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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1. Doesn't matter. It's not only me that's affected

2. Read 1

3. Many players, Most notably Holy Mary and W25

4. No precise number so i cant give the STEAM IDs

5. Zombie Escape Server

6. ze_knife_fun

7. Undetermined

8. Well as you see, there is a problem in knife maps. Where high ping players can knife low ping players from a long distance (Katana) or when high ping players with 300+ ping cannot knife normally and it can usually affect the gameplay in ze_knife_fun. But whats most troubling is when a low ping player knifes another low ping player from a long distance. This is unnatural and a blatant exploitation of player commands (interp commands). The Most Notable players who use this advantage are Holy Mary and W25 who cannot be knifed from front (Actually Impossible) and can only be knifed from behind. I hope the admins take actions in banning all players who exploits the commands and make serverside restrictions in using those commands.

Edited by live
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