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🚨 Important update for all players! 🚨 ×


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machu last won the day on November 20 2023

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  1. -1 don't accept this psycho
  2. 1: My ingame name: machu 2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94908621 3: Name of the player(s) involved: MushyMooosh 4: SteamID of the player(s) involved: STEAM_0:0:802284954 5: What server did it happen on: zombie escape 6: Map: doom3 7: Time and date: map started around 8pm at nov 19 8: Explanation of the situation: he was dying on purpose every round for at least 10 of the last rounds and spamming the chat things like push and charge 9: Proof: sticky was playing he can confirm and you can watch the demo
  3. you can wall run if you have a flat wall next to you similarly to how you strafe run you press W and D or A depending on the side of the wall unlike strafe running you hold the keys instead of spamming them
  4. ➥ Your own ingame name; machu ➥ Your own Steam-ID; STEAM_0:1:94908621 ➥ Name of the admin(s) involved; Wicked ➥ Steam-ID of the admin(s) involved; STEAM_0:1:525795054 ➥ What server did it happen; Zombie Escape ➥ What map did it happen; ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3 ➥ Time and date; 7:20pm 06/10/2017 ➥ Explain the situation; He slayed cts on extreme 3 while we were 10 humans and climbing the circle stairs and progressing the map,we had 2 horses and i had armor with 5 hp seriously there's literally no reason to slay at that stage in general unless the remaining people are at spawn but we didn't we were legit progressing through the map.He has done that before it's not the first time.I wouldn't call that abusing but rather being stupid but tolerating stupidity has a limit. ➥ Proof; https://demos.nide.gg/css_ze/demos/auto-20221006-181049-ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3.dem.bz2 it happens when the score is 6-1 on 36k frame
  5. machu

    wicked abuse

    *SPEC* [ADMIN] Wicked : !slay @ct *SPEC* [ADMIN] Wicked : !slay @ct *SPEC* [ADMIN] Wicked : !slay @ct *SPEC* [ADMIN] Wicked : !slay @ct gonna provide more i'm playing minas
  6. Admun plz
  7. machu


    ni**er server
  8. well now jokes aside I think the only reason this groups exist is that people don't chain fag maps and the server doesn't die because of that,however most of the groups currently existing make no sense if you think that their purpose is to prevent the server from dying and yes creating a laser map group makes no sense either because most of the maps there are not related to each other and have completely different gameplay.Anyway the thing is sometimes I cant nominate maps for absolutely no reason.
  9. take it easy with the map groups and restrictions they make no sense whatsoever.I want to play westersand!!!!!!!!
  10. so my complaint here is about the server lagging most of the time with high population.When I say server I mean the host's performance and not my client's,even though I have 60+ fps at sometimes I can feel the server lagging.What you are going to do about that is up to you,I can think of removing things like flashbangs and tracers that make the server process unnecessary things.Please don't let that slip and do something about server's poor performance because it gets kinda unplayable at this point.
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