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Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Maradox

  1. Maps: - ze_mindtree_v1_6s - ze_minimal_v4_1 - ze_realm_h1 Kickers: - None.
  2. Honestly, an argument over this map is just stupidity. of course I don't mind the map as I take as training map only tbh. and it's true that maybe there's no escape on it but there's ZM Items that exists which are powerful. but maybe there's way of improving the map by making it an Escape layout instead of something similar to ZR But Again, like I said I have nothing against the map but surely there can be improvements done to the map to make it more Escaping
  3. - ze_lumiverse_v1_2 (coming soon) - ze_legend_of_astrum_beta1 (new) - ze_diablo_v3 (new)
  4. nice guy, never trolls. deserves a +1
  5. 1. Your Name and Age: Maradox / 16 y/o (Hopefully its not about the age jaja). 2. Your Discord UserName: .maradox 3. STEAM_0 and which server you applying for ( ZE-CSS/CSGO or ZR-CSS ) STEAM_0:0:222051298 // Zombie Escape: CSS. 4. How long are you playing CSS ? I've been playing CSS since 2016 5. You will need minimun of 72h of connection time (3 days) I surely have 72h of connection time. 6. Needs a minimun of 1+ players and 3+ admins to get approved + Lead admins will have the final word. Aight! 7. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community? I have an understanding of the game mode due to the years of playing and my high activity in-game. I am capable of speaking decent English and I consider myself mature for my age, which makes it easy for me to handle situations. Moreover I am more than happy to support the community as an Admin, as I noticed most of the time when I play, I don't see much of Admins online. Allowing rule breakers to go unnoticed. As an Admin, I could directly handle these situations, benefiting both players and staff. 8. Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can benefit us having you as an admin? I'm a friendly person and I can get along with people. I'm also an experienced player when it comes to ZE and been an admin before. I know the rules, i'm calm and honest. hopefully you won't regret accepting me. 9. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server? I am currently a student who enjoys to play games specially that its summer time and I spend a lot of my time playing NiDe Lately I've been so active since days but anytime I'm there playing (5-6 hours or even more when I got nothing to do) 10. here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him how will you deal with that? Write your answer in full details more detailed answer mean better answer , new admin applications should consider this question. For me I would firstly spectate him to confirm my suspicious. If it comes out that he's using Aimbot I'll start taking action according to the server rules. In the otherside If I'm not 100% sure. I would definitely inform another admin explaining the situation. and after we confirm our suspicious we ban him.
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