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Locked Akadir kiddo abuse

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1: Your own ingame name Creepy
2: Your own steam-ID no need
3: Name of the admin(s) involved Akadir
4: What server did it happen on Nide 
5: What map dev
6: Time and date 17:30 27/01/2021
7: Explain the situation we play dev first stage, its about to finish like 5 more second before last door closes so I decided to run into zm and stand in corner and this kiddo ban me for 60 min without warning and for nothing basically, I wasnt even tryharding after I get infected although it would do sh*t. This kiddo play on server once 4 month, come only for sh*t maps and you guys let him stay admin. Do something about it and I hope getting some compensation because this sh*t happened on event. And he ignored my friend loveless when he get questioned.

PS: Gonna add he often spam torchlight and dont give a f*ck what going on most time, he seem to forget how to do job properly.
8: Proof logs and demo 

Edited by ShadowCreepy

*Gonna add he often spam torchlight and dont give a f*ck what going on most time, he seem to forget how to do job properly* 

Man.. Man no need to be this salty creepy im sure whatever is happening in your life must be hard but you wil get past it. As you see not everyone has so much free time as you thats why i cant play ff maps 24/7 like you. Im sure if you ask the other admins around that they would do the same thing as i did (wel exept you but then again you are the one that got demoted not me) 


all jokes aside mate i just stated that you got banned to the f*cking around in a event 

Edited by Akadir
  • Haha 1
  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Creepy, half of your report is about Akadir and not the situation.
We were many admins online. You knifed a zombie, he almost kill everyone and make the round fail. Yes it didnt, but as it is an event the rules are more strict so the ban is deserved. So the only compensation you might have is to wait a bit to come back.
Oh and other compensation, for your own good : I will close the thread so it doesnt turn into something pathetic once again.

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