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Locked CS:S ZE Event #325 - NiDE's Map Contest 2024

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  • Server Admin

CS:S Zombie Escape Event #325
Part I - 10/05/24 - 3PM GMT+2 (EU Time - 3PM in France / 2PM in Portugal)
Part I - 10/05/24 - 12AM GMT+2 (NA Time - 6PM in New York / 3PM in Los Angeles)

Part II - 11/05/24 - 3PM GMT+2 (EU Time - 3PM in France / 2PM in Portugal)
Part II - 11/05/24 - 12AM GMT+2 (NA Time - 6PM in New York / 3PM in Los Angeles)

Part III - 12/05/24 - 3PM GMT+2 (EU Time - 3PM in France / 2PM in Portugal)
Part III - 12/05/24 - 12AM GMT+2 (NA Time - 6PM in New York / 3PM in Los Angeles)

NiDE's Map Contest 2024

17 Days of VIP to winners!


🗺️ Maps to be played
image.png Part I - 10/05/2024
ze_mako2_in_4hours [Download Soon]
ze_system_b2 [Download Soon]
ze_treasure_valley_v1f [Download Soon]
ze_permafrost_b2 [Download Soon]
ze_surf_sphinx_stronghold_a5 [Download Soon]

image.png Part II - 11/05/2024
ze_battletoads_a1 [Download Soon]
ze_contra_v1_9_5 [Download Soon]
ze_exit_this_earths_atomosphere_c1 [Download Soon]
ze_pizza_tower_v1_beta [Download Soon]
ze_simulated_universe_alpha1b [Download Soon]
ze_untitled_touhou_a04 [Download Soon]

image.png Part III - 12/05/2024
ze_dnd_hydra_a2 [Download Soon]
ze_stardust_battleground_m1 [Download Soon]
ze_arid_lands_of_king_theba_b1_0 [Download Soon]
ze_esther_cc_zi1 [Download Soon]
ze_deltarune_ch1_b1 [Download Soon]
ze_builders_v1c [Download Soon]

📜 Special rules
Rules will be enforced strictly during the event: spam in the microphone and trolling will not be allowed and will be punished without a warning.
Any type of trolling will have severe consequences!
Since this is the first true playthrough for this maps, errors, glitches and bugs can or might happen.
If you see any problems with the maps, report them to @ Hobbitten  or @ .Rushaway .

👑 Leader
Anyone willing to help lead will get some extra VIP days has a reward.

🎁 Rewards
Winning any map(s) or final stage of any map(s) will grant you 1 day of vip.


◽ Server: CS:S Zombie Escape
◽ IP:
◽ Steam event link: NiDE Steam Group

View full record

  • Replies 6
  • Created
  • Last Reply

Top Posters In This Topic

  • Server Admin

EU Event Part I
ze_mako2_in_4hours ~ Winners

 "Waste" STEAM_0:0:124739830 alive human
 "Singleton" STEAM_0:1:65878464 alive human
 "Kelyan3" STEAM_0:0:23158843 alive human
 "Starlight-Dash" STEAM_0:0:439467764 alive human
 "Xeryus" STEAM_0:0:576896437 alive human
 "'h3n!x" STEAM_0:1:589949760 alive human
 "Ribok" STEAM_0:0:529673762 alive human
 "sito" STEAM_0:0:243844736 alive human
 "DamTac" STEAM_0:0:784290933 alive human
 "Hobbitten" STEAM_0:1:26854395 alive human
 "kovka" STEAM_0:1:418000308 alive human
 "weeed" STEAM_0:1:706852775 alive human
 "V POISKAH GOBLINOV" STEAM_0:1:63737298 alive human
 "kliW" STEAM_0:1:187517033 alive human
 "Pelmen" STEAM_0:0:150240337 alive human
 "cron" STEAM_0:1:54109628 alive human
 "Albemort" STEAM_0:0:43808664 alive human
 "Asterism" STEAM_0:1:511378910 alive human
 "friezi" STEAM_0:0:174390304 alive human
 "Jaenas" STEAM_0:0:28172074 alive human
 "GuaRdiaNN" STEAM_0:1:188074484 alive human
 "kr1s" STEAM_0:1:561323422 alive human
 "Zinedine Zidane" STEAM_0:0:624390187 alive human
 "imma" STEAM_0:0:53585397 alive human
 "ariel" STEAM_0:1:527250288 alive human
 "maradox" STEAM_0:0:222051298 alive human
 "kathleen" STEAM_0:0:537778804 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human
 "koen" STEAM_0:1:114921174 alive human
 "..." STEAM_0:0:442372140 alive human
 "yoshmi" STEAM_0:0:26975345 alive human
 "zg" STEAM_0:0:159959603 alive human
 "Personne Respectable" STEAM_0:1:113671 alive human

ze_system_b2 ~ Winners

 "Kelyan3" STEAM_0:0:23158843 alive human
 "sito" STEAM_0:0:243844736 alive human
 "Felicitas" STEAM_0:1:232584827 alive human
 "nutwoomy" STEAM_0:1:523936473 alive human
 "V POISKAH GOBLINOV" STEAM_0:1:63737298 alive human
 "tapch0w" STEAM_0:0:78693387 alive human
 "STRiiKER" STEAM_0:0:193337151 alive human
 "Albemort" STEAM_0:0:43808664 alive human
 "sweetdreams" STEAM_0:1:520503507 alive human
 "Jaenas" STEAM_0:0:28172074 alive human
 "Boten" STEAM_0:0:33015549 alive human
 "yoshmi" STEAM_0:0:26975345 alive human

ze_treasure_valley_v1f ~ Winners

 "Alien" STEAM_0:0:424637995 alive human

ze_permafrost_b2 ~ Winners

"<D3J4de>[FIN]"                          STEAM_0:1:23546931       alive  human
"kliW"                                   STEAM_0:1:187517033      alive  human
"kuvalda"                                STEAM_0:1:43525611       alive  human
"Kotya"                                  STEAM_0:1:124348087      alive  human
"STRiiKER"                               STEAM_0:0:193337151      alive  human
"Albemort"                               STEAM_0:0:43808664       alive  human
"DarKKen"                                STEAM_0:1:456779252      alive  human
"Fz4cKxy"                                STEAM_0:0:142344725      alive  human
"nutwoomy"                               STEAM_0:1:523936473      alive  human
"Alien"                                  STEAM_0:0:424637995      alive  human
"Asterism"                               STEAM_0:1:511378910      alive  human
"friezi"                                 STEAM_0:0:174390304      alive  human
"Rix :V"                                 STEAM_0:0:148666072      alive  human
"Paul Pogba"                             STEAM_0:0:44538615       alive  human
"Mahu"                                   STEAM_0:0:553604883      alive  human
"C@mper"                                 STEAM_0:0:63619504       alive  human
"Jaenas"                                 STEAM_0:0:28172074       alive  human
"Ninez"                                  STEAM_0:1:107769527      alive  human
"CleveWhiteline"                         STEAM_ID_PENDING         alive  human
"kr1s"                                   STEAM_0:1:561323422      alive  human
"yuuki"                                  STEAM_0:0:102890918      alive  human
"LeXeR"                                  STEAM_0:0:36455426       alive  human
"qwerty"                                 STEAM_0:0:57785587       alive  human
"jofirebat"                              STEAM_0:1:34227172       alive  human
"kathleen"                               STEAM_0:0:537778804      alive  human
"Starlight-Dash"                         STEAM_0:0:439467764      alive  human
"PEGI21"                                 STEAM_0:0:39614828       alive  human

ze_surf_sphinx_stronghold_a5 ~ Winners

No Winners due to the map having some gameplay issues.
  • Server Admin

NA Event Part I
ze_mako2_in_4hours ~ Winners

 "CaptainWalter" STEAM_0:1:49666770 alive human
 "goober" STEAM_0:0:91893239 alive human
 "ed" STEAM_0:1:755754705 alive human
 "LISCRO" STEAM_0:0:214921919 alive human
 "smoovy" STEAM_0:0:91064570 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human
 "Midknight" STEAM_0:0:171405578 alive human
 "cakito" STEAM_0:0:444916752 alive human
 "tAP" STEAM_0:0:26336503 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "CleveWhiteline" STEAM_0:1:78600994 alive human
 "Fz4cKxy" STEAM_0:0:142344725 alive human
 "m1kzzy" STEAM_0:1:149926149 alive human
 "HaRyDe" STEAM_0:1:20206338 alive human
 "C@mper" STEAM_0:0:63619504 alive human
 "La santon" STEAM_0:1:428838808 alive human
 "towely" STEAM_0:0:50858141 alive human
 "Xeryus" STEAM_0:0:576896437 alive human
 "Yakuza 6: The Song of Life" STEAM_0:0:78688146 alive human
 "[]alamede +'" STEAM_0:0:41432706 alive human
 "Microrost" STEAM_0:0:58001308 alive human

ze_system_b2 ~ Winners

 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "goober" STEAM_0:0:91893239 alive human
 "Batatatatatatata!!!" STEAM_0:1:21820159 alive human
 "DarKKen" STEAM_0:1:456779252 alive human
 "ed" STEAM_0:1:755754705 alive human
 "Robert" STEAM_0:0:151142532 alive human
 "Fay" STEAM_0:0:779786732 alive human
 "Hobbitten" STEAM_0:1:26854395 alive human
 "smoovy" STEAM_0:0:91064570 alive human
 "AMOO_knas_FPS_TTV" STEAM_0:0:54658184 alive human
 "christo" STEAM_0:0:87975 alive human
 "WB" STEAM_0:0:427928718 alive human
 "Rix :V" STEAM_0:0:148666072 alive human
 "FuriousFretwork" STEAM_0:1:33739597 alive human
 "stevuh" STEAM_0:0:158864303 alive human
 "[CygaPb] RoadRunner" STEAM_0:0:50010785 alive human
 "Nimbus-TTV" STEAM_0:0:107702999 alive human
 "PC" STEAM_0:0:1722189560 alive human
 "Traffic_TTV" STEAM_0:1:85099518 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "CleveWhiteline" STEAM_0:1:78600994 alive human
 "WRR" STEAM_0:1:114946424 alive human
 "C@mper" STEAM_0:0:63619504 alive human
 "Fius" STEAM_0:0:209480264 alive human
 "Yakuza 6: The Song of Life" STEAM_0:0:78688146 alive human
 "lebron" STEAM_0:1:47446304 alive human
 "Microrost" STEAM_0:0:58001308 alive human

ze_treasure_valley_v1f ~ Winners

 "Lardy" STEAM_0:1:24305424 alive human

ze_permafrost_b2 ~ Winners

No Winners due to the map having some gameplay issues.

ze_surf_sphinx_stronghold_a5 ~ Winners

No Winners due to the map having some gameplay issues.
  • Server Admin

EU Event Part II
ze_battletoads_a1 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_contra_v1_9_5 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_exit_this_earths_atomosphere_c1 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_pizza_tower_v1_beta ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_simulated_universe_alpha1b ~ Winners

 "LVLVLVBAO" STEAM_0:1:50644914 alive human
 "Wayne Rooney" STEAM_0:0:44538615 alive human
 "kathleen" STEAM_0:0:537778804 alive human
 "FroZRil" STEAM_0:1:97933478 alive human
 "tAP" STEAM_0:0:26336503 alive human
 "Personne Respectable" STEAM_0:1:113671 alive human
 "Hobbitten" STEAM_0:1:26854395 alive human
 "lazyLSDcat_" STEAM_0:1:1454178 alive human
 "tapch0w" STEAM_0:0:78693387 alive human
 "kr1s" STEAM_0:1:561323422 alive human
 "HOBGOBLIN" STEAM_0:1:126454312 alive human
 "jaek" STEAM_0:1:55883941 alive human
 "Luz Noceda" STEAM_0:0:522437596 alive human
 "uVerin" STEAM_0:1:444163464 alive human
 "cron" STEAM_0:1:54109628 alive human
 "heavy" STEAM_0:0:511909863 alive human
 "pasas" STEAM_0:1:87298589 alive human
 "Kefir" STEAM_0:1:517291208 alive human
 "Singleton" STEAM_0:1:65878464 alive human
 "PEGI21" STEAM_0:0:39614828 alive human
 "Mmorrd" STEAM_0:1:179530842 alive human
 "zp" STEAM_0:0:535686 alive human
 "RNGtail" STEAM_0:1:111299410 alive human

ze_untitled_touhou_a04 ~ Winners

 "rmachq" STEAM_0:0:643712065 alive human
 "Wayne Rooney" STEAM_0:0:44538615 alive human
 "CleveWhiteline" STEAM_0:1:78600994 alive human
 "zeo" STEAM_0:0:187057880 alive human
 "tAP" STEAM_0:0:26336503 alive human
 "Personne Respectable" STEAM_0:1:113671 alive human
 "HOBGOBLIN" STEAM_0:1:126454312 alive human
 "420PussyMoneyWeed69" STEAM_0:0:108042771 alive human
 "<D3J4de>[FIN]" STEAM_0:1:23546931 alive human
 "RegisteR *Mario*" STEAM_0:0:38954854 alive human
 "maradox" STEAM_0:0:222051298 alive human
 "Yakuza 6: The Song of Life" STEAM_0:0:78688146 alive human
 "uVerin" STEAM_0:1:444163464 alive human
 "friezi" STEAM_0:0:174390304 alive human
 "cron" STEAM_0:1:54109628 alive human
 "ed" STEAM_0:1:755754705 alive human
 "Alchemilla" STEAM_0:1:626210619 alive human
 "yoshmi" STEAM_0:0:26975345 alive human
 "m1kzzy" STEAM_0:1:149926149 alive human
 "Horace le Petit Oisillon" STEAM_0:1:32793231 alive human
 "miku" STEAM_0:1:421678424 alive human
 "was recently alive" STEAM_0:1:600051144 alive human
  • Server Admin

NA Event Part II
ze_battletoads_a1 ~ Winners

 "DarKKen" STEAM_0:1:456779252 alive human
 "Mago" STEAM_0:0:16144131 alive human
 "tAP" STEAM_0:0:26336503 alive human
 "hoarder" STEAM_0:1:10388383 alive human
 "rAfz" STEAM_0:1:25220577 alive human
 "mr_hankey" STEAM_0:0:95218993 alive human
 "Sayten" STEAM_0:1:428838808 alive human
 "Helleye" STEAM_0:0:737539930 alive human
 "Nazik_Kamazik" STEAM_0:0:501738978 alive human
 "Everlast" STEAM_0:1:179764250 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "R.C.A" STEAM_0:1:842636395 alive human
 "FIAUN" STEAM_0:0:495278026 alive human
 "Victor^." STEAM_0:0:723435690 alive human
 "ZiX" STEAM_0:1:180743341 alive human
 "Sammy" STEAM_0:1:525088604 alive human
 "Boten" STEAM_0:0:33015549 alive human
 "Vanyarin" STEAM_0:0:50822239 alive human
 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "EOD | olaf" STEAM_0:0:789074743 alive human
 "PEGI21" STEAM_0:0:39614828 alive human
 "WRR" STEAM_0:1:114946424 alive human
 "MaxingKing." STEAM_0:0:623175814 alive human
 "Crazydiamond" STEAM_0:1:680561271 alive human
 "Smilleymf" STEAM_0:0:139520658 alive human
 "Xehanort" STEAM_0:0:99486345 alive human
 "a.?" STEAM_0:0:561327146 alive human

ze_contra_v1_9_5 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_exit_this_earths_atomosphere_c1 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_pizza_tower_v1_beta ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_simulated_universe_alpha1b ~ Winners

 "TI-CE Biohazard" STEAM_0:1:95685816 alive human
 "DarKKen" STEAM_0:1:456779252 alive human
 "Palestine <3 BERLIN" STEAM_0:0:1923217799 alive human
 "Crow" STEAM_0:0:1951502626 alive human
 "jofirebat" STEAM_0:1:34227172 alive human
 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "Rux" STEAM_0:0:510671278 alive human
 "goober" STEAM_0:0:91893239 alive human
 "Bhubali" STEAM_0:1:463022196 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "Chiche Gelblung" STEAM_0:0:1001395309 alive human
 "Charta" STEAM_0:1:440574087 alive human
 "CleveWhiteline" STEAM_0:1:78600994 alive human
 "HOBGOBLIN" STEAM_0:1:126454312 alive human
 "Bappo" STEAM_0:1:119443499 alive human
 "typical jaborah" STEAM_0:1:846846941 alive human
 "Shadow Esper" STEAM_0:1:21519298 alive human
 "TurnerDXX" STEAM_0:0:11892103 alive human
 "Fedi-lonNLE" STEAM_0:0:2111615454 alive human
 "Fay" STEAM_0:0:779786732 alive human
 "cee anide" STEAM_0:1:180503667 alive human
 "Enermyst" STEAM_0:0:589052328 alive human
 "saif-UKCS-" STEAM_0:1:26177996 alive human
 "Hobbitten" STEAM_0:1:26854395 alive human
 "mag0 elektrik0" STEAM_0:1:105056265 alive human
 "lilly" STEAM_0:0:552308607 alive human
 "s1mple" STEAM_0:1:761749277 alive human
 "reed" STEAM_0:0:146235825 alive human
 "jaek" STEAM_0:1:55883941 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human

ze_untitled_touhou_a04 ~ Winners

 "toasty" STEAM_0:0:41119789 alive human
 "t.tv/wissew" STEAM_0:0:39096960 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "(\_N(<{['o']} _ {['o']}>)B_/)y" STEAM_0:0:26537230 alive human
 "nana" STEAM_0:0:218504787 alive human
 "Fay" STEAM_0:0:779786732 alive human
 "DarKKen" STEAM_0:1:456779252 alive human
 "lilly" STEAM_0:0:552308607 alive human
 "jaek" STEAM_0:1:55883941 alive human
 "goober" STEAM_0:0:91893239 alive human
 "cee anide" STEAM_0:1:180503667 alive human
 "Traffic_TTV" STEAM_0:1:85099518 alive human
 "dsvdsvd" STEAM_0:1:627161951 alive human
 "Zinedine Zidane" STEAM_0:1:833896935 alive human
 "Bappo" STEAM_0:1:119443499 alive human
 "Cristiano Ronaldo" STEAM_0:0:624390187 alive human
 "Brandon" STEAM_0:0:434156552 alive human
 "KaizerSose" STEAM_0:0:9064288 alive human
 "Vanyarin" STEAM_0:0:50822239 alive human
 "Robert" STEAM_0:0:151142532 alive human
 "Rux" STEAM_0:0:510671278 alive human
 "Palestine <3 BERLIN" STEAM_0:0:1923217799 alive human
 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human
 "Everlast" STEAM_0:1:179764250 alive human
 "Eclairs" STEAM_0:0:65172884 alive human
 "(1)Osyrius33" STEAM_0:0:668768696 alive human
 "Banshee" STEAM_0:0:37659455 alive human
 "tuta" STEAM_0:1:206439784 alive human
  • Server Admin

EU Event Part III
ze_dnd_hydra_a2 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_stardust_battleground_m1 ~ Winners

No winners..

ze_arid_lands_of_king_theba_b1_0 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_esther_cc_zi2 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_deltarune_ch1_b1 ~ Winners

 "PEGI21" STEAM_0:0:39614828 alive human
 "Nick_Wood" STEAM_0:0:95838795 alive human
 "Batatatatatatata!!!" STEAM_0:1:21820159 alive human
 "yuuki" STEAM_0:0:102890918 alive human
 "Yusuf" STEAM_0:0:1353448806 alive human
 "I am weasel" STEAM_0:0:1660489 alive human
 "BlackCherry" STEAM_0:0:543488400 alive human
 "ManKeiss" STEAM_0:1:165376702 alive human
 "Zcardianto" STEAM_0:1:218445487 alive human
 "in position and wait pelucia go" STEAM_0:1:81856476 alive human
 "Super W33DY <3" STEAM_0:0:11140292 alive human
 "Vein" STEAM_0:1:175314779 alive human
 "maniyakitha" STEAM_0:1:555405341 alive human
 "STRiiKER" STEAM_0:0:193337151 alive human
 "lazyLSDcat_" STEAM_0:1:1454178 alive human
 "Pato" STEAM_0:1:13705797 alive human
 "Jaenas" STEAM_0:0:28172074 alive human
 "zpax" STEAM_0:1:629653931 alive human
 "_BigodinhoO_" STEAM_0:1:61835650 alive human
 "Hobbitten" STEAM_0:1:26854395 alive human
 "Rean" STEAM_0:1:7304914 alive human
 "Diego Maradona" STEAM_0:1:771007752 alive human
 "uVerin" STEAM_0:1:444163464 alive human
 "KURIMU" STEAM_0:1:32536291 alive human
 "Kefir" STEAM_0:1:517291208 alive human
 "Fedi-lonNLE" STEAM_0:0:2111615454 alive human
 "Thierry Henry" STEAM_0:0:44538615 alive human
 "i paid for 7zip" STEAM_0:0:59519227 alive human
 "Luz Noceda" STEAM_0:0:522437596 alive human
 "FroZRil" STEAM_0:1:97933478 alive human
 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "afiafzil" STEAM_0:1:111394046 alive human
 "Midknight" STEAM_0:0:171405578 alive human
 "Alien" STEAM_0:0:424637995 alive human
 "Felicitas" STEAM_0:1:232584827 alive human
 "friezi" STEAM_0:0:174390304 alive human
 "In Position" STEAM_0:1:16397196 alive human
 "mini" STEAM_0:1:429610828 alive human
 "chepoff" STEAM_0:0:59120212 alive human
 "LVLVLVBAO" STEAM_0:1:50644914 alive human
 "V POISKAH GOBLINOV" STEAM_0:1:63737298 alive human
 "WRR" STEAM_0:1:114946424 alive human
 "Asterism" STEAM_0:1:511378910 alive human

ze_builders_v1c ~ Winners

No legit winners..
  • Server Admin

NA Event Part III
ze_dnd_hydra_a2 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_stardust_battleground_m1 ~ Winners

No winners..

ze_arid_lands_of_king_theba_b1_0 ~ Winners

 "CaptainWalter" STEAM_0:1:49666770 alive human
 "Zinedine Zidane" STEAM_0:0:74339190 alive human
 "Wite Rabbit" STEAM_0:1:1650449 alive human
 "Bappo" STEAM_0:1:119443499 alive human
 "FIAUN" STEAM_0:0:495278026 alive human
 "Bhubali" STEAM_0:1:463022196 alive human
 "GLORY" STEAM_0:0:179413664 alive human
 "HOBGOBLIN" STEAM_0:1:126454312 alive human
 "ricolaaa" STEAM_0:0:436523259 alive human
 "Nazik_Kamazik" STEAM_0:0:501738978 alive human
 "!NickelPlated45" STEAM_0:0:17676441 alive human
 "MiCK" STEAM_0:1:101819762 alive human
 "Vanyarin" STEAM_0:0:50822239 alive human
 "Yakuza 6: The Song of Life" STEAM_0:0:78688146 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "Hodat0109" STEAM_0:1:73848202 alive human
 "Personne Respectable" STEAM_0:1:113671 alive human
 "tAP" STEAM_0:0:26336503 alive human
 "Kotya" STEAM_0:1:124348087 alive human
 "Dangerous_This_Is[VasiliyUS]" STEAM_0:0:59954465 alive human
 "WRR" STEAM_0:1:114946424 alive human
 "Milo Murphy" STEAM_0:0:171865314 alive human
 "Fius" STEAM_0:0:209480264 alive human
 "KiritoGtx" STEAM_0:1:721322111 alive human
 "goober" STEAM_0:0:91893239 alive human
 "C@mper" STEAM_0:0:63619504 alive human
 "stevuh" STEAM_0:0:158864303 alive human
 " I found your addres" STEAM_0:0:88855719 alive human
 "PEGI21" STEAM_0:0:39614828 alive human
 "DarKKen" STEAM_0:1:456779252 alive human
 "dsvdsvd" STEAM_0:1:627161951 alive human
 "KURIMU" STEAM_0:1:32536291 alive human
 "chepoff" STEAM_0:0:59120212 alive human
 "machu" STEAM_0:1:94908621 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human
 "Soviet Tornado" STEAM_0:1:79703037 alive human
 "Atticus Finch" STEAM_0:1:6244496 alive human
 "cee anide" STEAM_0:1:180503667 alive human
 "OG" STEAM_0:0:1928862115 alive human

ze_esther_cc_zi2 ~ Winners

No legit winners..

ze_deltarune_ch1_b1 ~ Winners

 "-fares" STEAM_0:0:782056340 alive human
 "mako13" STEAM_0:0:69139256 alive human
 "R34" STEAM_0:0:489211061 alive human
 "backup" STEAM_0:0:579823799 alive human
 "Personne Respectable" STEAM_0:1:113671 alive human
 "Prizmo" STEAM_0:0:34806689 alive human
 "WRR" STEAM_0:1:114946424 alive human
 "Everlast" STEAM_0:1:179764250 alive human
 "Milo Murphy" STEAM_0:0:171865314 alive human
 "Fius" STEAM_0:0:209480264 alive human
 "Vndrew" STEAM_0:1:80408960 alive human
 "CleveWhiteline" STEAM_0:1:78600994 alive human
 "C@mper" STEAM_0:0:63619504 alive human
 "Mike Wazoski" STEAM_0:0:157944024 alive human
 "WB" STEAM_0:0:427928718 alive human
 "DlRTBlKE" STEAM_0:0:233796922 alive human
 "dsvdsvd" STEAM_0:1:627161951 alive human
 "jaek" STEAM_0:1:55883941 alive human
 "KURIMU" STEAM_0:1:32536291 alive human
 "Vein" STEAM_0:1:175314779 alive human
 "DrK_" STEAM_0:0:146510119 alive human
 "TurnerDXX" STEAM_0:0:11892103 alive human
 "Fedi-lonNLE" STEAM_0:0:2111615454 alive human
 "cee anide" STEAM_0:1:180503667 alive human
 "stevuh" STEAM_0:0:158864303 alive human

ze_builders_v1c ~ Winners

No legit winners..
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