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Posts posted by ischiu

  1.  min 8:53 I think it was for the best considering that there were 3min until the end of the round and you did not go out to look for zm also that they were complaining in general chat You were only delaying the other rounds and if you continue watching that broadcast you will see that I explain why  

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  2. hello everyone has happened a lot.

    I have a lot to say about this

    1- i also see an oversaturation of administrators

    2-having fun is the main thing (css ZE) is not a competitive mode.

    2-focusing on a "fun time" is not exclusive to Latinos

    3-there is !sm

    4-In 1 year I have been an administrator and the 1500 hours I spent on the server, I only have something clear and I have seen that he speaks both English and Spanish they are not supported and I see this as another attack where the "English" try to f*ck the "Latinos."  In all this time I try to never be quarreled with someone and I think it is better that we all try to do the same

    5- (latinos en general) yo se que es cagado que pasen cosas asi, pero no seamos tan chillones si llegan a ser administradores encargense de ser imparciales y hacer todo conforme ustedes piensen que sea justo es facil que se les suba el poder (es algo que e visto por mucho tiempo) y si no saben que hacer no tengan miendo en preguntar a los lideres de administracion  recuerden que ustedes al ser administradores tienen responsabilidades

    yo luego de regresar e tratado de acostumbrarme a todos los cambios que an pasado en tan poco tiempo

    antetodo no somos latinos(tacos), rusos(vodka), gringos(tiroteos escolares ),arabes(allahu akbar), españoles(denuncias falsas) somos nide

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