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Voting for the CS: S ZE Mapping contest is now open ×


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Posts posted by Kayn

  1. Hi Saber

    Striker was not ebanned cause he didnt troll. He didnt know the item would kill all the zombies, since he thought there was a protection to save the last zombie. We dont eban for honest mistakes, since nobody is perfect and everyone can make them. Instead we learn from them, which is also what striker did in this scenario.

    In regards to the no shooting. I'm not sure if you saw, but i told no shooting was allowed this time, so i dont really see where you want to go with this witch hunt of admins on NiDe

  2. Hi aivT

    Looks like we were wrong about that you were the guy who naded the item away. We apologize for that. The eban you're talking about however was fully in it's place. Sorry for the mistake.

    Enjoy your stay on NiDe.

  3. Hi Warrior

    This video you have linked does not showcase the act you commited the previous round, which also was the reason for the ban that you're reporting for. We've come to the conclusion that we are going to test this out the next time, so that we can get fully confirmation that this is indeed causing lag issues that can lead to a crash. In the mean time your ban has been lifted. 

    Enjoy your stay on NiDe.

  4. You've got multiple warnings, and yet you decided to ignore or by taking out pistols and shooting with them at a slow fire rate. Instead of being childish try to actually live up to your actions. The punishment was in its place. Enjoy your stay on NiDe.

    Topic Closed.

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  5. Hi Maso

    Thanks for making a report. It looks like Striiker lifted the silence himself. The Eban however will remain and will NOT be lifted. The reasons behind this are due to your history with trolling + previous punishment in the past, which has been stacked up now to a 1 month eban. I would also like to note that hiding behind alt to execute trolls is not something that i would recommend. Enjoy your stay on NiDe

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  6. Sayten, what did you really expect was going to happend? We have given you numerous of chances, but you still do not learn. This was 100% deserved and rightful action from Life. I hope when you get on the server next time, that you will have learnt and changed your behaviour for the better.

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  7. Well, you can have your opinon about me. I'm not here to debate whether you like me or vice versa, so just in short, i have nothing against you. I'm only here to give my vote, and why i have come to that conclusion. I've come to that conclusion by observing your gameplay on NiDe and giving you multiple warnings.

    • Haha 2
  8. -1

    1. You're pretty inactive. The only maps i see you join for are Mako and westersand

    2. When you do happen to join, i've only seen trolling behaviour from you, specially on westersand with not healing the team / or healing at the completely opposite side of the boss arena, causing 95% of the players to miss the heal.

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  9. I already use cknife on those maps. Yes on rare occasion a knife might slip through me (due to being afk at that exact moment) - just like they did, when you were admin. We’re only humans afterall. 

  10. I’m really curious where you’ve seen this Midknight. I would really appreciate if you show me, where exact i’ve done this in sourcebans. This is not targeting. This is a player, who repeatly has been trolling and griefing, which actions are getting punished.

  11. There’s been a lot of trolling in westersand (earthing the team on chaos, trolling with wind, heal or in this case jump electro at chaos). You knew a jump electro would result in an eban, yet you stil proceed to go with it. I’ve only seen trolling and griefing behaviour from you, whenever we’ve played ff maps. Perhaps you could take these 2 weeks to reflect over your behaviour. 

    edit: You did it on god mod. You knew Jump electro would blind people, it was being screamed in mic by isshiki several times. And the round was lost because of it.

  12. Knowing you for a long time and your history with trolling and cheating, i'm not surprised with your behaviour here either. I joined in the end of stage 7, and the first thing i'm met by the players, are them typing your name out due to trolling and griefing throughout the map. I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you still continiued with toxic behaviour ruining the game experiece for the others in the server in stage 8. Santassination is a map, where there's a lot of effort put in by the leader and the team, especially during extreme attempts due to the difficulty and long stages. You ruined the experience, and was the reason of several rounds being lost for 64 other players. These factors are the reason behind your punishment. 

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  13. Required:

    • Ingame Nickname: djinnz/Kayn/dp
    • Discord username: Rapzxp
    • Age: 25
    • SteamID: 76561198026747809
    • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): NiDe ZE

    Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

    1) Why are you interested in applying for admin?

    I started playing Css ze again after csgo zombie escape dying out. Upon spending about 1050 hours on nide, it has become clear that theres a general lack of quality in the admin team, but also there's a lot of toxic trolling behaviour on the server, which mainly originates from toxic teenagers. I know that's were all here to have fun and enjoy the gamemode together, but there's a line between "fun". Once that line is crossed, it's just ruins the experience for other players (Knifing, item trolling etc). 

    2) What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? 

    I would mainly be able to moderate during EU hours. In some occasion, i am also playing on NA hour.

    3) How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for?

    Around 1050 hours played on NiDe css ze, but i've also played, when the server was called Supreme Elite back then.

    4) How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied?

    I'm an old Cs 1.6 player having played ever since the gamemode Zombie Mod (Zm) got released back in 2005. Later on on csgo, i becane a community manager / head admin for csgo oldest zombie server Rise of the walking dead (RoW). I stepped down from there in 2020 due to inconsistencies with the owner. 

    5) Do you have any past admin experience?

    I was admin back in cs 1.6 in a mY.RuN hns server (2008 - 2010ish). Also my admin experience in RoW.  - (2014 - 2020)

    6) Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc)

    I've created 2 zm maps for RoW, modified the old legendary zm_italy_elegant and helped the mapper of zm_beach_house and zm_gethigh_420_v1 creating those maps with inputs and basic mapping help.

    I have around 500 hours on sdk. I'm not the greatest, but i do have a little bit of knowledge. 

    My maps:

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1453454971 (Collab map)


    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2573548283 (customized the original zm_italy_elegant by RSG)



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