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Posts posted by Pasas1345

    1. Your Name and Age. (Remember that you can only apply if you're 18+ )
      Pasas1345 -- 18 yrs.
    2. Your Discord UserName: (aF! mohamed. #1906 for example)
      pasas1345 (originally pasas#1345)
    3. STEAM_0 and which server you applying for ( ZE-CSS/CSGO or ZR-CSS ) :
      STEAM_0:1:87298589 — ZE-CSS
    4. How long are you playing CSS ?
      3190.4 hours in steam (been playing since 2017)
    5. You will need minimun of 72h of connection time (3 days)
    6. Needs a minimun of 1+ players and 3+ admins to get approved + Lead admins will have the final word.
    7. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community?
      I am willing to help out with the server when it comes to trollers and with that have a knowledge of admin commands and when to use them.
    8. Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can benefit us having you as an admin?
      I had experience at 2018 when I first applied to NiDE so I have a grasp of admin commands and how they should be used.
    9. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server?
      I used to be an admin in NiDE but I retired since I was inactive for most of the time. Today, I started playing more ZE and I would like to reapply for admin. I made maps for ZE and I hope I can make more in the future that will be played.
    10. Here is a small question need to answer it: imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using aimbot, and you need to deal with him how will you deal with that? Write your answer in full details more detailed answer mean better answer, new admin applications should consider this question.  
      When he is suspicious, I would spectate him for a while and confirm he is using aimbot, if that is true that he is aimbotting, I would apply proper punishments to him. Otherwise everything is fine and was a confirmation that he wasn't aimbotting.
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  1. The Laboratory Escape Marathon (Sort of):



    Since beta is too easy (apparently) 1 nade rebuy cap and 2 times the price of rebuys, timelimit of 30 mins (since i think lvl2 is cancer at the end)

    Since imagine tryharding lab v2 today (its played alot) zratio is 4 and 2 nade rebuys, lvl2 and lvl3 has no items, and lvl4 has no minigun and debuff, also tornado, cause solo item, who cares about rtv stage anyway lol

    Since after killing your mind after the lab maps, rest your mind in ze_MindTree_v1_6s :lenny: (actually that might kill your mind instead)

    Also pls 3pm gmt + 0 i've been waiting.
    nice meme

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  2. The Pasas1345 Map Combo :lenny:


    Special Kickers:
    Laboratory: will be played with these settings { 1500 ammo (800 extreme), rebuys are 3x as expensive (if you can handle that), Fall Damage, 1 HE Grenade Rebuy. } Played for 1 hour
    Bowser: Skip Normal And Hard and ZM. Played for 50 minutes
    Decaying Forest: 1 hour to play normal. RTV 2 will be voted to be played, RTV 1 will be played 2 times.

    Hopefully the time can be 1pm gmt+0 (because)

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