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🚨 Important update for all players! 🚨 ×


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About Ssonic

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  1. W maps with the new updates, thank you JAYNEM
  2. Ssonic


    Hello. Sonic or knuckles !!? Be smart .
  3. Try holding E and Ctrl and most importantly move as slowly as u can. and u can do it with enough practice . i hope it was helpfull x)
  4. Hello Chris. While what you have said is true,i would like to point that when I did used the commands i made sure the server was empty and at least one or two admins were present nonetheless I apologize and im thankful for your feedback .
  5. Required: Ingame Nickname:Ssonic Discord username:ssonic0402 Age:22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:420483963 What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?):ZR server Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions) Why are you interested in applying for admin? I would like to believe that I could be a good addition to the staff. I want the players to enjoy their experience on our server and pass my knowledge on to new players, as well as help out when other admins are not active.As I have a lot of free time, I would like to dedicate it to serving our community and helping it grow even more. What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? Both time zones but heavily on EU hours How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? 2 months now with 500 hours on record. How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? i started playing css zombie modes all the way back in 2013 trying different servers but i stuck on les papys aperos servers from 2015to2020. after that i took a long break ,and now im back and glued to nide servers Do you have any past admin experience? Just from the donated admin commands as i have been using them according to the rules, all thanks to other senior admins guidance. Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) unfortunately no NOTE: Feel free to say anything on your mind as i look to improve my self as an individual.
  6. Thank you for your contribution. I hope our Zr server have new players coming over
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