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  • Server Admin
  • Ingame Nickname: JakeSnowy
  • Discord username: JakeySnowy
  • Age: 26
  • SteamID: 76561198087787233
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): ZE

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

  • Why are you interested in applying for admin?

It has been too many times nowadays, when server was in need of an admin, but either no one was there, or just a sleeping frenchie in spec (*cough Rushaway *cough). So I would like to make things more fluid for all the awesome players. And to ban all the inflators that are running rampart around. Also people were asking me to become admin for some reason. And lastly...I lost a bet, so yeah eheh.


  • What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)?

Late mornings EU and late evenings/NA time mostly


  • How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for?

Most fun 3 years of my life. (feelsbadman)


  • How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied?

They don't call me "the most scuffed leader" for nothing. I'm also getting close to knowing almost every map so, that's that I guess.


  • Do you have any past admin experience?

I used to be admin here like 2 years ago, but back then I was a greener and too timid. Now I'm ready to ban all the filthy inflators.


  • Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc)

I am an expert in recording the most funny sounds of our fellow mateys, so I could help incerasing the torchlight value I guess ehe.



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  • Super 1

Hello Jake!

Finally you made it, 

Enjoy the fact to have the power, the judgement is good, acting based on his judgment is another thing. No Feelings and think that what you will do for 1 or 2 players will make the 63 or 64 other happy to have you in the admin team. 

Righteousness, integrity, impartiality.


  • Server Admin

Jake! You’re finally applying! I didn't know when you would become an admin, but you're finally applying 🙂
From what I've seen, Jake has the ability to lead a team, and he has a good understanding of the map and skill.
jake has sufficient admin qualities, and I am confident that he can lead his team members well.

Jake, we sincerely welcome you to apply to join the admin team again !!

JAKI is a friend without a doubt. of course +1.

  • Server Admin

Easiest  +1 I have ever had to give 

anyone caught not giving a +1 will receive a 200 day ban and 7 days in the sack. 

also btw how the F is @ Heat  an admoon??


please close thread immediately and transfer over Nide ownership to Jakey

  • Haha 1
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