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Problem Downloading Resources

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I've been having trouble connecting to the server lately. Whenever I try to connect I get ridiculously slow download speeds. It would take 10+ minutes to download a small map. By the time I enter into a game, it's already rtv time.

Whenever I restart my router and get a new ip address, the download speed is great, and only takes a couple of minutes (if that) to connect to the server. However once I enter the server, subsequent connects slow to a crawl again.

 I turned to downloading maps through https://fastdl.nide.gg/css_ze/maps/ but the same issue happens. I can download all the maps (using a custom script that checks already installed maps against server list), and I can download decently fast. However once I connect to the server, it's as if my player name triggers a connection throttling on my current ip and fastdl throttles my connection. I don't know if this is what is happening, but it appears that this is the case.

The solution to my problem is not ideal. I basically restart my router, download the maps that I need, and make sure to set the multiplayer option 'only allow map files' in-game. If I check 'allow all custom files from server', I will be stuck downloading materials, particles, etc. at a slow speed (around 2-20 kbps). Particle effects are obviously essential, so this solution isn't a good one.


  • Haha 2

I also see this problem, so what's the actual solution? Only download resources outside of CS:S? Buy VIP? Keep changing IP address until you get all the files? 😂

It's easy to reproduce, IP address is clearly being throttled after connecting to the server...

  1. Go to https://fastdl.nide.gg/css_ze/maps/ in web browser and download any file. ✅ Result: works fine.
  2. Connect to server in CS:S. ❌  Result: starts downloading resources, and then gets stuck after a few seconds.
  3. Go again to https://fastdl.nide.gg/css_ze/maps/ in web browser.❌  Result: page doesn't even load anymore.
  4. Change IP address with VPN (or as the above poster was doing... by rebooting router).
  5. Go to https://fastdl.nide.gg/css_ze/maps/ ✅  Result: downloads work fine again until you connect to the server in CS:S

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