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Lunala last won the day on February 13

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  1. Winners rewarded! Thanks for joining.
  2. zip it up after you're done lil bro But seriously speaking , mini does talk and complain alot , and by alot i mean more than he should , but even considering that a perma silence is a bit harsh ( yet kind of deserved , if it wasn't perma but some months instead )
  3. CS:S Zombie Escape Event #409 13/02/2025 - 4PM GMT+1 (Server Time) 13 Days of VIP to winners! Discord: Event Timestamp IP: css.nide.gg:27015 Steam: NiDE Steam Group Maps to be played: ze_arcana_heart_css [Download Here] ze_tensor_of_ice_css2 [Download Here] ze_aware_v1_2a_css [Download Here] Event Times: France (Paris) 13/02/2025 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 13/02/2025 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 13/02/2025 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 14/02/2025 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 14/02/2025 @ 6PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special Rules: Rules will be strictly enforced during the event! Voice and Chat spam will not be tolerated and may result in penalties without warning. Any type of trolling will have severe consequences! Rewards: Anyone willing to lead will get some extra VIP days as a reward. Winning 2-F stage on Arcana heart will give you 2 Day of VIP Winning 2-T stage on Arcana heart will give you 5 Day of VIP Winning RTV stage on Arcana heart will give you 1 Day of VIP Winning RTV EX+ stage on Arcana heart will give you 1 Day of VIP Winning Tensor of Ice will give you 1 Day of vip Winning stage 3 on Aware will give you 3 days of VIP
  4. CS:S Zombie Escape Event #409 13/02/2025 - 4PM GMT+1 (Server Time) 13 Days of VIP to winners! Discord: Event Timestamp IP: css.nide.gg:27015 Steam: NiDE Steam Group Maps to be played: ze_arcana_heart_css [Download Here] ze_tensor_of_ice_css2 [Download Here] ze_aware_v1_2a_css [Download Here] Event Times: France (Paris) 13/02/2025 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 13/02/2025 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 13/02/2025 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 14/02/2025 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 14/02/2025 @ 6PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special Rules: Rules will be strictly enforced during the event! Voice and Chat spam will not be tolerated and may result in penalties without warning. Any type of trolling will have severe consequences! Rewards: Anyone willing to lead will get some extra VIP days as a reward. Winning 2-F stage on Arcana heart will give you 2 Day of VIP Winning 2-T stage on Arcana heart will give you 5 Day of VIP Winning RTV stage on Arcana heart will give you 1 Day of VIP Winning RTV EX+ stage on Arcana heart will give you 1 Day of VIP Winning Tensor of Ice will give you 1 Day of vip Winning stage 3 on Aware will give you 3 days of VIP View full record
  5. Lunala


    why didn't you report me "abusing" 3 months ago ? what was stopping you exactly ? its funny all of the abuse on the server only happens to be towards you
  6. Lunala


    sayten does not troll often , ofcourse im not giving him more than that , and i already told him that the next eban will be more than a month . and as i said , if i didn't use earth people wouldve died to zombies , thats what it looked like to me , unlike you im trying to win the maps and not just afk until lasers and then still not shoot.
  7. Lunala


    Thanks for the report saber. if you want to know , only 2 or 3 of my ebans are actually valid , and the rest either are not actual ebans or ebans i gave myself out of feeling guilty for ruining a round. if you are so mad about westersand you would atleast know that if i wanted to troll , i would have soloed that round by just delaying earth , we didn't have wind and i thought he died so i used earth behind me , i felt bad for others and ebanned myself . and yeah i have every right to tell people not to troll , dont think you are getting any special treatement , i say that to alot of people . and next time , write the report in english , you got nothing to fear.
  8. Winners Awarded! Thanks for attending.
  9. Thank you for the report luffy. however i think its more appropriate to leave the "admin abuse" part to other admins that were online , our job is to make sure the donated admins are in line and following the rules of the server , as you said yourself , he made a mistake and i instantly reverted his action , and had him explain the situation . i'll leave the last comment to the other lsa's as they might have something else to add
  10. As my mate said above , you are probably using a no-steam client to run the game . the server had some technical issues and therefore our technical administrators have disabled nosteam access to the server for a little while , since it was suspected to be related to the problem . you should join our discord and stay tuned for the announcement of when it will be enabled again , and if you are using a steam client , please wait further replies from higher up admins.
  11. +1 for trial , just your game knowledge and experience should get you this far , as for whatever happens after that is totally dependant on whether you'll stay true to your word on doing a complete change of behaviour , because that's the only issue you have .
  12. Winners Rewarded ! Thank you for joining !
  13. CS:S Zombie Escape Event #405 29/01/2025 - 4PM GMT+1 (Server Time) 10 Days of VIP to winners! Discord: Event Timestamp IP: Steam: NiDE Steam Group Maps to be played: ze_light_shadow_l1_4 [Download Here] ze_monochrome_css2 [Download Here] ze_chroma_v0_4 [Download Here] Event Times: France (Paris) 29/01/2025 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 29/01/2025 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 29/01/2025 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 30/01/2025 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 29/01/2025 @ 6PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special Rules: Rules will be strictly enforced during the event! Voice and Chat spam will not be tolerated and may result in penalties without warning. Any type of trolling will have severe consequences! Special Kickers: -Light Shadow will be played using pistols only ( Boss fights will be accounted for ) -Chroma will be played without items ( all of them ) Rewards: Anyone willing to lead will get some extra VIP days as a reward. Winning Ring stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Core stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Escape stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Shadow stage on Light Shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning RTV stage on Light shadow will reward you with Nothing Winning Monochrome will reward you with 4 days of VIP Winning Chroma will reward you with 2 days of VIP View full record
  14. CS:S Zombie Escape Event #405 29/01/2025 - 4PM GMT+1 (Server Time) 10 Days of VIP to winners! Discord: Event Timestamp IP: Steam: NiDE Steam Group Maps to be played: ze_light_shadow_l1_4 [Download Here] ze_monochrome_css2 [Download Here] ze_chroma_v0_4 [Download Here] Event Times: France (Paris) 29/01/2025 @ 4PM GMT+1:00 USA (New York) 29/01/2025 @ 10AM GMT-5:00 India (Delhi) 29/01/2025 @ 8:30PM GMT+5:30 Australia (Sydney) 30/01/2025 @ 2AM GMT+11:00 Russia (Moscow) 29/01/2025 @ 6PM GMT+3:00 If you don't see your timezone here, you can convert GMT+1 by clicking on this link. Special Rules: Rules will be strictly enforced during the event! Voice and Chat spam will not be tolerated and may result in penalties without warning. Any type of trolling will have severe consequences! Special Kickers: -Light Shadow will be played using pistols only ( Boss fights will be accounted for ) -Chroma will be played without items ( all of them ) Rewards: Anyone willing to lead will get some extra VIP days as a reward. Winning Ring stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Core stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Escape stage on Light shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning Shadow stage on Light Shadow will reward you with 1 Day of VIP Winning RTV stage on Light shadow will reward you with Nothing Winning Monochrome will reward you with 4 days of VIP Winning Chroma will reward you with 2 days of VIP
  15. you want the truth ? i think the server has been really stale and boring for a very long while now . can't wait to see the changes you're planning to implement with the huge authority you're going to get. nothing but curiosity from me , good luck +1
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