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Locked Application for admin

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1. Ingame Nickname: IceGod 

2. Discord username: icegodtop4ik

3. Age: 16

4. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570870262

5. What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): ZR

6. Why are you interested in applying for admin? : because I was an admin on WAFG and I banned players there who played with cheats in ZR like bhop hack and aimbot and punished them with a ban

7.What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? : EU 2 hours active

8. How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? : I've been playing since 2022, when I still had my old nickname

9. How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? : I have average experience

10. Do you have any past admin experience? : yes, I can punish violators of the rules on the server!

11. Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) : Not yet 

Edited by IceGod
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  • Server Admin

Judging by what I just read on your application, you sound too trigger finger happy when it comes to issuing bans. Not only that, you stated that you only have average admin experience. We do things differently here than what you were used to over there. I'm not positive that you're the candidate that the ZR Admin team would be seeking.

-1 from me

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, CrazyChris said:

Судя по тому, что я только что прочитал в вашей заявке, вы слишком радуетесь, когда дело доходит до выдачи запретов. Мало того, вы заявили, что у вас только средний опыт администрирования. Здесь мы делаем все иначе, чем вы привыкли там. Я не уверен, что вы тот кандидат, которого искала бы команда администраторов ZR.

-1 от меня

but they taught me to be an admin there. And I wasn't even happy.

Edited by IceGod
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  • CS:S ZR Lead Server Admin

Hello @ IceGod ,

Following a thorough evaluation of your application, we are sorry to inform you that you're application has unfortunately been Denied.

This decision was made as a result of various reasons, you haven't been consistently active in the server for a week yet, you lack experience and knowledge in the way we manage players in the server , you lack knowledge of the server rules, and not much support from the community.

We understand and appreciate your passion and will to become a part of our team, however it is a big responsibility and requires sufficient knowledge and experience before we can take your applicaiton forward and therefore we belive that you dont yet have what it takes to to join our team, maybe in the future with more experience you'll have better luck.

Best Regards,
ZR LSA Team.

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