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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1: Your own ingame name: Saber / _95
2: Your own steam-ID: [STEAM_0:0:18626487]
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Yudi
4: What server did it happen on: Nide ZE server
5: What map: cosmo canyon/ santassination
6: Time and date : 08/06/2023, around 9p.m, 09/06/2023  around 4 a.m

7: Explain the situation : This person just doesn't like me, he mute me for no reason when i talk, just looked at the screens, the reasons are completely wtf and totally unacceptable. I have absolutely no warning from him on the 2 maps. On cosmo i can swear, I didn't speak over the leader, but between when he wasn't speaking and cosmo is playing every day, you're not going to make me believe that all laser fags need a leader on this map. The last mute is 60 min for reason " need help" WTF ?





Edited by Sbr95
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You kept screaming everytime trying to be annoying and get a reaction from me, on cosmo you were non-stop screaming on voice and even though i self-muted you, other people were asking me to mute you because you were being annoying while Midknight was leading cosmo, as for Skyrim/Santa those maps were in the middle of an event, people were leading (toasty) and you still kept screaming on the mic "YUDIYUDI YUDI YUDI BIBIBIBI SHOOT BEHIND SHOOT BEHINDND" while knowing you were wrong, all you want is to report me so that i don't pass the trial, also it's not only me, literally no one in the ze community likes you, and i can understand why when you're behave like a 12 year old kid, only PARTA somehow loves you (the guy who plays ze 500 hours a week and dies every single round with item).

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Hello Saber,
Thanks for your report.
Yudi explained it just before : you need to stop triggering people or spam like you did. 
I watched demo and the mute was deserved since you were yelling in mic.
Ok he should have warned you but would you have stopped if he had asked you ? Since you are 2 best friends I highly doubt about it.
Yudi should have written a better reason for the mute, that is right.
Do not make you more ennemies and maybe avoid to piss people you don't like could be my only advice.
Topic closed.


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