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Locked Lunala's Application

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Ingame Nickname: Lunala / wanderer
Discord username: wanderer2727
Age: 21
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165077961
What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): ZE
Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

/ Why are you interested in applying for admin?:

as i've come back to this game a small while ago , i've seen the same problem still occuring : not enough admins that are willing to take action fast enough , and admins that are too scared to follow their own judgement on any given moment , which is why i'd like to try to become an admin to generally improve the state of the server on peak player hours , and downtime hours by helping other fellow admins . Ofcourse not to mention keeping the server clean from scripters and trollers , however this is a secondary objective to me as i saw most admins both new and old are knowledgeable enough to react , but ofcourse ill still try to be the first to take action.

/ What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)?

Mostly EU times , But ill still be active on NA times when im free ( for example the next 2 or 3 months )


/ How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for?

ive played on the old nide server ( nide-css.ru ) for 2 or 3 years , before it became nide.gg where i also spent around 3 years playing almost daily before ultimately leaving for a bit to pursue irl related stuff

/ How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied?

I'd say i'm more on the experienced side of players , especially since at some point in time i had won every map the gamemode had to offer ( except santa extreme ofcourse because of the times it used to be played ) and even now i know most of the maps available on the server and trying to learn new maps i can potentially lead . I also know the basics of movement , item usage and general player behaviour .

/ Do you have any past admin experience?

I've been admin on multiple servers across multiple games such as cs 1.6 and old css v34 when it was a bit more populated . and i also been an admin on nide.gg for around a year give or take on 2020 , and i'd say i had done a pretty decent job at that , however ill still try to improve my shortcomings.

/ Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc)

I don't really have any skill i can use online however i would not like to leave this space open so i'd like to improvise a bit : 
in summary im basically applying to become an admin just to try to take the correct action whether admins are on or not , however ill try my best just to do what the other admins wouldn't and ofcourse i won't delay taking the initiative of being the first one to make an action when needed . i'm also up to learn the new rules the higher ups made for admins and try to understand the reasoning for them , since ive been inactive for a while which won't be true anymore since ive been active almost daily for a bit now , and i'm planning to keep that going .

Kudos for reading my slightly longer than average application .

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+1 very good player with great map knowledge , but if your accepted please keep your gay personality out from the staff

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

An old friend and a good player, also an old admin back then in 2020, +1 Good luck brother!

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

no more ces admins pls we already have @ sito and @ WeeeD  we dont need more :lenny:

Seriously though, you've been inactive for a while, showing up every now and then then dissapearing for a while. I've seen a greater increase in activity on the server recently tho, which is always good for ppl applying. Personally i don't know you too well, but i know you have good knowledge and are a very experienced player.

+1, good luck

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  • Server Admin

vvell, is there any doubt? I think this user has a lot of general knowledge about maps. you used to be an admin, right? vvelcome back. +1

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