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Locked KuLhavej Admin Abuse

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1: Your own ingame name : Root
2: Your own steam-ID :  STEAM_0:0:556709763
3: Name of the admin(s) :  KuLhavej
4: What server did it happen : Zombie Escape
5: What map : ze_ffxii_westersand_v7_2
6: Time and date : 12:00 30/12/2021
7: Explain the situation : i was playing in westersand i was defending Zombies who can use telehop and when zombie come close to me i tried to knife in the back  and unfortunately  he killed two teammates and the Kulhavej Admin banned me for no reason watch demon today at westersand v7 level 4 that"s my only proof
8: Proof : westersand Demo level 4

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Hello Root 


After having a closer look i came  to the conclusion that the ban was indeed not justified. 

Further actions wil be taken. 


Thank you for the report 


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