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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked Intentional Teamkilling


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1: My ingame name: Kyro
2: My SteamID: 76561198066451968
3: Name of the player(s) involved: GOTT
4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: 76561198247820860
5: What server did it happen on: ZR
6: Map: zm_abandonedbase_v1
7: Time and date: 7/27/2024 - 01:33 MST
8: Explanation of the situation: GOTT and Luckyyy worked together to have GOTT launch the zombie into his own team, twice. There's a cheeky lenny face, and he said he wanted to do it again so they could get the rest, and did. 
9: Proof: Have 2 clips I can provide via message. 



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  • CS:S ZR Lead Server Admin

We've reviewed the situation and issued the players involved a warning, we appreciate your report. Also don't forget to use !calladmin to report future incidients like this one so they can be dealt with live time.

Best Regards,
ZR LSA Team.

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