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Lord Vader

Server Admin
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Everything posted by Lord Vader

  1. It's a bad idea to allow scammers to be admins. -1
  2. If I could -3 this, I would. -1.
  3. Way too soon for management, buddy.
  4. This application doesn't seem to be serious. I will be generous, though, and remain neutral on this.
  5. You're just digging a deeper grave. You'd probably best stop before you make it worse for yourself...
  6. thanks for this amazing report im sure he wil be demoted after this report!
  7. panic escape and nemesis nide series (excluding ze_nemesis_nide_v2) do have a point where humans must run to a certain point after 1-2 or so minutes, risking being knifed by zombies in the process, so they barely still ARE ZE maps. Eerie escape? As I've said, it's just corner camping until the teleport. In no point in eerie do you RUN from zombies; therefore it is not a ZE map. What's the point in calling it Zombie ESCAPE if there's no running/escaping? It is effectively a ZM/ZR map with lasers. Also, why did you nuke the backrooms stage? It was the only thing actually making it ZOMBIE ESCAPE.
  8. As Creepy said before, in Mako and Minas, you ACTUALLY escape from zombies. What do you do in Eerie Escape? Camp in a corner until the teleport for lasers. It's literally a ZR map in the wrong server type.
  9. If I remember correctly, there was an older version of eerie escape with a backrooms stage, and was a proper ZE stage. That seems to be nonexistent in the lastest version, though. Regardless, it is not a good map at all. Either move to ZR, or just nuke the map entirely.
  10. While I do agree with this, most of the maps have been known to be server killers in the past; though in most cases, I'd imagine it only killed server during EU hours.
  11. Purely minigame. Let's get this map out of here.
  12. Short application but straight to the point. Also had no prior issues with this guy. +1
  13. https://tenor.com/view/perfect-popcorn-michael-jackson-gif-26271837 Someone tell me how to embed this sh*t for future referenc
  14. You've been banned for inflating plenty of times previously. If you ask me, the 3 day ban is justified.
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