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Everything posted by nbvcncvnx

  1. 1: My ingame name:_95 2: My SteamID:STEAM_0:0:18626487 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: totally new wester 6: Time and date: today 7: Explanation of the situation: a player with wind item had fallen into the ice (because of panic, not because he was earthed) so his movements are slowed down for a moment, kayn brought him for zombie not kill him. first abuse. then he still died by a zombie and kayn revive him (2 times) . second abuse. And he transfered the item. third abuse. This action in no way justifies a revive because technically he did not die due to the earth item. And personally I have never been revived after being trimmed by a troller. so why here yes? 8: Proof: 3 screens from my record https://www.noelshack.com/2024-14-6-1712429907-capture.jpg https://www.noelshack.com/2024-14-6-1712429912-capture2.jpg https://www.noelshack.com/2024-14-6-1712429912-capture3.jpg
  2. 1: My ingame name:_95 2: My SteamID:STEAM_0:0:18626487 3: Name of the player(s) involved:Striiker and Kayn 4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: Striker: STEAM_0:0:193337151, Kayn: STEAM_0:1:33241040 5: What server did it happen on: ZE 6: Map: ze_tyranny2_v1fix 7: Time and date: 05/04/2024, 20:52 8: Explanation of the situation: striikker intentionally used a holy for trolling on a zombie TP, directly destroying the round. Kayn not shooting during laser. He is always slaying the humans that don't shoot during the lasers (especially on tyranny and tyranny2), while he himself allows himself not to shoot. Can you explain the logic to me? Or admins are above the rules they enforce? 9: Proof: striiker https://medal.tv/fr/games/cs-source/clips/25w8A3TzP-fI9U/d13371G8icJ8?invite=cr-MSxPZ2gsMTkxNjc2OTgwLA kayn https://medal.tv/fr/games/cs-source/clips/25wccok3eUX36M/d1337koowMYy?invite=cr-MSxrOXIsMTkxNjc2OTgwLA
  3. +1, good player and leader, he is always doing his best to help people and win maps. I never saw him intentionally troll, inflate or try to trim the team.
  4. j'ai jamais dis que j'étais pas content de jouer sur nide, au contraire c'est parce que j'aime bien jouer sur nide que je me plains de certaine chose qui (pour ma part, de mon point de vu) ne vont pas, comme par exemple un mec qui débarque de csgo en trashant tout le monde sur css et qui meme a "inflate" plusieurs fois et qui maintenant over abuse de ses droits maintenant qu'il est admin. rushaway, j'ai contester la sanction, en faisant un report avec un clip qui prouve l'abus, j'ai pas eu de réponse en 1 semaine, (alors peut etre que je me suis trompé dans l'endroit ou j'ai fais le poste) mais j'ai fais ce poste, donc la actuellement celui qui est pris pour un con c'est moi. Car ce prendre un ban de 2 semaine pour un bug sur une map, juste un putain d'item qui a traversé le sol, t'appel ça comment ? moi un gros abus, y'a des gens qui buy des donated admin pour slay les ct qui tryhard pendant 40 rounds sur un event et qui prennent 2heures de ban, donc s'ilvous plais les gars, rush, life le seule qui est pris pour un con ici c'est moi et absolument pas vous. Ouai j'ai alt car je trouve la punition absolument pas mérité, une injustice.
  5. Tu peux demander confirmation a sayten, je joues jamais avec le son,"evites les items" pourquoi tu crois que j'ai drop l'item a ton avis ? en dirait que c'est de ma faute si l'item a disparu dans le sol ptdrr, je me repete mais il pouvait pas simplement transfer au lieu d'abuse ? ah ouai nan j'oubliai que votre petit protégé a tout les droits, ça vendrait sa famille pour lui donner raison a chaque fois. Ah ca joues des map de merde apres paranoid ? en meme temps QUI vote pour la nextmap ? mdr ce sont ces meme joueurs ptdrr, petit csc la. donc ta vu la video etc et il vous a fallu 1 semaine pour daigner vouloir répondre ? ça confirme ce que je disais il y 'a quelque temps, maintenant sur nide soit t'as le bon pseudo soit non, que du favoritisme, et apres sa s'étonne que des personnes alts, surtout quand ça abuse grave.
  6. "The rtv was justified after several attempts where people where not shooting." Et bien non life, mais tu l'aurais su si dans le nide staff vous auriez pris 2 putain min pour vérifié, la moitié des cts sont mort a la fin donc il n'y en restait plus assez pour tué le dernier boss, votre admin a juste chouiné car il a pas pu gagné. Et s'étais 1 seul round pas plusieurs mais ça aussi tu l'aurais su si t'avais vérifier et pas croire la parole de ce gros abuseur. Pour paranoid, heureusement qu'elle a un gros cooldown, elle tue le serv a chaque fois que la carte est finis (enfin finis apres vla les abuse extend mdrr). Je te répond ici pour mon ban car tu a fermé le sujet, la heal était dans un coin, 10-15 cts sont passés devant, je l'ai prise, ensuite et ça tu le sais très bien je joues sans SON donc je ne peux pas écouté le leader, j'ai préféré lâché l'item sur les cts pour que quelqu'un d'autre le prenne pour ne pas faire de la merde. C'est dingue car justement je réfléchis 2 min pour ne pas enculé le round et l'item est rentré dans le sol et je prend 2 semaine de ban, on marche sur la putain de tete. n'importe qui aurai rien pris ou grand max un eban de 1 jours, et moi un putain de ban de 2 semaines juste parceque la putain de map est bugé, c'est incroyable. Ca devait etre trop compliqué de juste transferer l'item, pour votre abuseur d'admin. c'est vrai que c'est + drole d'utilisé ses droits pour abuse la gueule des gens qu'on apprécit pas.
  7. 10-15 people passed in front of the item before me, I took it like that but afterward I thought about it and I didn't want it, it deserves a 2 week ban( real ban not eban) in your opinion midknight? So @ Hobbitten or I don't know who, can I have an answer to that or it's too much to ask ?
  8. "griefing the gameplay intentionally by dropping items out of reach. Behaving really bad despite previous warnings and punishemnts." HOW COULD I KNOW THAT THE ITEM WAS GOING TO CROSS THE GROUND OF THE MAP
  9. 1: My ingame name: en ekair come jp 2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:18626487 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: wanderer palace 6: Time and date: 18h20 7: Explanation of the situation: I don't know what I did, I dropped the heal item in front of the door on cts for someone to take it,i shot one bullet on the item so he can bounce on the step and the heal item disappeared in the map, I swear i didn't know about this bug. I would like to know why I am directly taking a 2 week ban for something where it is not even my fault. Normally people take ebans not bans, but here this is a bug that I didn't even know about. it is possible for kayn to check the actions at least a little bit before putting big bans like that? 8: Proof: medal clip https://medal.tv/fr/games/cs-source/clips/21MyDxbHim7PgF/d1337zLFhkos?invite=cr-MSxTWE0sMTkxNjc2OTgwLA
  10. 1: My ingame name: en ekair com jp 2: My SteamID: don't know 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze server 5: Map: ridorana 6: Time and date: today before 18h 7: Explanation of the situation: This retard forced rtv ridorana and forced nextmap while there were still 5 minutes left in the timer. He cryed like a little baby because they losing on the round before at the very end. Peoples voted for extends and the map was not beaten, at which point he force rtv while there is 5 minutes of time left ???? However, when it's his favorite map, paranoid, he always abuses extend it for 30 minutes each session even though the map has already been beaten 20 times 8: Proof: Demo of last ridorana's session, and the last round.
  11. thank you lewis for making no effort, you have all the essentials informations on my topic, I don't see why my nickname and my steam id are important because that it's a player who trolled during an important round, I don't know steam id of smygole and I don't care about his steam id, you just have to dl the demo and watched the last 2-3 minutes of today's cosmo session. i don't think it's complicated.
  12. 1: My ingame name: dc 2: My SteamID: dc 3: Name of the player(s) involved: smygole 4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: dc 5: What server did it happen on: ze server 6: Map: cosmo v5 7: Time and date: today 8: Explanation of the situation: we were at the last round and the score was 3-12 and this biggest retard losing heal on purpose, almost to the end (in the elevator). i already see him playing lot of time cosmo so he know exactly the map. So don't try to find excuses for him, because in addition a leader should not make this kind of error on a map he knows. You should remove his leader acces too, bc he is big retard and very bad at leader (3-13 on cosmo session + troll last round). 9: Proof: session cosmo today, last round, after genesis boss on the last elevator.
  13. 1: My ingame name: Bourre moi l'trou zywoo 2: My SteamID: 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: deadcore 6: Time and date: today 7: Explanation of the situation: I absolutely don't understand why I'm taking a 24 hour ban. He apparently banned me for inflate? WTFFF. This is the first time I've played Deadcore, I don't f*cking know the map, the map is very hard with a lot of way, I've often gotten lost and died several times from zombies, so apparently, on nide, when we die from zombies we are not allowed to play zombie and try to kill ct after ? So this is the ze you want for 2024 on nide ? well...nice... I specify that, when he arrived on the server, there was already 0-4. when he arrived he played directly, so can he explain how was he able to check the ""inflate""??? "Kayn: now watch how he is going to cry on the forums again, like he usually do". Last time u banned me 24hrs for early trig without even bothering to check because it wasn't me, fkg retard abuser. You deserve the report so stop crying. 8: Proof: deadcore demo
  14. 1: My ingame name: _95 2: My SteamID: 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ZE 5: Map: westersand_v7 6: Time and date: 13/02/2024 don't remember the time, but it's the last wester v7 session 7: Explanation of the situation: I received a huge duration of 2 weeks eban, just for using an item that slows down zombies during lasers. I really don't understand this eban and there was no impact because the round was WON. And I also point out that it was not the last stage of the map ( it was on EPIC MODE not on god mode). So, I find the duration of 2 weeks completely absurd and not appropriate. 8: Proof: demo of the last wester v7 session
  15. 1: My ingame name: nbvcncvnx 2: My SteamID: 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: dp/kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: aesthetic 6: Time and date: today 15h35 7: Explanation of the situation: This noob admin abusing ban on me, even though it's not me who has early trig. it's incredible to directly take a 24 hour ban from the server when the admin didn't even bother to check. He has been an admin for not even 1 week and he is already abusing a lot with very long ban and eban durations for players on Santa, and a lot of abuse mute yesterday. and now, this ! From now on for this enormous injustice I am not going to let go of you kayn I am going to report the slightest of your abuse because it is far too much. 8: Proof: as you can see on the screen (it's my own record) it's absolutely NOT ME who early trigg. I just followed the person because he already had trig early trig anyway, but i REPEAT IT WAS NOT ME. I still give you the link to the video which proves : https://medal.tv/fr/games/cs-source/clips/1RJvhrhkDE4hGV/612BF2QrKCu1?invite=cr-MSwyTDEsMTkxNjc2OTgwLA?mobilebypass=true
  16. 1: My ingame name: 95 2: My SteamID: 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: koen 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: grau 6: Time and date: today 16h 7: Explanation of the situation: Apparently I supposedly inflate.the problem is that I don't know the map I never play it. On the first round I was afk, so i played normaly and directly one argentinian nigga crying at the inflate for nothing. After, you should know that on grau at stage 1 from the start there are 2 way. The other side boosted the zombies on me for 1 round. And for the 3rd round a zombie bhop and he killed me (I remind you that I don't know the map well), I specify that, in this round I killed only 2 ct, ONLY WHEN THE ROUND was ALREADY lost for the cts because too many zombies. So can you explain to me when I inflated ? koen was just influenced by a person who wanted to see me banned, it is not acceptable.A good admin is supposed to enforce the rules correctly, and not because his friend cries to enforce a ban. and + every day there are knifers who ruin lot of rounds and they simply take 2 hours of kbans, and I get 24 hours of BAN because I don't know a fag map? what world do you live in? it's simply scandalous, I'm very outraged 8: Proof: start of grau session
  17. "but in the future, also listen to ur teammates", wich one ? there was no one speaking and leading. It's difficult to follow instructions that don't exist "About giving the eban without warning, i told some times to stop cading ur teammates.", Absolutely not. And what do you lead apart from wanderer palace ? westersand ? xD " Im not forcing anyone to vote for wanderers or minas or anything like that", but you spam for it, it's the same, u look's like counttab. "Also leader maps are for players who have leader access to nominate, which means u dont need to have a vote to insert them or anything like that", yes but you abuse it a lot, and every day more spam for minas, So a leader who only knows and nominates 2 maps and who also does not lead minas should not have this access. You are clearly a good admin for nide and we really need it on this monkey server (even if you abused me on minas) but your access leader should be removed, due to daily abuse.
  18. 1: My ingame name: _Pharos_saberius 2: My SteamID: 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: midknigth 4: What server did it happen on: nide ze 5: Map: minas 6: Time and date: today 7: Explanation of the situation: This "trial" admin abusing eban on me just for using barricade elements available on minas. Elements which are freely accessible to everyone, I remind you. And which are used to block access for block zombies, which is precisely what I did. It is therefore in no way my fault if certain elements blocked 5% of people, 5% of overdefenders**(I point out that no one had the lead at that time. I've never played the map, I don't know it, I was just trying to help the team, And I'm being punished just for that, it's totally unfair. Normally the admin must give a warning + an explanation before giving a free eban, especially when a person doesn't know the map I also remind that midknight, he nominated the map with his access leader while he doesn't lead minas. In addition, he uses his map leader access every day to nominate only the maps that he likes to play, without asking the opinion of other players + he spams vocally people to vote for his map ( as a reminder, map leaders are tryhard maps, it is therefore the minimum to ask the opinion of other players before to insert some that maps) This person has the leader access while he does lead exclusively wanderer palace, so wtf ???? leader acces for leading only ONE map ????? Tonight i m gona lead one ATIX session and u gona give me leader acces.that way I would do like him and I would only insert maps that interest me without asking others' opinions. It's amazing. 8: Proof: Eban list
  19. 1: Your own ingame name: Saber / _95 2: Your own steam-ID: [STEAM_0:0:18626487] 3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Yudi 4: What server did it happen on: Nide ZE server 5: What map: cosmo canyon/ santassination 6: Time and date : 08/06/2023, around 9p.m, 09/06/2023 around 4 a.m 7: Explain the situation : This person just doesn't like me, he mute me for no reason when i talk, just looked at the screens, the reasons are completely wtf and totally unacceptable. I have absolutely no warning from him on the 2 maps. On cosmo i can swear, I didn't speak over the leader, but between when he wasn't speaking and cosmo is playing every day, you're not going to make me believe that all laser fags need a leader on this map. The last mute is 60 min for reason " need help" WTF ?
  20. Arretez vos conneries srx, ce fils de chien mérite un vrai ban pour tout ce qu'il fait. Hallucinant, pas un seul mec qui a des couilles ici.
  21. ➥ Your own ingame name; Saber ➥ Your own Steam-ID;STEAM_0:0:18626487 ➥ Name of the player(s) involved; Creepy ➥ Steam-ID of the player(s) involved; don't know ➥ What server did it happen; nide ze server ➥ What map did it happen; feywood ➥ Time and date; today approximately 6 p.m ➥ Explain the situation; This retard knifed zombie on the last platforme after the 2 last green laser. So he ruined the win of the map when the timmer had elapsed, and there was no longer an extend of the map possible. ➥ Proof; Demo, lot of telltate (harraga boten etc..), and Harraga admin knifebanned him. We all know this retard player, what he did AGAIN is unacceptable, I request a one week ban from the server for the accumulation of everything he has done, and what he continues to do .I hope that for once the administration of nide will do things well
  22. SORRY ?! WTF it's a joke ? When was i russophobic? is it a joke or what ?, in fact no one understands anything here, it's amazing. you're making things up that i didn't say. btw I would give a lot to taste a sample of your weed to all of you It's when i say to heechan "all of ur russian friend" ? xD it's no russophobic it's only the truth, they all used retex, i m not making this up, it's juste reality.
  23. Answer my question, no? Or you read it again and realized that you didn't understand the meaning of the sentence and now you feel completely idiotic. So, Nide staff, it will be necessary to think of a demote, especially when the last 3 post are on the same admin, there is no coincidence. Everyone knows who the problem is, and it was long before he was admin.
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