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Posts posted by FPTyel

  1. 1 hour ago, Doshik said:

    ZR довольно старый, там много багов, которые я в своё время исправлял с Ire и даже добавляли что-то новое. Его можно полностью обновить, но уйдет много времени, особенно если ты один, это как сделать из жигули мерседес, сделать можно, вот только много геморроя и ни кто не хочется браться за это. Хорошо, что Ire хоть как-то держит этот сервер.

    если конеш не прийдется работать с тем что имеем =)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. First test was successfully finished.
    But we faced some problems instead, so at this test, here is new (EXPERIMENTAL, TO BE CORRECTLY BALANCED IN FUTURE):

    - Buffed all bosses HP (due to new collision it was extremely low on all bosses), up to X1.9 - X2.2 (but Scorpion is buffed slightly to ~+28%).
    Sephiroth hp, bahamut hp on bridge is NOT changed.

    - Buffed bahamut attacks:
    Wind +2sec
    Gravity +2sec
    Fire deals X2 damage
    Electro deals X1.5 damage
    Heal now heals 300 HP, instead of 150 HP.

    - Now sephiroth will take slightly more damage, if player dies on laser (150 > 160 HP).

    All of this is done by stripper.

    • Like 2
  3. Little advice:
    There is a glitchy invisible wall, before ex3 and lower. Inside the house, where is item located, close to exit, you'll get it. Just avoid wall, we accidentally found it with batnik.

    There is NO WAY to fix it through stripper (to be honest, I tried), because invisible prop is a brush itself, which is linked with func_wall_toggle entity's with the same names. It will be fixed in next version, sorry for this.

    • Like 2
  4. "Hyperscroll" word itself have a "scroll" word, so it is legit scroll, but permitted to use (because it giving advantage of huge number "+jump" triggers per jump, which is giving you much more accurate and perfect jumps). Don't ask me why, this rule is active on every ze server.

    53 minutes ago, Rognus said:

    Reduce the sensitivity of the scroll in win settings or in your mouse program because as I can see there are higher multiple numbers in the detections.

    So only it will help, unless you have the button on your mouse to limit scroll.

    And there is no whitelist yet, even if many years are passed.

    • Like 1
  5. +1, convincing and constructed application, such a pleasure to read

    P.S. Aimbotters are usually do not use specific settings to have smooth aimbot, it is not public sv. However, some players are unique. To prevent consequences, check if his crosshair is humanity moving. As you experienced on ZR for year, you'll find it out, easy peasy

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. On 31.01.2021 at 3:03 AM, Chrono said:

    I can trigger Hyper scroll with up and down and it will be false.

    And also 12 and 13s are still false. A couple days ago I got a false Flag and Lady sent me the stats and there was three 12s and one 13 and Lardy said it was false.

    If you want proof of this I can you it to you on discord.

    The problem is: plugin usually triggering if AVERAGE (avg) triggers are above 12 (at least this works on normal TOG plugin, not this one)

    Triggering it by some 12-13 jumps is not a guaranteed way to get the flag.

    Also, random scrolling up\down usually is not using by people. So if you're wondering about detection - check also "gain" and "outvel" parameters

    • Like 1
  7. Судя по твоим логам, а именно:
    1. лог чата - манера общения осталась идентичной;
    2. ник при заходе якобы другого человека был идентичный, как и стимид;
    3. в данный момент нельзя (!) заспуфить человека с легитимным стимид;



    Пускай старшие проверяет твои заходы по айпишникам, но возникает ощущение, что ты врёшь.
    Срок дали исходя из прошлых банов.

    Если не врёшь - меняй пароль к стим аккаунту.
    Демку не помешает ещё проверить

    P.S. Any admin please check for demos, no idea where does that happened, only time

  8. 26 minutes ago, Tea said:

    i picked freeze on dreamin stage 1 and decided to use it for fun at the end of stage 1 when lasers come from below

    so why do you think it is abuse, if you already explained everything.

    deserved imo.

  9. 15 hours ago, William! ? said:

    Admins on nide these days still think materia usage is only about only saving bad teammates. Perhaps that is why nide loses so many maps. How can someone who chose a utilitarian approach, i.e has a better materia strategy that helps the team win the round but does not save the noobs who do not know the map as well or do mistakes, get ebanned? "because players complained"?? All that karma talk by fierce is only dismissing it. The fact that everybody is onboard that tendub did not troll but you just did not understand his methods or gave in to people crying is a bit worrying. 


    At least put some effort into responding or show signs of potential future redemption. 

    Lasermap: nope
    We will hold materia until everyone die and do solo, profit.

  10. Not a hack. Atleast on these both videos.

    About shooting ground - demo is not showing recoil.

    8 hours ago, DeMoN said:

    Also you got detected for a bhop script with 85 nums jump streak which is way higher than casual

    One 85 jump-triggers detection may be false (sometimes TOG showing like X2-X5 jump triggers on single jump). Not sure about unloze-anticheat (is on server now)

    But it seems topicstarter have a hyperscroll. I recommend to toggle off if you really have it, since it's prohibited to use.


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