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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1: Your own ingame name : Slapper
2: Your own steam-ID : STEAM_0:0:486204260
3: Name of the player(s) involved : The Lunara Sequence
4: Steam-ID of the player(s) involved : STEAM_0:0:708086060
5: What server did it happen on : ze
6: What map : ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v3_6
7: Time and date : 10:20 21 Dec 2020 GMT+7
8: Explain the situation : Trolling (using wall to block players from entering bunker stage 2, using wall for no reason stage 3)/missusing item(depleting medallion on the VERY first start  of stage 4) (wall/medallion/probably other item as i writing this report), intentionally dying with item.
9: Proof : ze_pirates_port_royal_v3_621.12.2020 @ 03:40, ze_pirates_port_royal_v3_621.12.2020 @ 04:18 (Demo filename)

  • Server Admin

The guy already banned before you making the report xd


But anyway thanks for the report, glad to see some players who are wake when there is no admins online 


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Edited by Anwar
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