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Look sila i dort even have a PC and earlyer i was 24/7 online and dont get Administrator.Im Not online but i never anoyed someone or bullied someone the only PROBLEM:be more online so ridiculous.









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  • Server Admin
8 minutes ago, Reverse-Flash cia said:

Look sila i dort even have a PC and earlyer i was 24/7 online and dont get Administrator.Im Not online but i never anoyed someone or bullied someone the only PROBLEM:be more online so ridiculous.









Do you think it's funny to take responsibility? Do you think it’s funny to be just an admin? it won’t change your reputation even if you are administrator, it’s hard work, it’s responsible, but what if someone needs help at any moment? How do you log into the network? if this is very serious and you are not online, what will you do?

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Dont anoying pls bro i dont have a PC did think you 1400k euro came from my ass or something.I was earlyer 24 f*cking 7 online worked Hard and was one of the best player in the Server and know you Came from 2000km away to me and wann to teach me.My old Applikation was deleted and i Worked Hard and i can chat on disc btw

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  • Event Manager
2 hours ago, Reverse-Flash cia said:

Dont anoying pls bro i dont have a PC did think you 1400k euro came from my ass or something.I was earlyer 24 f*cking 7 online worked Hard and was one of the best player in the Server and know you Came from 2000km away to me and wann to teach me.My old Applikation was deleted and i Worked Hard and i can chat on disc btw

Im not really into ZR problems but let me tell you something

1. Get a PC.

2. Learn English.

3. Dont apply for admin, you are already failed since you replied this to zloy with your beautiful english skills.


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  • Server Admin


I havent seen you.

So its -1 from mee.

I would suggest You to use Donate Admin option, so we can see what you are made from.

Good luck.


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10 hours ago, Janka_LV said:


I havent seen you.

So its -1 from mee.

I would suggest You to use Donate Admin option, so we can see what you are made from.

Good luck.


First Thing i had like 2 Times donated admin xd

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10 hours ago, Janka_LV said:


I havent seen you.

So its -1 from mee.

I would suggest You to use Donate Admin option, so we can see what you are made from.

Good luck.


2. I dont have paypal and in my family to

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  • CS:S ZR Lead Server Admin

hello @ Reverse-Flash cia

After considering your admin application we want to inform you that your application is Denied.
You don't have much experience also not mature enough to take care of admin responsibilities and cause of other things that were said here.

ZR LSA Team.

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