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CS:S ZE Lead Server Admin
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Everything posted by Starlight-Dash

  1. Good teammate but fly sound should be no spam +1
  2. First thing, I see you first time 6 hours ago and notice you because you drop Heal Item in map Mountain BBO until done map ffvii cosmo. I need more time to get to know you. Second thing, Is your Steam ID STEAM_0:0:537697831? You forgot add this in your information. And you no enough 72h of connection time. -1 (You doing troll in other server)
  3. Hey, I want to be leader ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) STEAM_0:0:439467764
  4. https://stats.nide.gg/playerinfo/37755 You need add STEAM_0:1:14858544 and ZE-CSS in your STEAM_0 and which server you applying for ( ZE-CSS/CSGO or ZR-CSS I see him two days ago (1st time) And, you no enough 72h of connection time (Only 8h/72h). I think you need to join the server more, interact with our players. Edit: Is that working to do apply application? And, nobody use the radio before you spam radio "Affirmative/Roger". That make spam and noise -1
  5. I see today you change your behaviour. But, need more time to change your behavior positively Sorry, I will remain Neutral. Good luck
  6. +1, give him another chance. Remember, use item (entwatch) serious.
  7. _rocklee terrorist Have a nice day during offline
  8. I have seen you before and someone (I know him but I can't tell) suggest you to do it That +1 for me Good luck for Trial Admin
  9. Good event, I will see you on event ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and kissing you Aton ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  10. -1 Same idea 2/ 3/ of Lardy but I noticed lardy brought up about the tag "!sm sticky" Well, how can you do that??? Sticky use voice has no influence, no offense. When I play with sticky say it respectfully, leader map, comfortably. Give the situation about Boten do aimbot ???
  11. ze_predator_ultimate_v1_3 ze_rush_b_s1 ze_TESV_Skyrim_v4fix
  12. I check discord, you not 18+. Make sure you 18+ to apply Admin Application. Neutral
  13. I don't know, i see someone spam password ze best korea. And i do copy password him and paste chat.
  14. 1. Your Name and Age. (Remember that you can only apply if you're 18+ ) Name: Starlight-Dash, Age: 22 years old 2. Your Discord UserName: (aF! mohamed. #1906 for example) Starlight-Dash#1934 3. STEAM_0 and which server you applying for ( ZE-CSS/CSGO or ZR-CSS ) : STEAM_0:0:439467764, ZE-CSS 4. How long are you playing CSS ? I playing CSS only ZE in 2019 and over 800 hours (CS 1.6 only ZE 1 server in 2016) 5. You will need minimun of 72h of connection time (3 days) Done (320h) 6. Needs a minimun of 1+ players and 3+ admins to get approved + Lead admins will have the final word. I agree 7. Why do you think we should take you into the team? What knowledge do you have, what is important for you ON a server or in the community? - I have to get to know everyone who plays both positive and negative in the game. And if someone uses the mic, chats influence, harasses other people to make other people use !sm or is too offensive, I will give a warning first. If that person continues to mute or gag. - About knowledge, I'm usually the leader that I know and have experience with the defense skill map, not very common (common if the map difficulty is higher or last stage) or my favorite map. - About me, I'm very happy, funny, respect and help everyone, besides there are some new players, first time players or acquaintances who chat in a toxic way, insulting others from time to time I encounter that situation. My personality is fastidious and restrains negative emotions. I not good about skill Bhop, Hypersroll (and Laser with Lantency > 250). 8. Which experiences do you have about being an ADMIN and other things that can beneift us having you as an admin? - I have experience in mute, gag for reason: spam, too much annoy, disrespect, kid; eban (item) for players with Earth (Wall block), Ultima for reason trolling on purpose, item misuse, throwing item away, knife ban with reason reason troll if team kill (too much human death) or depending on the situation with 40-60+ players. - I'm a donated admin but at first I was inexperienced (didn't fully read the Admin Guidelines) so please forgive me. Originally, I played another game of passion with a position near the position of deputy administrator but now that game has been deleted. But now through this game it will be very difficult to be an administrator for me. I'll stick to the fair rules and listen to other admins and admins higher than me. 9. Some details about yourself, what are you doing right now, how often do you think you'll play on the server? - I'm in Vietnam (Time zone is UTC+7), my favorite is music, game. Now, I'm in college and I want to be a teacher. The reason I play the game ZE mode is because I play CS 1.0 with bots, Half Life and Crossfire with map zombie mode and I was 15 years old started playing ZE in server Russian counter strike 1.6 until I was 19 years old playing server UNLOZE test vip skins and i also like the skin I am playing now starting 2020 on server NiDE. - I playing this NiDE server and Create Server CSS map ZE now. - I'll play on the server in every day but in free time. here is a small question need to answer it , imagine if you are a new admin on the server and there is a player he is being specious to using Aimbot, And you need to deal with him how will you deal with that? Write your answer in full details more detailed answer mean better answer , new admin applications should consider this question . If I'm new admin, keep playing first if Aimbot player keeps “Top Defend” and someone else says Aimbot then when I become Zombie I switch to Spec and check that person. If that person is close to correct or not then I chat all Admins and make a decision. If there is no Admin, it's only me, I kick that person with the reason "aimbot". If there is another Admin, I will ban that person for 3 days or 1 week with reason “aimbot”. (If my decision is not correct, I apologize, understand what I did)
  15. 1: Starlight-Dash 2: STEAM_0:0:439467764 3: mikitou 4: Zombie Escape 5: ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v6_b08 6: 14:11 (2:11pm), December 29th, 2022 7: + I don't have AFK, I just go to spectator after first infection chose me become zombie. But I alway/usually hate become zombie when "first infection" or infect me become zombie and I alway defender zombie when i know map. Before he (mikitou) starting doing kick player on spectator type "AFK, please join later" in ze_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v5fix (before next map is: ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v6_b08). + After he do it, I'm angry and annoyed but I can control it. but lost a trophy (key TAB) have 1 Star when I won on "Normal" difficult on this map. But make sure to have Stars for others to see and rank defenders. 8: *Insert link to demos* This I upload that kick me (Time 1:45, Tick 7300) and I can't upload file more because "max total size". When he start do kick player spectator, he see chat "Hyk: admin kick spec" in file "ze_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v5fix.bz2 29.12.2022 @ 12:22" time 24:30 (Tick 98000 or 99000) https://demos.nide.gg/ until finish done map ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v6_b08. auto-20221229-141038-ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v6_b08.dem.bz2
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