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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked ADMIN ABUSE (?)


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1: My ingame name: OJ
2: My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88184802
3: Name of the admin(s) involved: Lews, Graf von Schnapsberg
4: What server did it happen on: ZE
5: Map: ze_LOTR_Minas_Tirith, ze_ATIX_PANIC_B3T, ze_rocket_escape_r1.
6: Time and date: 2024-07-30
7: Explanation of the situation: GRAF was spectating several players and muting them for spamming since LOTR_Minas (some justified but others not). I realized that there is some abuse by this "trial admin" since he muted me in mines, several in atix panic and finally he liked me since he muted several in rocket_escape. I know how far the thin line of spam goes (since I recognize several of my mutes) but in this case someone for making a minimal noise and it wasn't even ME!!! Without saying a word he mutes giving as a reason "spam". I think this "trial admin" mutes the selection, since for several minutes there were noises (which I reiterate were not mine". I prefer that you see the evidence and give your opinion.
8: Proof

PROOF 1 (video): CONTEXT: In the first 3 seconds, in the chat you can see how he warns Korv1, then he mutes him [00:16] (correct). I activate the microphone without making any noise and thus demonstrate that he mutes without justification [00:21] this same thing happened in previous maps and the same thing happened "MUTED".

PROOF 2: There was so much harassment and unjustified muting that another admin removed the mute



BONUS (  ͠° ͜ʖ ͡°) : This is not the first time this character is involved, I don't usually complain about these stupidities because I also abuse with the microphone but I think this is already becoming an abuse and for sure it's not only me. This was taken on 03-Jul-24 at his request, take your pick who dies (there were several of us that day for the same reason).



¡Judge for yourself!   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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  • Developer

Hello and thanks you for taking time to create this report.

The first proof you sent, for me the admin action was correct.
Few players wanted to spam and when you have multiples players who activate their mic, it's harder to find who is spamming. 
By keeping your microphone turned on even without making noise/sound, you make the admin job harder to keep the server in a good state.

The mute is perfectly justified, and it was a small length. 
This is written in the rules, use your common sense.

For proof 2 & 3: A screenshot without any real context does not mean anything, please provide demo or demo informations where this potential abuse was made and LSA will review it.


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  • Event Manager

While I was on the server, you were doing this all the time with a few people, i didn't want to do anything since it wasn't a tryhard session (chill maps). However, some people may be disturbed by this, even though it is silent spam. The sign on the right may be distracting for some players. So I don't think this behavior is correct. (just to give my opinion)

LSA will look into this matter.


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Hello OJ,
I review demo you provided list maps and proof.

First thing in map ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3, Admins did the right thing by mute someone who spam/soundboard/interrupt leader. After your mute has been expired, you use soundboard stfu to leader during team tryhard in hard map. Not only that, you type in a chat to admin with inappropriate language (Proof 2) after you got mute again even though admin already warn to stop spam or do wrong things. This is unacceptable behavior in harassing and insulting other player/admin.

Second thing in map ze_atix_panic_b3t, ze_rocket_escape_r1, Admin Graf has already warn people to stop spamming or use mic and do keyboard typing sound effect because some player distract gameplay in atix/nemesis/knife mode for those who love this map like Kumalala said.
As Rushaway said, people join them to do spam when the mic is actived, it will be difficult for admins to find out who is using the mic to disturb/soundboard/spam including opening the mic without making sound.

About Proof 3, this screenshot doesn't help and it makes no sense.

Feel free to contact me on Discord if you have provide clip of Proof 3 in map predator.

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