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Locked Zombie Revival Application

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Posted (edited)


  • Ingame Nickname: _Sh0rtie_
  • Discord username: godity._
  • Age: 15
  • SteamID: STEAM_0:1:863551462
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?): ZR

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

Why are you interested in applying for admin? Cause i do love playing zombie revival servers, i'm online every day since school, so i would test it. help people how to play it, how to buy guns, how to have some skins by this command !zclass. i would tell more about ZR.
server admin and helped player to play how they need to. and i do only counter strike steam, and now it is css.
What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? GMT+1 i play on EU hours 
How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? Like 1 month + I already have steam css game
How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? experienced as a ZR player + i know some maps like : zm_snow_cabin_v1_1 / zm_mad_city / zm_rooftops
Do you have any past admin experience? I know how to use admin menu + i have experience with admin commands... like !msay and else
Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) Video editing

Edited by _Sh0rtie_
Changing steamid cuz i already have steam css game
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  • Server Admin

Hello _Sh0rtie_!

From me -1 

I just see 2h activity from you, it’s not enough. Don’t know you at all. 

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  • Server Admin

-1 for several reasons

1. You stated that you have played for half a year (not sure if on NiDE specifically, or elsewhere), but your playtime on this server is extremely low.

2. Familiarize yourself with getting to know the community, players, and staff alike.

3. As mentioned above by Silaniks, I also don't know you, nor have I seen you play.

4. Although on your application you say that you know how to use the admin menu, I'd still suggest considering for Donated Admin to familiarize yourself with the admin menu some more.

That's all from me.

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  • Server Admin
Posted (edited)

lol I've never seen you at all

Edited by _zloy_
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i dont know you well and your age is not fair enough.

-1 for me 

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  • Server Admin


1. I havent seen you.

2.   Its -1 from mee.

Good luck.

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3 minutes ago, Janka_LV said:


1. I havent seen you.

2.   Its -1 from mee.

Good luck.

Welp i have school maybe thats why, im on the server now, alr but np and thx


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17 hours ago, _Sh0rtie_ said:

Welp, ich habe Schule, vielleicht ist das der Grund, warum ich jetzt auf dem Server bin, aber np und danke


Xd true i have school to they think we are 24/7 online

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  • CS:S ZR Lead Server Admin

hello @ _Sh0rtie_

After considering your admin application we want to inform you that your application is Denied.
Basically it's much better to play a some time, let players know you, your sentence before making an admin application.
You seem to be a totally new/fresh player with no expirence and knowledge also nobody knows you, this is a nonsense application.
You should give yourself much more time, good luck.

ZR LSA Team.

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