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Locked ADMIN

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  • Ingame Nickname:BatMan|PNF_SulEiMaN_FriEndS|yay
  • Discord username:8pnf 
  • Age:17 
  • SteamID: STEAM_0:1:843356238
  • What server are you applying for (ZR or ZE server?):ZR 

Optional: (Feel free to answer one or more questions)

Why are you interested in applying for admin? Because I love NIDE and I play it a lot, and while I'm running it, I don't find many moderators, and I see those who break the rules, such as shot props, impermeable spray, and I want NIDE to become better.
What time zone are you active in (NA or EU hours)? 
How long have you been playing on the server which you applied for? I've played it before and back and now I think I've played it for 5 months
How experienced are you in the gamemode for which you applied? Good and I hope to learn more.
Do you have any past admin experience?
  Yes, I was a Donated Admin and learned how to use ADMIN

Do you have any other skills like (Mapping, Plugins, Drawing, Video editing etc) Yes, I am a beginner in mapping

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  • Server Admin

Hello PNF ! 

You are very friendly player and you did good job with donated admin. Soo.. from me +1 

Good luck!

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  • Server Admin

Based on my observation from the several occasions that I saw you in the game, from your time as a Donated admin, I didn't see any qualities from you that shows that you have what it takes to handle such responsibilities. Also, asking other players to +1 your application, as other applicants have done in the past, does not improve your chances a a spot.

I was gonna be neutral at first, until you asked other players to +1 your application for petty votes.

Final verdict: -1 from me

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I did not ask them, but I told them whether I could become an admin or not. I did not tell them to go and do it +1


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  • Server Admin
8 minutes ago, PNF said:

I did not ask them, but I told them whether I could become an admin or not. I did not tell them to go and do it +1


Regardless, asking other players to +1 you for petty votes isn't the way to go. Proof is in the screensot that I attached.


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Yes, I told him that I applied to become a supervisor.

I will tell you that I submit a request to the administrators and they choose me or not

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  • Server Admin
Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, PNF said:

Yes, I told him that I applied to become a supervisor.

I will tell you that I submit a request to the administrators and they choose me or not

I repeat once again, messaging other players for petty +1 votes isn't the way to go. Look at what happened to naz (wasabi) when he was messaging players, asking for +1 votes. That didn't bode well for him. I'd advise you to not take that route.

Edited by CrazyChris
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These votes are public opinion, but the choice is up to administrators, such as Ire. And Alex, they know me in the game and they have the decision.

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  • Server Admin
1 minute ago, PNF said:

These votes are public opinion, but the choice is up to administrators, such as Ire. And Alex, they know me in the game and they have the decision.

Whil I do agree that it is at their discretion to determine who gets approved & who doesn't, messaging other players for petty votes is not the way to go.

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Posted (edited)

I repeat my words, I do not ask them to go to nide and write +1, I just tell them that I submitted a request and the support comes from them, not from me. 
Also if I am approved, I will become a trial admin and they will see if I can become an admin or not.

Edited by PNF
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Posted (edited)

i saw him insulting many random dudes / players (few weeks ago) for no reason after getting killed 
that's too unfriendly and out of the maturity nor u have much experience for an admin position
+ i don't judge by your age cuz age is just a number but u have too much negative impact among the players... 

Edited by .naz
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You have to prove it, I am not insulting anyone.

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  • Server Admin

Hello PNF.

Good player , as i have seen, .
So +1 from mee.

Good Luck!

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