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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

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Respond Questions:
1. Name: My name is Mateo(some know me as .exe) and I am 21 years old almost 22 years old.
2.  My Discord: .exe#5986.
3.  My Steam id: STEAM_0:0:500628617 application for ZR.
4. I have been playing CS: S for 14 years now, I stopped playing for a long time since I did not have a good computer and unfortunately I had to leave this game I was a minor then.
1 year and a half ago I started playing again and discovered the Zombie Revival server and I loved it, and in the end I stayed on this server.
5. From what I have been playing on this server and learned many things and I asked myself, why not face new experiences and challenges since I like this community.
6. The truth is that I was an administrator of other games and good servers, and I really like the subject of administration, and observed the administration of the server and it seems to me something very good, so I would like to be part of them and learn more from the great administrators of this wonderful server, take care of it as if it were mine and keep learning and learning.
7. So that you know a little more about me, normally I am currently unemployed due to the coronavirus issue but I am not left without something to do, I am currently studying programming in java and in php but I am new to that programming topic so I can not say that I am a professional person, I really like calm, I am a person who laughs, but at the moment of being serious I am, I really like music and many other things that you can get to know about me, it should be clarified that I am a person more than all quiet, but if you want to talk to me I'm there to do it since I like dialogue and all that is also very correct and sincere.


8. If any player used aimbot, the first thing I would do is use anything to record and show evidence of this player's cheating with fellow administrators, the second thing I would do would be to talk to my fellow admins and comment on the issue and thus get to a conclusion all together of what will be done with this player "x" I am one of those people who does not like cheats, they damage and bore other players who are enjoying this wonderful game and server.

I hope that my application for application is well received and that you accept me in your community.

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since you are the administrator of donations, we will transfer you to the reserve, and after the end of your admin, we will give you an answer:)

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