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🔧 Server Maintenance Notice - Counter-Strike: Source 🔧 ×

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1: Your own ingame name Sayten
2: Your own steam-ID STEAM_0:1:428838808
3: Name of the admin(s) involved Life is a bitch
4: What server did it happen on ze 
5: What map dreamin
6: Time and date today 13h40
7: Explain the situation (with the maximum details) Life made a vote in order to set the next map to paranoid which is in my opinion a massive abuse. on top of that the vote only received 52% of yes which is not even enough in such a case if im not mistaken 
8: Proof (Proof is very important, so please provide as much of it as you can before you create a thread here)
Paranoid might be next Life is a Bitch : je veux lancer para dans 30 min max (i wanna go para in 30min max)
Paranoid might be next Life is a Bitch : m'en branle (i dont care)
Paranoid might be next Life is a Bitch : je la force (ill force it)
[SM] Life is a Bitch: Initiated a vote: nextmap paranoid before event ? need 40 % not more
[SM] The answer to nextmap paranoid before event ? need 40 % not more is: Yes.
[SM] Vote successful. (Received 52% of 40 votes)
[SM] Life is a Bitch: Changed nextmap to "ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9".
Server cvar 'sm_nextmap' changed to ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9

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  • CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin

Va passer ton brevet et arrête de jouer.
Tu te saberises
edit : ton compte sera bloqué car visiblement tu comprends rien . Je préfère que le serveur joue une map chill comme para avant un event, et faire plaisir à Boss qui a pas joué depuis des mois, et qui a fait peut être 10 000 fois plus pour CSS et Nide contrairement à toi 

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