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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked Mr Frodo


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1: nothai
2: STEAM_0:0:425791234
3: Mr Frodo
4: ZE Nide
5: Boat Escape Remix
6: 4/09/2021  1:37
7: Mr Frodo respawned 3 different players "Go B", "SLIMER" and "Frodo Baggins" He respawned Go B and SLIMER because they "died too early" and he respawned "Frodo Baggins" because he was afk and died. Mr Frodo also does not mute any mic spammers and he is a mic spammer himself. He also encourage George to play his music through his mic. He also respawned everybody. He tends to use the respawn command a lot as he done this type of admin abuse for quite a while now.
8: Check the demo.

Edited by nothai.
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  • Akadir locked this topic
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Hi I watched the demo of the incident. Donated admins should not have access !zadmin. This was fixed before we moved to ubuntu so will try to have it fixed so this issue wont happen again ?. Thanks for the report!

I will also remind Frodo not to spam music like this

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