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Locked Plex and some others eban abuse

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1: Your own ingame name: Creepy
2: Your own steam-ID: You have it already 
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Plex and one other admin 
4: What server did it happen on: Zombie escape
5: What map ze_ffxii_westersand_v8zeta
6: Time and date 22/08 time forgot
7: Explain the situation: So we are playing insane god stage, I had holy item (killer), when we arrived at boss 3 second after boss started I decided to use holy on boss, so we kill it faster and have less trim. Keep in mind there was 16 zombies and alot of humans so we can hold zombies very ez. After I used holy stupid admins once again did stupid mistake by ebanning for no practical reason, first Klixus abusing kick and no one did jacksh*t, now npn-sense eban when I used holy good and it wasnt even troll and none of other admins reacted. No one said in rules "Use holy here and here", I had holy and decided to use it on the boss instead last door, it wasnt even f*cking yektima yet they eban still for good holy, and holy deal big dmg to the boss so I have no idea what is their problem.
8: Proof check demo

There was 13 zombies and 40 humans, your "decision" was made out of frustration. You saw someone stucking the boss and you screamed to not do it or you would use holy, and either way it did no damage to the boss.

Edited by Plex

It wasnt used out of frustration, I just screamed do not stuck boss, and holy does dmg to f*cking boss dude, you play zombie escape for like 4-5 months and you say stuff like Stephen hawking like u know everything. 

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I wont watch it, I would use holy anyway on the boss even if he would stuck or not. Holy does dmg and you abused because you think it doesnt dmg the boss, you have 0 knowledge about this map and you think you know everything, you can legit ask 20 people who play ze for long time and they will confirm it does big dmg to the boss, I am already got enough of klixus abuse (even tho he should have access removed) and your abuse. 

Also there is 13 zombies 40 humans, you eban for not trolling but actually preventing trim, because boss is harder on insane god. If you think that 40 humans cant hold 13 fxxking zombies then sorry but u are wrong. And we almost win that round but people did sh*t dmg to chaos on lasers

19 minutes ago, ShadowCreepy said:

I wont watch it, I would use holy anyway on the boss even if he would stuck or not. Holy does dmg and you abused because you think it doesnt dmg the boss, you have 0 knowledge about this map and you think you know everything, you can legit ask 20 people who play ze for long time and they will confirm it does big dmg to the boss, I am already got enough of klixus abuse (even tho he should have access removed) and your abuse. 

Since you clearly didn't want to check the demo because you know you're wrong I did for you, and lets see what I found out.

Creepy you said that it wasn't out of frustration that someone was stucking the boss right?





And lets talk about this doing "big dmg to the boss"

These are two screenshots, 1 is 10 seconds before holy (I couldn't really grab another one)

and the other is atleast 5-10 seconds after holy 



During the time between screenshots , players were shooting. But you stated it does big damage right?

The eban is justified, you acted like a complete idiot and used it for no reason other than you being angry. This isn't a "tactical holy", its f*cking autistic. You wasted a one-time use item just because you were frustrated.

Holy does dmg boss, record actual gameplay instead demo. Contact even f*cking SlayerDragon and Noctali and they confirm holy dmg the boss (they made this map).  Also who cares if I used it out of frustration, it still was good holy coz it dmg boss. 

And dont forget you are the guy who like to troll alot, I have no bloody idea how are you admin. Also dont forget that you just keep saying same bullsh*t because you have no other arguement. First of all I repeat my self, go ask mappers of westersand, I dont care how you do it and they will confirm for you infront of your eyes that holy dmg boss on westersand v8, it damages gabranth and chaos (the laser boss). So quit saying bullsh*t please because you starting to piss me off. Or just decompile map and check your self if holy dmg boss or not. Ask henry and he will tell you how to check it.

Creepy you're actually so f*cking delusional, the point of this reply was to show you that it did in fact not do damage and you did it because you were frustrated. + you f*cking lied

2 hours ago, ShadowCreepy said:

It wasnt used out of frustration


27 minutes ago, ShadowCreepy said:

Also who cares if I used it out of frustration, it still was good holy coz it dmg boss. 

It literally didn't damage boss, you're just imagining things at this point. Give it up you're wrong, take the eban and grow the f*ck up.

+ this reply shows that you really didn't mean to do it to "save your teammates" like you've stated right?


Edited by Plex
29 minutes ago, Plex said:

Creepy you're actually so f*cking delusional, the point of this reply was to show you that it did in fact not do damage and you did it because you were frustrated. + you f*cking lied


It literally didn't damage boss, you're just imagining things at this point. Give it up you're wrong, take the eban and grow the f*ck up.

+ this reply shows that you really didn't mean to do it to "save your teammates" like you've stated right?


You better learn how to read sentences, ask mappers themselves and they tell you holy does dmg to boss. Or decompile the map and check your self.

1 minute ago, ShadowCreepy said:

You better learn how to read sentences, ask mappers themselves and they tell you holy does dmg to boss. Or decompile the map and check your self.



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2 minutes ago, ShadowCreepy said:

You better learn how to read sentences, ask mappers themselves and they tell you holy does dmg to boss. Or decompile the map and check your self.


33 minutes ago, Plex said:

Creepy you're actually so f*cking delusional, the point of this reply was to show you that it did in fact not do damage and you did it because you were frustrated. + you f*cking lied


Just now, ShadowCreepy said:

You better shut the f*ck up because you are the one who abusing too, and cried that "waaaah kick Pivo he abusing waaaah" 


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