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Witch Hunter

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  1. no I didn't watch, because I know very well that I shot during the laser boss, but in any case that doesn't change the fact that you slayed me for nothing, u just abused, so go kys and stop making excuses. For kr1s it doesn't surprise me in 2 years I've never seen this guy shot a single bullet during every laser boss.
  2. He can't spec all player BUT he can stay only on me, i quote him : "You shot a whopping 1 1/2 mags of your TMP weapon in the span of 30 seconds before i slayed you" He just targeted me, his sentence proves it, nothing more nothing less, and he is friend with fius btw so he not gona slay his friend who is doing the same thing like me. It's simply. And btw on the @ Midknight 's video, we can see a nice guy (halo white skin on left) with a pistol on his hand during laser, yes u don't dream. So what did midknight do against this person? absolutely nothing, even when we can see it clearly. ahaha i don't know if i have to be happy or sad after reading this
  3. And the video shows that I was shooting, that's all. @ Midknight and second btw, i checked the demo, warrior and fius, they did the same as me, but u didn't slay them. Another proof that midknight is mad against me, and that "shooting slowly" is just an excuse to justify his slay on me. But don't worry ur friends hobbiten rushaway and more will all agree with you, even if you and me, we know, midknight.
  4. Which rules i have transgressed here for deserved this slay ? he say go shoot, his video juste proov i was shooting.
  5. And btw @ Midknight there is a f*ckING NUKE STRIPPER for people who doesn't shooting in the timer.
  6. and you still don't answer to the real bottom of the problem which proves that you too find this situation ridiculous like me but you don't want to say it in relation to midknight. And i can't pay more attention, i m not gona play with sound just because this crying indian kid say something.
  7. WHICH PROBLEM ? u see on his video i was shooting the boss, slowly for keep my laser repair, but I SHOOTED, what the f*ck is going on here, now u gona slay all peopl who doesn't used any rebuy like midknight say ? this slay from midknight is so ridiculous, and u know it striiker. But the problem gonna be again ME for all admin team xD i understand it's more easy way
  8. That's why "global" message exist, i already see a green message in middle of screen or on the left of the screen ( when u have to put "0" for closed it"
  9. " I had clearly stated before the laser boss" I din't play with the f*cking sound of the game, i never heard you when u say something in any maps and here you didn't specify it in writing, "You shot a whopping 1 1/2 mags of your TMP weapon in the span of 30 seconds before i slayed you, used 0 rebuys" And ? this clearly proves that I was shooting, the TMP has a lot of recoil I pull gently to keep my laser mark, how does this justify a slay? " used 0 rebuys," So now on nide u gona slay all people who doesn't used rebuy in laser ? this is so ridiculous. u proov u are just mad.
  10. on the last boss : balrog boss laser on stage 5 of tyranny In any case i was shooting the boss, he slayed me only bc he is mad. in addition I never play with the sound of the game, so I am never aware of what an admin or a normal person says in voice, and i m not the only one, admins should also notify in writing when they decide on something, but here that's not the question
  11. 1: My ingame name:_95 2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:781878941 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: midknight 4: What server did it happen on:ze 5: Map: tyranny 6: Time and date: 20 min ago maybe less 7: Explanation of the situation: midknight was mad bc he join late for last stage on tyranny, so he slayed me for reason "no shooting during laser boss" just because he hate me and I have a past with him (he will deny it but while several people know that yes) he's a liar because I WAS f*ckING SHOOTING during laser boss. 8: Proof: Demo of the last tyranny session, last stage before ZM mode.
  12. 1: My ingame name: eden hazard 2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433600551 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: life is a bitch 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: doorhug and solo 6: Time and date: today 15h20 7: Explanation of the situation: paranoid was on cooldown yet life decided to use his rcon access in order to force insert it without even making a vote first which is imo a massive abuse. Some player told me that he made a vote for paranoid on bbo which was a couple of hours ago so i dont get why would he insert it 2 maps later especially when the server is actually dead. 8: Proof: demo of doorhug and solo, server-tracker and : [NE] Console has inserted ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9 into nominations
  13. 1: My ingame name: phil foden 2: My SteamID : / 3: Name of the player(s) involved: fius 4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: dk and dc 5: What server did it happen on: ze 6: Map: uchiha legacy 7: Time and date: today 8: Explanation of the situation: This son of nazis refugees in argentina trimming team with earth at the end of stage 3 (when u have to dodge ball). Thx to WB and lewis 2 old and vétéran admin on nide, for doing... nothing. 9: Proof:
  14. Required: Ingame Nickname:_95 Discord username: Carrefour à sens giratoire. Age: 26 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18626487 What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): ze Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions) Why are you interested in applying for admin? I started playing Css ze again after several years on csgo. Upon spending about 1050 hours on nide, it has become clear that theres a general lack of quality in the admin team, but also there's a lot of toxic trolling behaviour on the server, which mainly originates from toxic teenagers. I know that's were all here to have fun and enjoy the gamemode together, but there's a line between "fun". Once that line is crossed, it's just ruins the experience for other players (Knifing, item trolling etc). Im very chill guy, I have exemplary behavior on the server, I think I could be a very good element for nide. What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? I would mainly be able to moderate during EU hours. In some occasion, i am also playing on NA hour. How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? Around 1050 hours played on NiDe css ze, but i've also played, when the server was called Supreme Elite back then. How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? I'm an old Cs 1.6 player having played ever since the gamemode Zombie Mod (Zm) got released back in 2005. Later on on csgo and now in css. Do you have any past admin experience? not on CS Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) ? no
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