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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked Unmute

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1: My ingame name: apex
2: My SteamID: [U:1:82543507]
3: Name of the admin involved: rushaway
4: What server did it happen on: ze
5: Map: idk
6: Time and date: idk
7: Explanation of the situation: I don't remember, I think spamming
8: Proof: ?

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  • Developer

You get muted because you always scream louder each time you turn on your microphone during multiples maps.
And by screaming I didnt mean trying to talk louder, just a scream. 

Now that remeber you something ? 

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  • Developer

No lol, why sould I do it ? It seem you didnt have any regrets on this action.
You did not take the trouble to provide a motivation for your request. 

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

You are not ebanned.
But you may use a VPN and it blocks you to take items. You may find more details on this thread : 

The way you replied to Rush don't want me to give you a chance. Try to be more convincing because your appeal looks like an april fool.
For now the mute stay, and when it would be eventually lift we suggest you to not scream again.
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