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Takenashi Ubiwashi

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Posts posted by Takenashi Ubiwashi

  1. 1. Your Name and Age. (Remember that you can only apply if you're 16+) My name is Maxim. I'm 16 years old.

    2. Steam_ID: my steam_id : https://steamcommunity.com/id/fbiopendoorsligh/

    3. How long are you playing CSS ? :  I've been playning for 3 years now.

    4. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community? : I think that not every person will be able to listen to the player, try to help him, but I believe in myself that  I can help every player on this server.

    5. Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can beneift us having you as an admin? : I have experience, but not very much , but I countinue to study

    6. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server? : I study at school, from time to time I am engaged in hand-to-hand fighting, I am fond of drawing, on the server I think to hold out for large amount of time. I'm also from Ukraine

    7. here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him  how will you deal with that? Write your answer  in full details more detailed answer mean better answer , new admin applications should consider this question . :  If you think so, ask him how he shoots like that, also ask him if he uses third-party programs, I think to record a video on him, you can also ask another administrator to help you figure out the offender, if the administrator says this is an aimbot, issue a ban on one week, you can also use different plugins.u

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