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Nide ZE/ZR Has Been Upgraded! ×

Locked Viper bad admun

Guest TwinPeaks

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Guest TwinPeaks

1: Your own ingame name   Abou Ramzi
2: Your own steam-ID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967967874/
3: Name of the admin(s) involved  Viper
4: What server did it happen on  ZE nide
5: What map  isa nublar
6: Time and date   10/11/21 12:10
7: Explain the situation   so we were having fun (all ze players) laughing making jokes and playing some music. out of no where viper mutes Vasily without any reason really. he wasnt bothering anyone he wasnt annoying, this is a showing abuse of power and should be dealt with.
8: Proof watch demo. and ask vasily + everyone online

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  • Akadir locked this topic
  • Server Admin

Viper acted according to what a admin should do some are more tolerant then others as a former admin like you. You would now what is mutable and what is not. 


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