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Server Admin
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Everything posted by FroZRil

  1. +1 Good guy, also very communicative.
  2. +1 Very active and communicative to the players. Good luck! P.S. : Your SteamID numbers are posted are wrong, that is a community id. This is your real SteamID : STEAM_0:1:33241040
  3. Ah, didn't notice then, my bad.
  4. Neutral, your connection time very low, and don't even know you.
  5. He was and indeed annoying when he comes to server at late night (after midnight NA hours or EU hours) and vote influencing hard map. Server Manager or higher management could restrict maps at certain times, how many players, or even a plan to implementing mute on mapvote (but again this will never happen because of many disagreement on admin team). Not to mention, Lardy did a change for the map restriction to get underplayed maps but the catch is you get 10 minute map limit. So you can extend if anyone wants to beat the map and have a good team. Oh yeah, he is the one of the kind guy that hate surf maps. So if you're smart enough to pick a map and not troll you can ignore him.
  6. You did bad abuse but at the another day you did good more for moderating players on the server. Atleast you have learned on your dono admin before. So i will give you a try. +1 for me.
  7. AYO LMS??? ze_temple_raider_b4 ze_last_man_standing_v6_1 (extreme stages only)
  8. Okay then, I will go neutral so good luck with your app.
  9. I've seen you on the server sometimes, yes you quite a good player now. One question, do you have applied with another forum alt account? (Nightwalker is the name that I have interested in because of the history app you related to it.)
  10. Huge +1 since you are very communicative and interact with other people in the server on NA hours.
  11. Neutral, never seen you interact on chat or voice chat.
  12. +1 You are a good guy, and very communicative. I'll give you that.
  13. +1 Let's see you can speedrun trial again, you frenchy
  14. I'll give you +1. Since you are a old time player with clean record. Might give it a try. Also, this is your player stats right? https://stats.nide.gg/playerinfo/5622 Point number 3 its not your unique STEAM_0 ID. It's just a direct link to your steam profile.
  15. -1 Imagine involving other admin and not giving a good answer. Big Oopsie.
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