Times of the event ⏰ 🇫🇷 France (Paris) 08/02/25 @ 7PM GMT+1:00 🇺🇸 USA (New York) 08/02/25 @ 2PM GMT-4:00 🇮🇳 India (Delhi) 08/02/25 @ 11:30AM GMT+5:30 🇦🇺 Australia (Sydney) 09/02/25 @ 5AM GMT+11:00 🇷🇺 Russia (Moscow) 08/02/25 @ 9PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link.   Special rules Rules will be enforced strictly during the event: spam in the microphone and trolling will not be allowed and will be punished without a warning.  Rewards Being at TOP5 most scores on each map will grant you 5 days of vip. ◽ Server: CSS Zombie Revival ◽ IP: css.nide.gg:27065 ◽ Steam event link: NiDE Steam Group View full record
    • first of all it's a very good thing at least you don't deny what I just said, i just said truth I didn't report because it would have been useless. For the nide staff I'm always wrong, even when I provide proof with clips, I'm just tired. Besides, I'm waiting to see how they will still prove you right despite the evidence I'm reporting now, because I'm starting to get tired of nothing happening for you

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