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Posts posted by Creepy_

  1. 1: Your own ingame name Creepy
    2: Your own steam-ID you have it
    3: Name of the admin(s) involved rocklee
    4: What server did it happen on zombie escape 
    5: What map Cosmo canyon v5
    6: Time and date 16:47 29/01/2021
    7: Explain the situation After I removed Rocklee from steam for his silly jokes about my friends and my group he decided to witch hunt me and focus on me mainly, like he did previously on others, he keep on abusing me and threatening me although I'm not even trolling, today I said go yek and he muted me although others said to go yek too and he didnt mute them. I just joke sometimes go yek on FF map and no one cares about ff anyway, unless u are really big nerd like this root I'm reporting. Anyway I hope he gets whoop in ass and get removed from root position because it's not for him
    8: Proof check logs because I don't have access

    • Haha 4
  2. 1: Your own ingame name Creepy
    2: Your own steam-ID no need
    3: Name of the admin(s) involved Akadir
    4: What server did it happen on Nide 
    5: What map dev
    6: Time and date 17:30 27/01/2021
    7: Explain the situation we play dev first stage, its about to finish like 5 more second before last door closes so I decided to run into zm and stand in corner and this kiddo ban me for 60 min without warning and for nothing basically, I wasnt even tryharding after I get infected although it would do sh*t. This kiddo play on server once 4 month, come only for sh*t maps and you guys let him stay admin. Do something about it and I hope getting some compensation because this sh*t happened on event. And he ignored my friend loveless when he get questioned. It's not about Akadir but about situation that happened. I knifed zombie not forward but away, not last room. I'm also gonna add that ban wasnt really deserved, let's say same thing happen to you or other admin, he run to zm knife away and get infected, humans still win and he didnt tryhard, would you still ban? Or maybe leave it
    8: Proof logs and demo 

  3. 1: Your own ingame name Creepy
    2: Your own steam-ID no need
    3: Name of the admin(s) involved Akadir
    4: What server did it happen on Nide 
    5: What map dev
    6: Time and date 17:30 27/01/2021
    7: Explain the situation we play dev first stage, its about to finish like 5 more second before last door closes so I decided to run into zm and stand in corner and this kiddo ban me for 60 min without warning and for nothing basically, I wasnt even tryharding after I get infected although it would do sh*t. This kiddo play on server once 4 month, come only for sh*t maps and you guys let him stay admin. Do something about it and I hope getting some compensation because this sh*t happened on event. And he ignored my friend loveless when he get questioned.

    PS: Gonna add he often spam torchlight and dont give a f*ck what going on most time, he seem to forget how to do job properly.
    8: Proof logs and demo 

  4. 3 hours ago, DeMoN said:

    So u basically admitted that u did it(trolled)? Creepy,stop with the hilarious reports.

    It wasnt troll, I didnt teamkill anyone or blind on lasers

    Definition of troll is when someone ruin other experience in game or any other online place. Did I ruin someone experience? No because everyone was ok with it and we still win. So what was point of eban. I already said I would accept it if we lost that round.

    And I always ask admin if I can troll, maybe I trolled 2 times only but it was only yek, if you call that holy use a troll while no one was affected by it and no one complained then honestly dont know what else I should say at this point

  5. 10 hours ago, Lightning Strike said:

    This easily explains why I ebanned u. Your holy was even worse than last time because in this situation, ur holy literally killed 0 zms.

    I already repeated myself last time and i will say it again:
    If someguy trolls and we still win the round, should the guy be ebanned or not? ofc he should. Its the same thing here.
    I also like how u say this, thinking that u wouldnt eban me yourself in this case. If the situation was reversed u would instantly eban me, just as I did with you (coz its the right action to do)

    Lol what are you talking about? Nice making up lies, I ebanned the guy after he yekked but I think he reconnected and avoided the eban which I didnt see (I might be wrong in this since I didnt see him pick up any items anyways)
    I rly love how u say "check demo" while u dont even check demo in the first place to make ur point clear

    Speaking of avoiding ebans u already did this in that session full well knowing its not allowed. I was being kind by ebanning you for map thinking that you would accept it was a sh*t holy and move on but u avoided it and after I had to re-eban you for 1 hour.

    And it seems as if I wasnt clear on my last point. After I ebanned you, u started calling me a nazi and saying I have a personal vendetta against you which is obviously not true. I have nothing against you or anyone in ze (which is partly why I gave u a low eban and allowed some autism in the last ff sessions, coz i dont care anymore im just here to have fun) And I hope I dont have to mention again that you have a personal vendetta against many many many people in ze which you used your admin to give much more harsh punishments against them. I wont mention their names because I dont want ppl to get involved in drama they dont have any business in. 


    The people are norisk, plex, haziwa, idk who else.

    And it wasnt any teamkill, or something else. Just use holy at bad spot, I would accept eban if we lost the round obviously, and I dont eban people at moments like that westersand before new year, because all of us want to have fun on last westersand and chill. And I avoided eban because it wasnt justified, we win the round and even all other admins say "If you yek and we lose you get eban", why dont you do same on that bad spot holy use on stage 1? It's the same but instead blind on lasers you just use holy on sh*t spot. Why cant everyone just accept css ze will die someday if people will be too strict with small stuff like that and punish people for it, especially when we win round. And it would be 1 time I do it for whole westersand cuz I'm not even troller although in your opinion I seem to be one of them like norisk or plex.

    And idc if someone troll most time, except if its yek because its for fun. But if someone troll like earth team then its bitch move all I gonna say. Now let higher up decide cuz not gonna respond anymore to this thread if necessary.

  6. 1: Your own ingame name Creepy
    2: Your own steam-ID no need
    3: Name of the admin(s) involved Lightning Strike
    4: What server did it happen on ZE
    5: What map westersand v8
    6: Time and date 31/12/2020 17:00+ server time idk exact time might be wrong 
    7: Explain the situation So I use holy at sh*t spot on stage 1 in wester v8 for fun and jokes, I got eban like 1 minute after, on stage 1 we still win the round and we didnt lost and holy is not needed at all on stage 1, and it was alot humans alive, and it was last westersand and worst one in 2020 because of that kiddo. Cant even have fun and chill, and when 1 guy did yek on god he didnt get eban, weird haha... nice sh*t admin.
    8: Proof feel free to check demo of the worst westersand

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, Anwar said:

    i just watched the demo to get more details about happened that time , i noticed  the holy didnt do significant  damage 
    to the dragon boss , it did like 20% dmg only or even less  ,



    so at this point the holy wasnt necessary since it didnt that much dmg even shooting was doing better dmg , also no one died ye but still wasnt necessary to holy on boss  , Lightning ebanned you according to  the point of view  of most of people what they think.

    maybe the eban was a bit long  but you need to be more carefully when  and where to use holy 

    Regarding which admins involved in the report , but why Life got mentioned since he didnt execute the eban command ?


    He ebanned me too but lightning strike changed to 1 hour. Although yes holy didnt do alot like 1000-1200 but it wasnt that bad, at least it wasnt used on lasers or other useless location. And I would accept eban if we lost that round btw, and I would say "eban me my fault"

  8. 12 minutes ago, Lightning Strike said:

    So u are further validating my point that it was a sh*t holy. Good one. If we had a big trim like the round before, the round would be over and 1k damage would be nothing to save the team.


    He only used it at 1 WRONG place, which was right before the ship goes up and u tp to the big area with the reactor zone. and u instantly got angry and transfered.


    So just  let him learn on the same map then??? TEACH him how to use it, u say that u are against enforcing it but u literally do it here in ur example????

    If this is the case then u just simply dont want to admit that u fked up 90% of the time. Here is a pro tip that I learned before I retired, whenever u fk up and u realize u are in the wrong, simply admit that u fked up, learn from ur mistake and move on. No drama neccesary, and this is one of the situations where u realized that u fked up. U just simply dont want to be in the wrong. My point can be further validated coz u didnt want to admit u got demoted coz u abused in stalker.

    Today a poor guy misused an heal mby 1-2 times, Sure he might've fked up before, but in that session I only saw him fk up 1-2 times (correct if wrong) and u started flaming him and asking for perma eban (was dreamin v3 session) instead of teaching him. 
    Again u are further validating my point that u just dont want to be seen in the wrong.

    Oh and plz dont compare nide and zed, they are very different servers and as always u bring up csgo in ur arguments and I said numerous times that csgo ze is just fking sh*t.

    And for my final question, creepy r u bipolar or do u have some mental problems? This is not a joke or meant to insult you, I mean this serious. The recent behaviour u have been showing in nide is clearly not normal, and the fact that you CONSTANTLY deny the truth, YOU DONT WANT to be seen in the wrong. U BLAME OTHERS (me) when U FKED UP (ur demotion),  u MIMIC other people's behaviour. and the fact that u constantly CHANGE UR OPINION about something just so u get the upper hand, Before u were admin u wanted yeks (u always asked for them in wester session) then u became admin, u started hating yeks. Sure I can understand ppl change, then after u got ur admin frozen for abuse u started wanting  yeks again, then boom re-promoted and starting hating yeks.

    I am done arguing with you, I will just let higher ups deal with this as it feels as if I cant talk common sense into some1.

    No reply neccesary. Thanks in advance


    Ur totally wrong, csgo and css ze are almost same just different movement and guns, and zed is example because in other servers they act same not only zed (about items, ebans etc. I admit my mistake not once you just blind (no offense) or wasnt playing before. Weird that csgo ze is sh*t yet it's more populated, more servers and players learn there faster, and some players from css ze who play long time play csgo ze too, weird right? 

    And about heal in dreamin v3 I said him many times "Use heal use heal" but this Freeman guy dont listen, he just hold item and jerk off probably, and its not only dreamin oh no, on skyrim yesterday he had lever on stage 3 and didnt triggered and we lost round, next round he had torch and he didnt early triggered but died with torch and we had to defend longer, weird right? And I do give chance to people with items, if you played csgo ze in 2018 in one server maybe u would see.

    And I know people shared this topic in hoe discord just so they try to back u up or embarrass me even tho it will do sh*t.

  9. 1 minute ago, NoRisk said:

    ze_doom3_v1 - 12/15/2020 @ 18:01:06 Creepy<469><[U:1:374036212]><> triggered sm_psay to RockLeeTheGreenBeast<354><[U:1:58283735]><> (text honestly? lightning strike helped plex, norisk and his friends to take me out of admin)

    Thats all u got? Does this mean anything? I think not 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Lightning Strike said:

    I dont need to ask players to see that its a sh*t holy. I have literally never seen holy being used there up until now, and as I said u are mentioning ghosts coz no one will support u in ur decision to use holy there

    Why do u think ppl call it creepytima? coz they named it after u, u being the first to use it in wester v8 boss couple of months ago. U may have not created it, but u popularized a sh*t holy.

    Using holy on dragon is a big waste. And I dont need to mention we both said DONT use holy at boss but u still decided to anyways. The only way i could see holy on boss being useful, is if there was a big trim, and its used to stop the trim.
    In the situation where YOU used it, it was a big waste coz even if u DIDNT use it, we would have killed the boss with no trim and no problems anyways. Dont act like the holy helped the team, as it did nothing but mby save 5-10 seconds from the round.

    I understand ur point, even I agree with it but the thing is is that most of the time ppl who enforce it know what they are talking about. Dont act like a victim when u enforce when to use an item 90% of the time anyways. I remember when u were donate admin we were playing starwars, and just coz a guy used grip the way u didnt want it to be used u transfered it to urself and when ppl tried to argue u did wrong u just !sm'ed them coz u didnt want to fight the truth. 

    And im not playing ze since "few months", Sure am newfag but am playing ze since 1 year. (not alot but still)

    In that case, you said "I never seen holy like that" and u play ze since 1 year, it wasnt sh*t holy as it's not first time it's being USED like THAT, people call it "Creepytima" are mostly american kids like plex or some nonames like Norisk and haziwa. If you think no one will support me then why dont u ask, maybe there will be people who support me u never know. Also we didnt had trim its maybe because they finally decided to shoot, or maybe just good boss rng. Otherwise if we had bad rng and we had big trim it was still good use, of course I could save it, my opinion. And I transfer becuase starwars is hard map, that need good items, guy used grip at most useless place, he could use it better. People who try to argue I sm them becuase I'm not gonna waste time on these people, they could just ask that guy to report me thats all. I let people learn items on some more popular maps like some ff or other maps where items are not essential. In zed both css and csgo for example if guy did mistake they cheer him up and tell him how to use it better, or they support you with how you use item by your self as long as it's good for team. (That's what one of my friends told me on steam and I agree with him), why don't we do the same on nide? Instead flaming people, it can happen sometimes but why dont we try do that? On csgo people will cheer u up most time on some servers ofc, instead ebanning you insta and say "Your item was trash anyways" even tho it wasnt that trash.

    At last let's stop and let lead admins decide.

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, Life is a Bitch said:

    Look i think we had the most answer in so few times !
    Creepy deserves a special skin for 2021. I am serious :)))
    True Creepy no one died ! Even the dragon did not die ?
    For me not a big issue in that report 


    For me it is big issue bro, I'm playing game and trying to enjoy it and tryhard it most time, and it wasnt even a troll and some guys take it too serious, if admins really want to enforce playse "use holy there, you dont use holy there you retard" etc then it's not good, it's why we get less new or good players.

    As long as item use is good for team then it's fine, if someone troll with item to trim, blind etc eban. I didnt done any of it and i was just playing anmap

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Lightning Strike said:

    Its 1 hour since its not the first time u do creepytima aka use holy @ boss for no reason.

    1000-1200 damage is nothing and its a massive waste, even if u didnt use holy no one would've died anyways as we would've killed it fast enough.
    Sure we didnt lose round coz of it, but thats not an excuse, if u troll and we dont lose the round, in ur eyes no eban should be issued? see how stupid u sound?
    We told u not to do it or eban.
    We dont let ppl get away with a yek, they will always be ebanned (unless its mako)

    Creepy plz stop mentioning ghosts, no one will say its a good holy since it was a complete waste. And finally dont bring csgo into the argument, csgo has nothing to do with css so dont copy csgo ""tactics"" into css. Thanks in advance.

    Oh and I want to mention I have nothing against you but it seems as if u are taking it rather personal. Take it as a note that you got yourself demoted by abusing on stalker by freezing/stripping zms/respawning yourself/and not caring about admin guidelines. 

    ze_doom3_v1 - 12/15/2020 @ 18:01:06 Creepy<469><[U:1:374036212]><> triggered sm_psay to RockLeeTheGreenBeast<354><[U:1:58283735]><> (text honestly? lightning strike helped plex, norisk and his friends to take me out of admin)

    Your arguments are nothing, I'm not mentioning ghost (idk what u mean by that), using holy on boss is useful most of time, and u see on css and csgo u could see people use holy on that dragon (yes I seen on csgo and css and it's not csgo tactic, it's rather css tactic) why you think mapper added that feature for holy dmg the boss? Just so it exists and no one use it? You play ze for few months and it's ok u are still learning I dont blame you, but you should first ask others what they think about this holy if it's good or not, last time I used holy on dragon before too, we had admin online as well and he didnt even eban me (wester v7 ofc) weird right? As I said do some research first about maps, ask players with experience like Fierce or someone else with brain and ask them "Is it good to use holy on dragon in extreme stage on westersand v7", ask few people and they should answer you.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Lunala said:

    creepy bro i was having classes and i didn't play css today , very unkind to mention me

    also i have balls , if i troll i accept the eban with a fun spirit , you are taking this game way too seriously

    also i kinda feel i saw you report someone for the same holy usage , no ? excuse my memory

    I didnt report anyone

  14. 5 minutes ago, Life is a Bitch said:

    Hello Creepy,
    You said you are going to use holy on boss. With admins online we told you not to do so and you did it (because it s useless and did so few damages on dragon).
    After you ve been ebanned your argue was : "I had the item, it was mine so I do what i want with item".
    So if anyone act the way they want like you said it could be a mess.
    Maybe the eban is a bit long but one hour and now this is sunlight so it wont bother you too much.
    Merry Xmas bro


    But did we had any trim or we lost round? Not quite, we still won and I seen people use holy on this boss, even players who play long time can confirm it's good to use it there.

    Merry xmas to u too btw

    • Like 1
  15. 1: Your own ingame name Creepy
    2: Your own steam-ID have it 
    3: Name of the admin(s) involved lightning strike and life is a bitch
    4: What server did it happen on zombie escape
    5: What map ze_ffxii_westersand_v7_2
    6: Time and date 21/12 17:05 server time around
    7: Explain the situation So on extreme stage I have holy, after we reach the boss I decided to use it on boss, it dmg like 1000-1200 around, holy didnt killed any human, it didnt blind on boss and we still win the round, and eban is for 1 hour. But when we see f*cking people who do yek or troll they get eban for whole map or they get eunbanned after some time, i just play the map thats it, I'm not like Norisk or plex or wanderer or haziwa.  Also I dont get how lightning strike is admin again after his trolls.
    8: Proof 

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