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Everything posted by Mini.

  1. Balls Trilogy . All maps have mist-like ending (except visualizer who has a boss-fight on stage 6, but stage 5 has mist-like ending) Mist-Like Ending is basically an ending where u have to dodge balls from the sky/ground for some time
  2. Hello, The game may be buggy as you claim it to be, but it's the first community event so people are doing this for the first time, so the management will know if they can keep up with this or not. If somehow the game becomes glitchy to the others, they would most probably be compensated with vip or something like this in the css ze server, but I doubt the game will be that glitchy to everyone. If most players do feel concerned about this situation, they can talk with Hobbitten. For now, let's keep this thread with the announcement only, so players would know what's about.
  3. Welcome, dude! Hope u will have fun here.
  4. Hello guys! Some of you may know me, but if you don't know me then I'll present myself a bit ( I do apologise for introducing myself late ) : My name's Mini and I am a friendly 16 year old kid who plays zombie escape. I play zombie escape for 3 months, so I am not the best player, of course. I casually lead players in some maps and I casually die by lagging (no surprise here). I play both on UNLOZE and NiDE, but recently I became an event manager with the purpose of improving myself with events and making good relationships with the admins. I love food (like cheeseburger, pizza or romanian food), videogames (King Of Fighters 13, Cuphead, Minecraft, CS:S) and music. I am a fan of ENA Series as well. I hope we can get along well and I wish you a happy day.
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