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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

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  • Server Admin

1: My ingame name: Dark.
2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:1:761424616
3: Name of the player(s) involved: Adeel...
4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: STEAM_0:1:636816228
5: What server did it happen on: zr
6: Map: zm_boxhunt_b2
7: Time and date: 21:27
8: Explanation of the situation: He was boosting players to get in spot, in case i went to him and killed him then i told about the server rules and he start talking shit about admins, while there is no admins active around there to punish him
9: Proof: Demo, Discord: in-game-chat-zr 

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  • CS:S ZR Lead Server Admin

Hello @ Dark

Thanks for the report,
but Adeel did nothing to get him banned or restricted in any way. The highest penalty for boosting a zombie as a human is a slay or kick. In such situations it is best to simply use the !calladmin command and let them take care of that cuz there is nothing we can do about it afterwards.

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