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maso last won the day on November 1 2023

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About maso

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  1. I started this thread to try and talk sense into some admins and now I have some retard telling me about swatting. I rly doubt that Mohamed from Algeria will spoof my phone number and spoof me because he was perma banned from a random CSS server. The people who cheat do not care about ze at all so there is no problem in banning them. And I don't get what you are trying to say with IP bans. This server does not have IP bans as far as I am aware so I'm not sure why you are talking about it. If you were really worried about losing player base they you would ban the cheaters perma. I thank koen for trying to take a step forward and perma ban a cheater since this is the only way to try and stop the cheater problem. if a cheater sees that they only got banned for 1 hour then they will not care and will re-offend the next time they play. @ MichaeL no idea what you are trying to prove or say. No one will swat someone on css and i really doubt police will throw grenades into someone's house if they just called 911 retard. @ .Rushaway I appreciate that you want to try and consolidate people who are from asia, but letting cheaters off the hook this easily isn't really going to last long term
  2. What are the chances that you get spoofed in 2024. and unloze does IP bans, and they don’t have any problems. And last time I checked, you don’t need a vpn to play. If people are falsely banned, they can just appeal if they are sincere
  3. I can see why 2nd chances are important, but letting people get banned for the same reason for cheating 8 times doesn't really seem reasonable. If people are getting banned this frequently for the same thing, then they obviously don't care enough about the server if they got perma banned.
  4. I remember typing recently after this but it must have disapeered And this is also very unique circumstances
  5. I have seen recently that a lot of people who cheat on ZE or ZR are never banned for a sensible length of time and it bothers me, as it bothers any normal player. If you cheat, you break the rules of server, and you get punished. But what I don't understand is why these cheaters get off so lightly. Nide's current Anti-Cheat will only ban bhop cheaters for 1 hour and 12 minutes. I can see why this is a short amount of time, in case there are false flags and a player is wrongly banned. But I have never seen a legit player get flagged and banned by the anti cheat. With a quick check of Sourcebans, you will see '1 hour, 12 minutes' repeated in the ban logs, and after checking some people who had these bans, you will see this. The same player, banned 11 times, and the anti-cheat banned him 5 times, surely he should perma banned by now since he is obviously a cheater. Yet another player who has been banned 3 times by the anti cheat for bhop cheating, and he still isn't perma. 8 times this person was banned for having a cheat injected into his CSS, and he was only banned for 2 weeks. I could find countless examples of these kinds of people cheating but you can look on Sourcebans, find someone who was banned for cheating recently, and he will probably have a history similar to these. Keep in mind that a lot of these players are nosteam, so they already don't care about CSS and couldn't care less if they got banned from a random server. If you couldn't figure out what this thread is about by now, it's that the ban system needs to change. Surely there is a way for the anti-cheat to detect who has a history of cheating, and then just perma ban someone before they can cheat again. And the fact that the system only bans people for 1 hour for blatant cheating is absurd anyways, should have never let this situation get this bad. I am hoping that the admins on this server can also decide who is cheating and who isn't. Look at our good friend Unloze, who has no shame in banning cheaters (why should there be, they broke the rules). If someone really cared enough about ZE, they firstly would not cheat and secondly, they would appeal their ban. Just perma these cheaters already.
  6. -1 too many admins on the server already and now 5 6 more added onto the team. parta not liked by most of the server already not good candidate. always looking to start something.
  7. -1 very little confidence in this player. does not integrate with community v well because he is a child and he will not be able to cope with the pressures of being admin. he is young and will likely be influenced by older players into not making the right decisions. nide already has had 5 new admins in the past 2 weeks enough admins on the server anyways.
  8. 1 month for this? I don't really see the need.
  9. 1: My ingame name:nannaanananananananana 2: My SteamID: steamID STEAM_0:1:167167073 steamID3 [U:1:334334147] steamID64 76561198294599875 3: Name of the admin involved: Strikker + kayn 4: What server did it happen on: ze 5: Map: ze sonaki mountain 6: Time and date: 1900~ dst 19/03/24 7: Explanation of the situation: I cant give explanation because I dont even know what happened. I used earth during boss to try stuck so people. and then laser come and killed 3 people who werent stuck in my earth. Striker ebans me for 10 hours, I ask him why, no responce. Kayn then removes my eban, i take warp, then kill him (not sure if relevant). mid way thru the round strikker kicks me with reason as "karen." I call him retarded for it, then turns out im ebanned for 1 month . I call strikker a retard after he dies with wind despite people telling him there was zm tp and i get perma silenced. -_- . Not sure what i can do here as strikker has had a vendetta against me for no reason and must be trying to reach his eban quota. No one died to my earth. and one month? I really didnt expect this after people have gotten significantly shorter bans for much severe actions. 8: Proof: Sonaki mountain demos 1 and 2 19/03/24
  10. I think he is referring to how long he has played ze for
  11. This is either related to config or to steamid. had to join on an alt account to connect to the server after getting "connecting to server message" repeatedly
  12. cheater and troll from gfl don't trust this guy. Knows what he is doing when it comes to santa just looking for a way out of punishment.
  13. bhop/kz marathon ze_jump_king ze_lego ze_minimal ze_potc_v3 kickers: forced 100aa on all maps and sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 enabled on jump king, VIP will be handed out for teamwin stage. After it has been beaten, 2 attempts at solo stage.
  14. Keep in mind who this guy actually is. Well known scammer and liar. https://unloze.com/threads/admin-application-shine0nn.2112/post-19095 -1
  15. the last event vote, my event and maradox' event got the same number of votes, but you guys chose maradox event. I dont see why i shouldnt be allowed to nominate the same event if people obviously like it
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