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  • Server Admin

I agree about remove the shared cool down for other lasers maps but keep it on FF maps maybe also stalker and tyranny but not gris, grau, pkmn... etc

But the thing like Limonada said playing laser maps in row for example cosmo, stalker and tyranny, the players wouldn't stay in the server unless the next map is Laser map and that can affect the population as well. 

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@Shy Limonada. it happens every time that some of players leave but after those "tryhard" sessions we can always play some classic or nemesis maps like atix and boatescape and server will not die cos nide used to be alive 24/7.

@Anwar its only for 5 hours per day. Mb we can just try it and see what happen if it will work we can keep it if not u can always set cd back.


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8 hours ago, Anwar said:

I agree about remove the shared cool down for other lasers maps but keep it on FF maps maybe also stalker and tyranny but not gris, grau, pkmn... etc

But the thing like Limonada said playing laser maps in row for example cosmo, stalker and tyranny, the players wouldn't stay in the server unless the next map is Laser map and that can affect the population as well. 

Theres literally no point in keeping it on ff maps, the reason this post was started is to remove it on FF maps.

It's better to add the no CD when it's late, when people don't play and are less likely to join because they see the constant state of nide at night, usually empty or barely played. Wicked is usually active during the later time and all the maps are always played, You should be considerate of time zones and people that can't play during the actual prime time of NiDE. At night is the time when lazer players usually play, and in the morning nemesis and _escape players.

9 hours ago, Shy Limonada. said:


Hi, I hope you don't mind my argument.

When they finish playing all the laser maps in a row, will they still stay on the server?


Are you talking about after the designated time zone? because if so, no. Newer players will join that'll play other maps that lazer players don't enjoy

If you're talking about during the time zone, yes, the point of removing the CD is so they stay.

Edited by Plex
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I agree with Wicked. Only the normies like maps like boatescape a.k.a the people that never won a map in their life. I don't think that the managers are doing good job with the server since when Pivo was owner the server was 24/7 alive even at very late night. This is my personal opinion and I won't argue with the big ego admins that will reply to me.

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It is his idea that we play 5 hours of laser maps and then leave the server at 30 people. "possibly 40"

This does not ensure that the server after 5 hours "laser" will have the same number of players again

2 hours ago, Gl1tch' said:

I agree with Wicked. Only the normies like maps like boatescape a.k.a the people that never won a map in their life. I don't think that the managers are doing good job with the server since when Pivo was owner the server was 24/7 alive even at very late night. This is my personal opinion and I won't argue with the big ego admins that will reply to me.

Remember that with "Pivo" we only played laser maps, and at night the players that you say did not win anything in their life, reproduce maps that are a little easier "Shoomforest, Pirates, etc." 

**and also mako was played up to 2 times a day like all ff maps

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@Shy Limonada. u need to learn how to read properly. There is no need to remove general cd.  

If u know maths at least like 12 years old u can understand that average amount of players per day still will be much more higher if we can play hard maps after hard maps cos server always die after nowadays. Players will stay for next map only if it is good. Yes at the end server probably will still die anyway but at least it will be full for this time. It better to have full server for 5 hours then for 30 min. And as i said already u can still save online like 40-50 if u choose correct map after this. Iam bored to repeat same things again and again. Can u read properly before post smth like this. F****** r*****:classic_biggrin:.

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19 hours ago, Shy Limonada. said:

It is his idea that we play 5 hours of laser maps and then leave the server at 30 people. "possibly 40"

This does not ensure that the server after 5 hours "laser" will have the same number of players again

Remember that with "Pivo" we only played laser maps, and at night the players that you say did not win anything in their life, reproduce maps that are a little easier "Shoomforest, Pirates, etc." 

**and also mako was played up to 2 times a day like all ff maps

Playing pirates or shroomfest is okay since those maps are classics that have always been overplayed. We the ZE players are used to it. But what's the point of having NEMESIS maps like boatescape ? This is not even ZE or playing the next sh*t map that is long like 3 minutes and then replay it 4 more times until the time expires. We need some changes on the server in order everyone to be happy I suggest :

> Playing mako v5 atleast once a day

> Removing every boring map with 1 stage that is long 3 minutes

> Removing laser maps cd so that  we can play laser map after laser map

those are my suggestions that I think would make the server more populated.



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  • Server Admin

There are good points called here. MY point of view is the same as Shy Limonada's one. If we disable the cooldown between laser/skill maps, it's just gonna be a laser party during hours and then it will happen the same as usual, the population will decline as soon as the map switches to a "normal" one. So basically we would be just delaying the server's death.

I mean, having 40-65-40-65-40-65 population is still the same (if not better) than 65-65-65-65-20-25-30-40, because that's what gonna happen if you waste all the laser maps in a row. So which maths are better? And i can see what would come next... "Batata decrease the cooldown of laser maps!!!".

And you know what's the problem of this? We are not thinking about players who don't like/give a shit about lasers. If we do those decisions, we are only thinking about players that enjoy dodging lasers/showing their pro skills (that only come for the last stage btw), and not in the regulars that would play any map.

And what i see from all of this is that people that want to play 100 laser maps in a row are just being selfish. I don't see nemesis players coming to me and saying "Batata, remove the shared cooldown between nemesis maps", for example. But i see laser players doing it, interesting. They are so selfish and addicted that they can't wait 1 f*cking map to nominate another map on which they can take a c00l screenshot. Just picking an example: 

28 minutes ago, Gl1tch' said:

> Removing every boring map with 1 stage that is long 3 minutes

It might be boring for you, but it might be an easy map for newbies to start Zombie Escape, for example. People like winning after all. And in laser maps most don't win, which makes them mad and leave the server. So at the end you're just another typical guy that doesn't give a shit about the server and only wants to play his favourite maps. And this is not even an opinion or a matter of ego, it's a fact. You wrote that. You're not thinking about people that might actually enjoy those kind of maps, only about yourself.

My goal, as a manager, is to make the server full even in maps that are normally called "shit". It's easy to have full players on FF maps, every server can do it. So the argument that FF maps will bring players, oh, it's goddamn right. But every server will see their population increase if you reach one of the last stages on those maps. It's not the miracle solution. The hard part is to make the server full on different maps. So if you have suggestions for that, you can go ahead, i'll be listenning. But presenting to me the solution to play only laser/skill maps is ridiculous. Ridiculous because it's selfish, to start with. And those maps kinda attract the players that we don't exactly define as the perfect players for the server: people that only come for last stage and then leave and, specially, toxic players.

And i also want to add diversity to the maps that are being played in the server. It keeps both the players and admins motivated to play in the server. I mean, who likes eating the same food or listenning to the same songs everyday? ZE is the same.

So theorically, my solution is good, because it takes in consideration the different tastes of maps that players might have and not just thinking about 1 specific group of players.

I could be writing more, but that's all i have to say for now... I just remembered now, but this decision of putting shared cooldowns is based on evidences. It's not just "Batata wants, Batata does it". No. It's based on facts (that playing stalker and then gris, for example, the populations drops hard).

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I agree with Wicked but the argument put forward by Batata is really good..I agree with Batata considering the fact that for the past few days many new players have joined Nide so, it is better to keep them attracted by gradually developing their skill rather than scaring them of your skills...same has happened with me too.

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@Batata Finally u replied to my post ty for that. 

First of all, i talked only about 5 hours per day in prime time. I cant understand how u get those numbers mb cos u dont play so often like me and dont see that happening on server. Guess u just trying to defend your solution with random numbers.

7 часов назад, Batata сказал:



7 часов назад, Batata сказал:



Its more likely what it will be smth like 65-65-65-65-65-30-40-50 (average 55.6)  and 65-30-40-50-65-30-40-50 (average 46.2). After this everything will be same like now cos "tryhard" session over. So my maths is better.

Second, u said that some people are selfish. But r u not selfish uself? I can explain. For example, why bhop is disabled on temple ancient? Answer is u like map but u cant bhop. Why u disabled it on pizza time? Same answer (its on for now but anyway u did it). Why some lazer maps have different cd. Depends on u like them or not. Etc.

Taking Glitch for example? Is this a joke. Lmao. He is just toxic kid.

Caring of newbies? Very good. As i said before they have 19 hours per day. Let us play our maps for 5 hours without losing players. As i said before u need just try it. Statistic will show that iam right. Just try it 1 week and we will check average amount of players before and after. Its only 1 week why not? Server is dead 24/7 nowadays. I hope that my solution will help server to become great again.

Btw its not only about ff. Its about all hard maps like stalker, gris, grau, mist etc.

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I actually agree whit wicked I mean imagine if we play laser map and we finish it so we want to play another laser map to keep server alive  and we can't do that as u know so we have to go normal map so server dies and we won't play any laser map at least after 5 h after the first one.and there is another problem some laser map need many player so we can't nominate it at leat make it ez to nominate maybe between(35-40) player



Edited by Tiger45
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20 hours ago, Batata said:


My goal, as a manager, is to make the server full even in maps that are normally called "sh*t". It's easy to have full players on FF maps, every server can do it. So the argument that FF maps will bring players, oh, it's goddamn right. But every server will see their population increase if you reach one of the last stages on those maps. It's not the miracle solution. The hard part is to make the server full on different maps. So if you have suggestions for that, you can go ahead, i'll be listenning. But presenting to me the solution to play only laser/skill maps is ridiculous. Ridiculous because it's selfish, to start with. And those maps kinda attract the players that we don't exactly define as the perfect players for the server: people that only come for last stage and then leave and, specially, toxic players.


keep the server full?

Non-Lazer maps on NiDE Recently:




Lazer Maps on NiDE Recently:




These aren't the best screenshots, but you get the idea. You want to do the best for the server and community, Most of the community are lazer fags. You'll rarely find a 64 player server filled with boatescape players, theres lazer fags there, and why? to nominate a better map than f*cking boatescape. How are you doing the best if you wont listen to criticism from your players and instead saying your solution is way better. Yes there are toxic players, why does that matter? You have an admin team that can handle all of that.

The server dies frequently, but you clearly don't notice it. Whenever I come on the server & theres a lazer map, the server is filled with players, then when the maps beaten we go have to go some random map, and the players drop significantly. And rarely does it bounce back.

20 hours ago, Batata said:


And i also want to add diversity to the maps that are being played in the server. It keeps both the players and admins motivated to play in the server. I mean, who likes eating the same food or listenning to the same songs everyday? ZE is the same.


How are you adding diversity when we play the same f*cking maps everyday, we literally barely play any good maps like Gris, Mindtree, Grau & a lot more. Personally me as an admin and other admins,are not motivated to join a server that has "Sorrento" as its current map. Exactly "who likes eating the same food or listening to the same songs" but you enjoy the same maps we play constantly. We arent asking for NiDE to turn into a full on lazer server, we're asking for a time-limit at night as usually barely any f*cking _escape players or nemesis players are on. 

20 hours ago, Batata said:


So theorically, my solution is good, because it takes in consideration the different tastes of maps that players might have and not just thinking about 1 specific group of players.

I could be writing more, but that's all i have to say for now... I just remembered now, but this decision of putting shared cooldowns is based on evidences. It's not just "Batata wants, Batata does it". No. It's based on facts (that playing stalker and then gris, for example, the populations drops hard).

This isn't a solution, its a problem. People that play harder maps aren't just one specific group of people, that's like me saying all _escape players and nemesis players are just one specific group of players.      Of course the population drops hard, then it increases later on, the people that leave are known as "stalker fags". And then the people that'll play harder maps will join.

20 hours ago, Batata said:

There are good points called here. MY point of view is the same as Shy Limonada's one. If we disable the cooldown between laser/skill maps, it's just gonna be a laser party during hours and then it will happen the same as usual, the population will decline as soon as the map switches to a "normal" one. So basically we would be just delaying the server's death.


The server is already dying, we've been talking about this for days now. Limonadas point, we literally cant play mako twice unless you're talking about v5 and v6 which are two different maps honestly. And on both those maps the server was full. We aren't talking about adding lazer maps in the morning, if you guys read you can tell, We're talking about adding it at night when barely any _escape or nemesis players are on and full on lazer fags are on. 

Lastly, no one cares for a f*cking screenshot. I've never screenshotted a win, I care more for having fun playing than screenshotting, like literally all players do. There's a lot more points to disprove but I'm way too tired.

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Maybe making the req. player to nominate a little bit lower since when hard/laser map is available to nominate on _escape/nemesis map combo it is very hard since those map is boring if played too long aka. replaying the same 3 minute map over and over again, people join and then leave and its hard to maintain player counts. Example map is still 12 minutes left before voting and we nominate hard/laser map just to get removed later on since people are leaving. Or maybe you can freeze the nomination when there is 3-5 minutes left before voting, so if player count is dropping the nomination is not removed between those time and we can still vote the map when voting.

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22 hours ago, Batata said:

So theorically, my solution is good, because it takes in consideration the different tastes of maps that players might have and not just thinking about 1 specific group of players.


22 hours ago, Batata said:

I mean, having 40-65-40-65-40-65 population is still the same (if not better) than 65-65-65-65-20-25-30-40,

It isnt the same
In theory "40-65-40-65-40-65 population" is the most ideal situation with the current system but this just doesnt always work in practice, most of the time server population drops too hard and we may have to wait hours before we can nominate something good again (even during peak hours). So it seems much better to prolong the 65/65 situation with laser maps than let the server die immediately after it rendering the players unable to nominate a laser/hard map.

22 hours ago, Batata said:

They are so selfish and addicted that they can't wait 1 f*cking map to nominate another map on which they can take a c00l screenshot.

So in relation to what i said above, its definitely not a situation where we dont have the patience to wait for 1 map.

Wicked's proposal caters to a large portion of the ze player base, its not selfish at all. Plus he only demanded 5 hours during peak EU hours which is a time duration when people are actively look to play a harder map.

On a side note, you seem really dead set against the experimentation of this idea. A few days of experimentation wouldnt really cause much harm i suppose. 

Edited by Tea
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Old nide found it's success by playing laser maps and having much easier settings. Not sure why the current management is moving away from this and trying the unloze approach with a more forced map diversity.

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